By Blaming Rick Perry for his Ukraine phonecalls, Trump just hastened his POTUS demise. No one will buy it. There is dumb and then there is Trump

It is well the biggest laugh aloud moment of the Trump POTUS tenure


Donald Trump’s Rick Perry defense gets even stranger as he now claims that the Energy Secretary made him call Ukraine.

Geoff Bennett of NBC News tweeted:

Geoff Bennett

NBC has confirmed this @axios report: Trump told House Republicans on Friday that he was urged by Energy Sec. Rick Perry to make his July 25th phone call to Ukraine's president, per two sources familiar. Trump told GOP members it was a call he didn’t even want to make. https://
Alayna Treene
Scoop: Trump pins Ukraine call on Energy Secretary Rick Perry

8:55 PM - Oct 5, 2019
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The story had advanced from Trump trying to pin his impeachment on Rick Perry to Trump being an innocent victim of criminal mastermind Rick Perry who made him call Ukraine when he didn’t want to.

Keep in mind that Donald Trump is the president. Rick Perry is the Secretary of Energy who serves at Trump’s pleasure, which means that Perry works for Trump. Trump does not work for Perry. The story makes less than no sense.

Rick Perry didn’t make Trump call Ukraine. Trump called Ukraine as part of an organized shakedown operation to get them to investigate Joe Biden in exchange for military aid.

Trump is looking for a scapegoat, and he is floating Rick Perry because he needs someone to take the fall to save his presidency.

End of quote

Mr. Trump, you are going to be TRIED by the Senate. If necessary, you and Perry will both be deposed, and I can guarantee you this, This STORY WILL FALL APART IN LESS THAN 10 MINUTES OF CROSS EXAMINATION

I know you are DUMB, Trump, but just because Perry is setting himself up for a scape goat will not save you.

Your " Perry made me do it " defense is akin to a wealthy man claiming that a BUTLER in the wealthy mans house made the wealthy man stab his mistress to death

Give it up, TRUMP. I am pretty certain LINSLEY Graham put you up for this canard as an escape from conviction, but it will not work.

You just dynamited your POTUS by trying to drag Perry into YOUR crime, Trump.

And, this is not the only STUPID thing you have done, TRUMP.

From a post I made

As stated by Defense One, why Trump's Gulf Policy is like the Mad Queen, of Alice in Wonderland


The US Is Trying to Restore Deterrence in the Gulf. That Won't be Enough // Christopher J. Bolan

The United States’ ability to deter Iran in the Gulf is collapsing, as shown by an escalating series of violent actions either known or suspected to be Iranian. U.S. officials have responded with sensible steps that are largely consistent with scholarly insights on deterrence theory. But even if they manage to restore deterrence, it will provide only a temporary respite to the primary source of instability in the Gulf: the security dilemma confronting Saudi Arabia and Iran. U.S. policymakers must address this more fundamental issue, lest the region arrive at a “1914 moment” and careen into war.

End of quote

That is what you get, TRUMP, by letting BOLTON lead you like a cow to slaughter into a confrontation between Iran and Saudi Arabia. And guess what ? YOU, Trump, were WARNED in NIEs (national intelligence estimates) GENIUS. Rather than listen to the NIEs, you listened to BOLTON and also PUTIN. Wow, I am just plain floored at what an IDIOT you are, TRUMP

End of quote of my post

You are a walking advertisement for the veracity of the following symptom


Dunning-Kruger Effect: Why People Think They’re Smart Even When They’re Not

If you’re like most people, you’re likely to be very good at something, and you openly admit that you’re less competent at something else. However, we’ve all met someone in our work and life who always overestimates their knowledge or ability of a certain topic or skill.

Worse, some people are obviously incompetent in a particular subject yet confidently insist that they know everything. That’s when you start to wonder, “How on earth could this person be that — well — stupid?”

In fact, this is not uncommon. Even William Shakespeare mentioned it 400+ years ago:

The fool thinks himself to be wise, while a wise man knows himself to be a fool.

Today, this phenomenon is known as a cognitive bias of illusionary superiority.

In 1999, psychologist David Dunning and his grad assistant Justin Kruger carried out an experiment[1] and tested their hypotheses about this phenomenon. Then they coined the term, the Dunning-Kruger Effect.

The Dunning-Kruger Effect Test

Dunning and Kruger examined a group of undergraduate students in several categories: the competency of writing grammatically, the ability to reason logically and a personal sense of humor.

After knowing the test scores, they asked the students to estimate their personal results. This is when Dunning and Kruger found something strange.

They found that the students who were less competent had the tendency to overestimate their results, despite their test scores had placed them in the bottom percentile. Even more surprisingly, students who performed better at these tests underestimated their results.

Why Less Competent People Are More Confident

The Dunning-Kruger Effect doesn’t only happen in the academic field, it happens in almost every subject and situation. If you take a closer look, you will find them everywhere:

  • Organizations hire the most confident person during an interview, but it turns out that that person is also the least capable one.
  • Celebrities who think they’re smart become the spotlight while scientists who made world-changing discoveries get no media attention.
  • Your friend who claims to be a good driver or a great chess player is usually the least skilled one.

The pressing question is: Why are the least competent people usually the most confident ones?

The least skilled person often overestimates their ability because they have no idea how much they don’t know. In other words, poor performers believe they know everything in a particular subject and therefore they tend to be overconfident about it.

Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance. — Confucius

On the other hand, high performers are fully aware of the vastness and complexity of the field they’re working in. They know how much they don’t know, and thus, they usually underestimate their ability and competence in a particular area.

In contrast to high performers, poor performers also do not learn from feedback suggesting a need to improve. Again, this is because they already believe they know everything.

Metacognition: Thinking about Thinking

The Dunning-Kruger Effect also has to do with what scientists call Metacognition.

Metacognition is “cognition about cognition”, “thinking about thinking”, and “knowing about knowing”. It’s the highest form of cognition – which is to be aware of the awareness itself.

A person with a high level of metacognition is able to become aware of his or her thought processes and view them from a fresh perspective. This allows them to analyze and judge their ideas, knowledge, and skills more accurately compared to people who are having difficulties with Metacognition.

In the book Self-Insight by David Dunning, he stated that:

If you’re incompetent, you can’t know you’re incompetent… The skills you need to produce a right answer are exactly the skills you need to recognize what a right answer is.

As it turns out, people who fall prey to the Dunning-Kruger Effect — those who are overconfident and who overestimate their competence — usually have a lower ability of Metacognition.

How to Overcome the Dunning-Kruger Effect

In reality, the Dunning-Kruger Effect isn’t a joke for smart people. Instead, it’s a cognitive bias that negatively impacts our society from the individual to the organizational level.

Incompetent people rise to the top in all kinds of organizations because they’re more confident while real talent gets buried due to self-doubt.

One of the painful things about our time is that those who feel certainty are stupid, and those with any imagination and understanding are filled with doubt and indecision. — Bertrand Russell

And here are a few suggestions I have to overcome this cognitive bias.


When hiring a new employee and seeking a business partner (or even getting into a relationship), evaluate the candidate with multiple measurable parameters. Don’t just take his or her word for everything. Instead, test the candidate with real tasks and assess for yourself.


Instead of evaluating your performance by looking into your mind, look back into your life. This technique is useful for both people who are overconfident or for those who have self-doubt. With retrospection, you’re measuring yourself up against your past record and performance.


In the Dunning experiment, incompetent students improved the ability to correctly estimate their test results after receiving minimal tutoring on the skills they lacked. Regardless of which category you are in, it’s helpful to have someone who is ahead of you show you what you have yet to learn.

The Complexity of The Human Mind

The more we study something, the less we know about it.

It’s a beautiful paradox that only people who really dig deep into what they’re learning can experience. On the other hand, people who dabble on the surface of anything they pursue will never know how much they still have to learn.

In the process of writing this piece, I have realized that there are no end destinations in learning, in mastering a skill, or in gaining the wisdom of any kind.

In almost all forms of learning and practicing — creative, sports, entrepreneurship — the focus should never be on the end results.

End of quote

Here is the problem, TRUMP.. You could NEVER accept tutoring as to what you do and DO NOT know

Because of the Dunning-Kruger Effect, you think that loudly having you repeatedly state that Perry, of all people be the alleged "mastermind" allegedly somehow forcing you into criminal conspiracy with respect to the Ukraine will be believed.

Ahem, strike one. I.e. PUTIN forced you into it, because it would destroy American credibility in Europe. DUH, and you do not think other people cannot see that ?


You really believed BOLTON would allow you to have a non warlike policy in the Persian Gulf.

Ahem, strike two

As stated, you are not funny, or acceptable.

This is from a person who knows you, one of your ex Trump organization VPs.


“I think he does a lot to save face,” she explained. “I could give you examples, but we don’t have time. But there are some things he can’t control. We’re now at the point where he can’t control this, he can’t do anything about this.”

“It would be very, very bad for him to be impeached,” she continued. “I don’t know that he would be found guilty, but I don’t think he wants to be impeached. I think that’s what this panic is about. My gut tells me he’ll leave office, resign, or make a deal, depending on what comes out.”

End of quote

Take the advice, and GET OUT

Because of the Dunning-Kruger Effect you, Trump, think you can bully and gas light the American nation and the world. Sorry to break it to you, but you are out of your league

And you just do not GET IT, TRUMP


Trump tweeted a flat out lie:

Donald J. Trump

The Biden family was PAID OFF, pure and simple! The fake news must stop making excuses for something that is totally inexcusable. Sleepy Joe said he never spoke to the Ukrainian company, and then the picture came out where he was playing golf with the company boss and Hunter.....

12:42 PM - Oct 6, 2019
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Donald J. Trump

Replying to @realDonaldTrump
....And by the way, I would LOVE running against 1% Joe Biden - I just don’t think it’s going to happen. Sleepy Joe won’t get to the starting gate, & based on all of the money he & his family probably “extorted,” Joe should hang it up. I wouldn’t want him dealing with China & U!

12:42 PM - Oct 6, 2019
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PolitiFact already fact-checked and debunked this lie, “We wanted to investigate the identity of the “Ukraine gas (executive)” referenced in the picture. He is Devon Archer, an American (not Ukrainian) who served as a board member (not an executive) along with Hunter Biden at the Ukraine energy company Burisma.”

The person in the picture is not a Ukrainian company boss. Donald Trump should know this, but probably doesn’t Rudy Giuliani has likely convinced him that this photograph is of Ukranian executive.

Back in 2016, before the press caught on to Trump, they might have gone with his version of the picture and maybe fact-checked it later. Trump isn’t getting as much traction with these lies, because the press is ready. As soon as the president says or tweets something false, there is a fact check shooting it down.

It is still a year before the 2020 election and Trump is making up fake pictures, as he is getting more desperate to smear Biden.

End of quote.

Once again, FLAT OUT BUSTED. The Dunning - Kruger effect, AGAIN.



But of course Trump does not get it

quote, from a post I made

Here’s what Donald Trump barfed out on Twitter late on Sunday night: “Nancy Pelosi knew of all of the many Shifty Adam Schiff lies and massive frauds perpetrated upon Congress and the American people, in the form of a fraudulent speech knowingly delivered as a ruthless con, and the illegal meetings with a highly partisan “Whistleblower” & lawyer This makes Nervous Nancy every bit as guilty as Liddle’ Adam Schiff for High Crimes and Misdemeanors, and even Treason. I guess that means that they, along with all of those that evilly “Colluded” with them, must all be immediately Impeached!”

Not only did Trump accuse Nancy Pelosi of treason, he’s also demanding that she be impeached. You’d think Trump would have learned his lesson when he called for Mitt Romney to be impeached yesterday, only for everyone to point out that a Senator can’t be impeached

Not only is Donald Trump making a fool of himself here by calling for things to happen that aren’t even real things, he’s tipping off how worried he is about where this is headed. It’s also becoming clear that Trump is going to accuse his detractors – Democrat or Republican – of treason, and he’s going to demand they be impeached

Donald Trump has psychotic late night meltdown about Nancy Pelosi

End of quote

Trump is making content free accusations again, note the impossible things he is demanding.

It is also a fact that he is acting like a certifiable lunatic about being caught again:


Dear Deranged lunatic Trump.

A. Rick Perry bailed on you, not because he is guilty of your extortion with respect to the Ukrainian government, and President, but because of the oil and gas swindle


If Trump misusing his office to extort a foreign country for election help is easily understandable to the average American, then Trump misusing his office to extort a foreign country for personal financial gain is even more easily understandable. This just became the kind of scandal that comes with receipts. Paperwork. Money trails. Lots of people are going down. No wonder Rick Perry decided to resign and cooperate with the House impeachment probe the minute the whole thing got exposed. His cooperation now might be his only chance later of convincing the next iteration of the DOJ not to throw him in prison once this is all over.

End of quote

B. You have not a clue as to the fact PERRY did not force you to harass the Ukrainian president.

Again, see this

You do not have a clue , TRUMP. And no conspiracy theory head wrap will save you.

Go home, or better yet, Saint Elizabeth

End of quote

Get the picture now, TRUMP ?

Your reign of terror is ending, and it is because BY THE RECORD you are creating, it is certifiably true that you cannot escape your own psychosis generated by your inability to admit to your limitations

And by the way, here is what the Palmer report rightly says about your ultimate fate, TRUMP


The minute Trump is no longer president, he’ll be handcuffed. He knows it too. Maybe he’s arrogant enough to think he can beat the charges at trial, but he’s going to be arrested, and he’ll be put through the legal process. This isn’t some kind of wishful thinking. It’s just what the facts point to happening – and it’ll have a major impact on Trump’s impeachment.

Even if Donald Trump decides he wants to resign and walk away and declare victory before articles of impeachment can be ratified against him, he can’t do that. If he tries it, he’ll be arrested. Again, even if the DOJ ends up taking a pass on him, New York State is clearly gunning for him. If Trump decides he wants to bail, or if he concludes that he’s going to be ousted, or if he concludes that he’s going to lose the 2020 election, he’ll have to try to negotiate a resignation plea deal that includes some kind of reduced criminal charges.

The impending criminal charges against Donald Trump change the entire calculus of his exit, and pundits need to be addressing it. Some of them are probably afraid to bring it up, for fear that the fatalists out there will accuse them of wishing thinking. But it’s a fact that Trump is facing indictment and arrest once he’s no longer president, and to ignore that is to give an inaccurate representation of what’s going through Trump’s mind as he tries to decide how to move forward.

end of quote

Note to the PUNDITS, STOP ENABLING TRUMP- That means pay attention to this

Then kill ALL excuses for man child TRUMP

People like the Tappers and others need to get it - by enabling TRUMP, they are endangering the HUMAN RACE



Note to fake POTUS TRUMP

Save yourself by going to Saint Elizabeth hospital for the insane. Get your shots and shut UP

Note to all of you, Stop falling for GOP Gaslighting and GET TRUMP OUT OF OFFICE.

See this


The GOP is gaslighting America

Joel Mathis of the Week Publication

President Trump is serious.

He was serious in 2016 when he asked Russia to search for Hillary Clinton's emails. And he was serious last week when he stood in front of the White House and urged Ukraine and China to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden, a possible rival for the presidency in 2020. Trump really did want Russia to interfere in the 2016 election, and he really does want foreign countries to take out Biden for him before next year's campaign.

Republicans know this. The problem, though, is that they cannot defend the indefensible. They don't want to endorse the idea of inviting foreign interference in American elections, but they aren't ready to abandon the president, either. So they've decided that the best way to defend Trump from impeachment is to tell the world he cannot be taken seriously — that the word of the president of the United States is meaningless, because he's too busy trolling the world. The president of the United States is a jokester.


Consider these comments made over the weekend by various congressional Republicans:

Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.): "I doubt if the China comment was serious, to tell you the truth."

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.): "I don't know that that's a real request or him just needling the press, knowing that you guys are going to get outraged by it. He's pretty good at getting everybody fired up. And he's been doing that for a while and the media responded right on task."

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio): "You really think he was serious about thinking that China's going to investigate the Biden family? I think he's getting the press all spun up about this."

Nonsense. Joking requires a punch line, a surprise at the end of a story. Good jokes require an audience ready to laugh. Jokes need context — a wink, a nudge — to land correctly. Really good jokes often involve a degree of misdirection. Most importantly, though, jokes need to be funny. The Republicans' "just joking" defense is a way to let the president have his cake and eat it too — to ask for foreign intervention in American elections without having to be held responsible for making that request.

Feminists long ago identified this kind of behavior for what it really is: gaslighting. It's a way that abusers, usually men, manipulate and control their victims by making them believe they can't trust the evidence relayed by their own senses. Trump may not be a master of gaslighting, but he is a frequent practitioner of it — and now the broader Republican Party is taking his cue.

So watch carefully the video of Trump asking Ukraine and China to investigate Biden, and ask yourself if you'd think any of this was funny — or a put-on — without Republicans rushing to assure you that he didn't really mean it:

CNN Politics

President Trump says he wants both Ukraine and China to investigate Joe Biden and his son https://

10:48 AM - Oct 3, 2019
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It sure looks like he means what he says. So why pretend otherwise?

Trump, of course, has long sought advantage by keeping his listeners off-guard and guessing at his meaning. Selena Zito advised observers in 2016 to take Trump "seriously, but not literally," a formulation not just confusing and wrong, but also advantageous: It forced pundits to spend unnecessary time trying to interpret what was happening in plain sight. The New Yorker'Emily Nussbaum got closer to the heart of the matter after the election, in a piece that asked: "How do you fight an enemy who's just kidding?"

The humor deployed by Trump and his supporters during the campaign, she suggested, should properly be understood as authoritarian, cloaking their intentions in a fog of joking-not-joking memes and Pepe the Frog cartoons.

"The Big Lie is a propaganda technique: State false facts so outlandish that they must be true, because who would make up something so crazy?" Nussbaum wrote. "But a joke can be another kind of Big Lie, shrunk to look like a toy."

Indeed, the latest invocations of the "just joking" defense are trying to persuade Americans of an easily debunked lie — to suggest, against all available evidence, that the president's critics simply don't understand the man, that they're gullible, humorless scolds who should be embarrassed for taking his words so seriously. It's a ruse designed to foster second-guessing and help Trump elude his critics.

But Trump has rather plainly stated his intentions: He wants the help of foreign governments to investigate and undermine his political opponents. There is no winking or nudging. He isn't pulling a gag. He means what he says. The only funny thing about the matter is that Republicans think they can persuade us the whole thing is just a big joke.

end of quote

It is clear as daylight what is going on. Trump and his criminal confederates are gas lighting the USA to convince all this is a "joke"

Trump is also hopelessly out of his league , unable to admit to the slightest error in fact


Get Trump out of office NOW

Andrew Beckwith, PhD


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