Columbia University seems to be ground zero for the mindless fools who think that promoting gaza and the 'poor palestinians' is a good thing. They are beyond ignorant as to what hamas really wants - worldwide sharia law. And we highly doubt any of those so-called students have even heard of it.
We wonder how the women wrapped in a kaffiah would feel if they found out that in many Arab countries girls and women cannot leave their homes without a male companion. That means if you are a 22 year old woman, you need your nine year old brother to go shopping with you.
That women cannot drive. That if a woman is raped, she is the one responsible and the one who is murdered in an honour killing, often by her brother. That if you are caught with your face uncovered it could cost you your life.
That is what hamas wants. And that is what those stupid snowflake moronic students have no clue about. Not even a hint.
We invite them to go to gaza and help feed the starving people, take care of the sick in the gazan 'hospitals' that were used by hamas as launching pads for rockets to Israel.
Then they can start rebuilding the infrastructure that their country gave billions of dollars to build only to find out that the monies were used exclusively for Hamas's underground city.
And finally, uncover your faces. Why are you hiding? Because you're afraid that when you graduate no employer will hire you?
If they really believed in what they are doing, they would do so openly, not hiding behind the kaffiah. The generation that is fomenting these 'protests' are weak, mindless sheep with no backbone.
Now read the next part of this issue.
We did a deep dive into the so-called protests on multiple campuses throughout the United States and found some very interesting information.
For starters, as most normal people have already figured out, probably 95% of the so-called students in those tents don't have a clue what they are doing there. They carry signs against the Jews but in reality they are clueless.
So what's the deal?
Guess what year this is? An election year in the USA. Next November 5 to be exact. Now who would like to change the channel and have people focusing on anything but Biden? The democrats.
And what better way to do that than derailing the national conversation. Here's an example of what we mean.
If you look at some of the organizations taking part in these protests, you will find Columbia Queer Alliance,” the “Queer Graduate Collective,” and the “Student Organization of Latines” — or “SOL.
Those are groups that, if they stepped foot in Gaza, would immediately be stoned to death. Hamas doesn’t exactly take kindly to the sorts of people who call themselves queer. Doesn't matter in the US. They are just helping derail the conversation.
And then there's the color factor.
Blanche, did you see anyone protesting the poor Ukrainians when Russia invaded? No you didn't. Because what fun is it to feel badly for a white person when you're white.
Ah, but in gaza they are not white. They are just dark enough to be the new poster children for all the bleeding heart liberals in the world.
In conclusion those protesters are not simply idiots. In an election year, they’re useful idiots. And in the next few months, the party that controls the government right now is going to take full advantage of them.
With the help of George Soros who, hiding behind multiple organizations, is funding all the protests. It's pretty sick if you think about it.
With all that is going on in the world, it is incredible that Legault and all his geniuses have nothing better to do with their time and your money than create a study on how many store owners greet their people with bonjour hi or just bonjour or just hi.
Their idiocy is mind-boggling jaw-dropping.
The study revealed people shopping in Montreal are greeted in French alone 71 per cent of the time, down from 84 per cent in 2010.
If you are thinking your money is wasted, you are 100% correct. Legault, as Justin, has access to OTHER PEOPLE'S MONEY and he uses it like it's his personal money tree in the backyard of his house.
To conduct the research, the quebec office de la langue Francis, dispatched “trained observers” to enter shops, restaurants, pharmacies and other businesses to record the language in which they were greeted and served. More than 10,000 visits took place last year in 7,314 locations.
If this is Legualt's idea of a trained observer we are in deep dog doodoo. Those 'trained observers' have the mental capacity of a can of Dr. Pepper and that's pushing it.
Your tax dollars squandered.
Madame Plante, Montreal's erstwhile mayor is yet another politician who lives in an ivory tower. Or, she's completely removed from all reality.
She believes that "although we want to be welcoming to everybody, we should be proud and we should encourage people to only say Bonjour."
Seriously? Does she think store owners, whose customers can't park anywhere near their stores due to a) her obsession with bike lanes or b) her infatuation with bus lanes worry about what to say to a potential customer?
If she's pandering to Legault for money, she's barking up the wrong tree. His popularity is in the terlit and his ego is so badly bruised by all the negative polls that he's hiding under the covers. How dare his fiefdom not bow down and kiss his ring? He doesn't care if she exists.
Here's a headline: In the grand scheme of things, saying bonjour/hi doesn't even make it to the charts. It's not even a blip on the screen. The only people who care about it are politicians like Plante who are looking to justify their jobs.
As for Plante, one would think that she did enough to kill downtown Montreal to add yet another nail to the coffin of her legacy.
Blanche, don't you wonder on what planet those people live in? Certainly not in the real world where people actually have to pay their rent and buy food and clothing for their families.
Store owners will say bonjour, hi, privet (Russian), Nǐ hǎo (Chinese), habari (Swahili) to make a sale.
MPP Sarah Jama was asked to leave the Legislative Assembly of Ontario by the House Speaker for wearing a keffiyeh, a garment which has been banned at Queen’s Park. Jama, however, refused to leave the chamber.
The four leaders of the Ontario's political parties - including their premier Doug Ford - want the ban to end.
Here's the deal peeps: Wearing a keffiyeh in the Ontario legislature is akin to taking a knee when the national anthem is played.
You're not happy with your country? Buzz out.
We wonder why nobody is saying a word about the sickening, horrific tribal murders in Haiti. Or the never-ending war in the Sudan where millions of people are starving to death.
The keffiyeh is a symbol of a terrorist organization whose raison d'être is the annihilation of the Jewish people in Israel and worldwide.
Jama knows this very well and yet she insisted on wearing it, even though it was banned in her legislature. Somebody spring for a a one-way ticket for her to gaza.
As the second days of Passover end on Tuesday night, we will be sending two posts next week: Wednesday and Thursday.
Good Shabbos
We'll talk...