We would like know who is in charge of fixing Montreal's roads. Clearly nobody if yesterday's rain was any indication.
For years and years we keep hearing they are fixing the aging infractrure to avoid flooding. One big rain and all hell breaks loose.
Almost every underpass was flooded.
Cars were floating on expressways.
Highways were closed.
Geysers were seen shooting up from drains on expressways.
Any road not perfectly flat was flooded.
And this is after they have been fixing the roads for decades. D.E.C.A.D.E.S.
They keep digging up streets making the city look like one big orange cone, they put a genius in a neon vest in front of all those streets whose sole job is to make your life a misery by pointing you in another direction. You go there only to see yet another detour, more cones and another genius in a neon vest.
Wait. Did you ever see these geniuses sitting in their lawn chairs in front of a massive hole in the street? They are eating their yummy lunches, discussing the world problems while everyone around them is going nuts.
Can we talk? It is very clear that here the people in charge of fixing the roads live in a three stooges world. They run around in circles, banging each on the head, no one knows what the other one is doing and therefore, as we are witness - the work is a disaster.
Fear not. Madame Plante will have a wonderful excuse for this. As did all the mayors before her.
As always peeps - follow the money. Bribes, money in socks, trips to Florida all still exist here. How do we know? By the extraordinarily cheap materials they use and the constant flooding when it rains a bit too hard.
We are not big fans of Hollywood actors getting involved in politics. For the most part they should keep their opinions to themselves and stick to acting. George Clooney is a bit different.
For starters, he put his money where his mouth is. He held a huge fundraiser for Biden three weeks ago and raised an extraordinary amount of money. Given that, he had access to Biden. Why it took him 3 weeks to come forward to reveal what everyone knows - that Biden is unfit to be president - is another story.
He published a letter in the New York Times that it's time for Biden to hang up his skates. Put the mitt away. Retire the football. Leave the White House. Clooney did this with the full approval of Obama, whom we are sure made Clooney kiss his ring. But we digress.
We watched an interview with Nancy Pelosi on this subject today.
She's 84 years old and very sharp. In fact, she makes Joe Biden look exactly like he is - confused and unable to follow a conversation. She didn't say Biden should go, but more importantly, she absolutely did not say he should be staying. If you can read between the lines she's tell him to get out.
Later in the day while walking down a hallway she was asked multiple times by a reporter if she had spoken to Biden. She kept saying she's not going to answer questions in a hallway. The reporter kept pushing and finally Pelosi stopped dead in her tracks, looked at this woman and said: "Am I speaking English"? She then walked away.
Perhaps the democrats should consider letting her run for president. She would be a lot better than Kamala Harris and she definitely still has her marbles. Sorry to say, Biden doesn't.
And it's not only the democrats who are nervous.
At the G7 Nato conference, one senior diplomat said leaders were were worried always watching if Biden knew which direction he was going, whether he was going to fall or what he would forget.
When Nancy Pelosi turns on you, it's time to buy a new mirror. Biden is holding his first press conference in over a year today. We'll see what happens.
FYI - it appears that Chrsystia Freeland is the reason Justin's poll numbers are in the terlit. Or so Justin's office wants you to believe.
Not that we like Freeland with that helium balloon voice - she's her own piece of work. That Justin is dumping on her? Couldn't be more perfect.
He will then bring in Mark Carney as finance minister and then, poof! he will be running for prime minister, hopefully 3 months before the next election.
Seems Freeland is not fun to work for and nobody likes her. Quel surprise. In case you forgot, this happened to the last finance minister Bill Morneau and he's now completely out of politics while Justin is still shuffling around in Ottawa. Also to Jody Wilson Raybould and Jane Philpot.
As always, it's never, ever Justin's fault. Another lucky Justin 'friend' thrown under the bus. At this point, he should make buttons that all the people he tossed can wear. Hey, they can start their own little club: I got tossed under the bus by Justin.
Finally McGill University had enough of the 'protesters' and brought in a private security company to deal with them with Montreal's finest swat teams standing by just in case.
What they found on McGill's front lawn was a third world country in the making. No sewage system so they dug a hole. Blanche, never mind what it looked like, imagine what it smelled like? Ich. Rats running around because of the rotting food. Double ich. Needles (not for diabetes), drugs etc. And we are guessing that 75% of those pigs were not remotely connected to McGill.
They also had tons of palestinian flags. Please, we are begging someone - come forward and sponsors one-way tickets to gaza. Instead of taking up valuable space here, they would be ever so helpful over there. Maybe, just maybe they would last ten minutes. gazans would turn on them because first they come for the Saturday people and then they come for the Sunday people which is what those idiots are. But we digress.
McGill now has to excavate the entire front lawn and replant new grass. That's how bad it is.
Here's our suggestion: Get the names of all those useless pieces of you-know-what and sue them. Keep them in court for years. Make their lives a misery. And in case McGill can't figure out what to sue them for, we made a list:
Sue them $700,000 for McGill having to use the Bell center for their graduation, for the cost of digging up and replacing the grass and for defacing the building, breaking windows and doors.
And then get rid of all the deans, professors, aides etc who backed those tenters and who are open, in-your-face antisemites. Unless of course the head honcho is himself an antisemite.
Today Justin promised the nations taking part in the G7 Nato conference that Canada would meet its defense allocation by 2035. Seriously?
For starters since he has been in power he has promised to meet those deadlines. He never did and never intended to.
By 2035 he will be long gone leaving everyone whistling in the dark. He looks like a fool and guess what? He is a fool to even say those words. He lost all respect with those leaders ages ago when all he cared about were the cool socks he was wearing.
We checked out the group picture. Justin is the only one wearing a light gray suit, they placed him at the very far left - almost in another room and the best? He's standing like he's at urinal. Sorry if you're offended but that's how he looks.
We'll talk...