Blame yourself!

Blame yourself!

I've just read a comment about the state of the UK and how bad it is and it got me thinking about the mentality of the general public and the blame culture we have all fostered.

Many people are unhappy in their lives, and they blame others for this....

  • Blame the government/politicians/westminster/tories/etc...
  • Blame the area they grew up
  • Blame their parents/family/friends
  • Blame the local council
  • Blame Covid/Pharma companies/tech companies/capitalism

I studied a lot of success books when I was younger, and found that a there was a consistent theme of taking personal responsibility over your life and your future.

There are few things in life that I hate, but what I really detest is a victim mentality, Ive noticed that there are many people in todays world that have this embedded into their psyche. Maybe through their upbringing and hearing their parents blaming the government etc... or through lack of education.

I once heard the phrase "if its going to be, its up to me" - Brian Tracy. I thought this was amazing and so true - read that again, and really get it ingrained in your mind!

Another one was - "If you don't like where you are, move! You are not a tree!" - Jim Rohn

Ive no doubt in my mind there there are people in terrible situations in life, and usually caused by factors outwith their control - these are people we should help - I’m not referring to these people in this article

I moved to Dubai from the UK in 2011, because I was unhappy with my current situation at the time. I wanted more for my life. I wanted success. I wanted freedom. I wanted to create an amazing life for me and my family, I wanted to live in a warm sunny place - I'm Scottish, we don't get sunshine :)

People who know me think I moved to Dubai and all was rosy, I was making great money, living an amazing life, going to the beach at weekends, and staying at 5 star hotels etc....

What they don't realise, is that I went to Dubai with little money, starting a new business with no clients, didn't know anyone there, no idea where I was going to live. The first 2 years was a real challenge to say the least - I won't go into detail, but lets just say it would have been easier to just jump on a plane back to the UK. I knew I had to make it work - I had to for my future and my family - I was determined to make it a success.

The point is - I took massive risk to get a better life.... I'm no different than the migrants who left Ireland/Italy to seek a better life in America all those years ago.

Some people don't realise this, but we are 100% in control of our own lives, if you're in a bad place, I'm sorry to say it, but thats up to you, conversely, if you are in a good place - well done, thats solely because of you and the decisions you have made.

Take responsibility for your own life - don't blame anyone

If you are happy to settle for an average or mediocre life - thats fine, but stop whinging!

If you want better, make it happen, educate yourself (libraries are free), make a decision to be excellent - create an amazing life for yourself and your family - You don't want to be on your deathbed and look back and think - I wish I had started that business, I wish I had moved abroad, I wish I had taken that risk.

Paul Scott

I help FMCG businesses achieve sustainable profitable growth.

2 年

Well said Danny. May I add - your expectations x your effort = results So if your expectation is low/failure multiplied by the corresponding lack of energy = poor results. Dream big, plan well, execute with all your effort = great results.


