THE BLANCHE REPORT: The Elephant in the Room...Mark Carney is Justin 2.0. Don't Say We Didn't Warn You...Dr. Pepper in Spades
What's the elephant in the room? On Sunday a new leader will be anointed by the liberal party.
Unless the tea leaves disappear from the bottom of the cup, as per Justin and his very close advisors Katie Telford and Gerald Butts who are also Mark Carney's very close advisors - Carney is going to be the next liberal leader and, perforce, the new Prime Minister of Canada.
How do we know this is playing out like this?
Yesterday, our erstwhile foreign minister Melanie Joly (who insists on dressing like she's a Cuban combat soldier) decided that Carney is winning the leadership race and briefed only him on what is happening in Washington regarding the tariff negotiations. None of the others running for leadership even got a whiff of what's happening.
Carney is their boy. Period.
And then we read today that Justin plans to hang around during the 'transistion'.
That is bad news for us as Trump despises Justin. Never mind that he thinks Justin is a twinkie, at a NATO meeting in Trump's first foray as president, Justin got caught on a hot mike making fun of Trump. We can assure you that Trump has not forgotten that. He doesn't like or trust Justin who is seemingly ignorant of this fact.
Pretending something didn't happen doesn't make it go away. Quel surprise.
Blanche, now do you understand how Justin threw the entire country under the bus by waiting and waiting to leave?
Donald Trump made no secret during his campaign that he was going to hit Canada with 25% tariffs. In fact, he kept repeating it ad nauseaum.
And now we are in the mess of our lives with Justin at the helm threatening not to leave even after his is no longer the head of the liberal party and perforce our country.
What is completely infuriating is that the media is not talking about this. Rather, they are focusing on Carney and how the polls are showing he is ahead of Poilievre.
Carney was beside Justin all during his ten years as prime minister and believes all Justin's woke edicts.
Don't be fooled for a millisecond. Justin and Carney are very close. In fact so close that Katie Telford and Gerald Butts, Justin's closest advisors are now Carney's closest advisors.
We hope you have enough proof to figure out that if Carney gets anywhere near being the prime minister via an election, it will be Justin 2.0 in spades.
Jagmeet Singh says because we're in an emergency, now is not the time for an election. He says laws must be passed and implemented first, and an election second.
This of course after he promised to bring down the government once it goes back to sitting.
You know why he's saying this? Because when the election is called he will lose his seat and his party will be in the terlit. If they have 3 seats it will be a lot.
Carney on the other hand, will want a quick election to use the bump in the polls to his best advantage. This is going to be very interesting to watch play out.
Then there's Justin's weirdo environment minister Steven Guilbeault. This guy wins one of the biggest prizes when it comes to saving the planet, trees, turtles, gnats, whales - you get the point.
With his party one foot out the door he is promising to 'invest' $70 million to plant half a million trees in Montreal.
According to Mr. Guilbeaut, 'we need to prepare for climate change'.
How about this novel idea: Take care of the hospitals, get people doctors, find more teachers - you know the boring stuff that people use everyday.
$70 million worth of trees? Our government officials do not live in the real world.
All the universities currently embracing the barbaric hamas are going to find themselves the brunt of Trump's ire. Big time.
He's starting with the University of California and he means business.
While the University of California system has 10 campuses that will be investigated, the Justice Department plans to pay close attention to UCLA and University of California, Berkeley, where many of the troubling reports about anti-Semitism have stemmed.
'The investigation seeks to determine if the University of California system violated Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which forbids employment discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, and national origin. Under Title VII, the Justice Department has the authority to investigate employers where it has reason to believe that a “pattern to practice” of employment discrimination exists.'
Trump wants the investigation completed quickly and those at the helm will try for 30 days. They are going to go through emails starting from the top of the administration down.
The kicker which we can't wait for:
Trump established this task force in January. The order marshals all federal resources to combat anti-Semitism and demands the deportation of foreign anti-Semitic demonstrators who violate American laws, including students on visas.
And you can bet your bippy that if he finds out foreign students are involved they will be on a bus on the way to the airport before they can pack their interhoisen - underwear. We can't wait.
Take note Anthony Housefather.
You have zero clout to do anything even if you found antisemitism on every campus in Canada. You are impotent. Useless. You're fired.
Vote for Neil Oberman. The conservative candidate in Mount Royal who actually works for a living. Unlike Housefather who lives off the fat of the land.
Trump is on a roll.
He gave an ultimatum to woke save-the-whales Mayor Muriel Bowser on Wednesday to clean up the rampant homeless encampments around Washington, D.C., or face intervention from federal authorities.
If she doesn’t take action, Trump said that he would step in and do it.
He is also going after a high school in Maine who it appears doesn't know the difference between boys and girls.
They allowed the participation of a male athlete in a women’s high school track meet.
On February 18-19, 2025, it was reported that Maine Coast Waldorf, a public high school in the state of Maine, violated Title IX through the participation of a male athlete in a women’s high school ski event.
In other words, he said now he's a she and competed as a she against biological girls, even though she was a he.
Good luck to them going up against Trump on this one. We hope he throws the book at them along with a massive fine.
In yet another Dr. Pepper moment, Legault's government has turned out to be not only incompetent and stupid, but did so using over a billion dollars of your money trying to revamp the license bureau website.
Quebec’s auditor general revealed cost overruns in trying to revamp the online site of at least $500 million in the creation of the online platform, for a total cost of more than $1.1 billion.
Why can't they just admit that they are not smart, that other people - maybe not french canadians - perish the thought - have more brains in the nail of their pinkie finger than the people who tried and 100% failed to make a new site.
People had to stand outside in the freezing cold just to renew their drivers license. Or get a new piece of paper for their new car. And guess what? The site still doesn't work.
You tax dollars tossed into a river of Dr. Peppers.
And finally...for those readers of Blanche who think using a Dr. Pepper image is calling french canadians incompetent, you are correct.
When they start governing this province, especially Montreal which is where the money comes from - like normal people, we will retire Dr. Pepper.
Until then, sorry.
Sending in the language police to a world-class hospital - the Jewish General Hospital - to make sure the keyboards are in french and doctors are saying bonjour instead of hello how are you - is beyond Dr. Pepper.
It is an embarrassment to all Quebecers, including French Canadians who see this for what it is:
A ruse to hide the real problems.
Good Shabbos
We'll talk...