Blame, Shame and Guilt-free Cultural Awareness Training
Have you ever felt embarrassed about the way Aboriginal people have been treated by past governments historical practices?
For way too long, many people today have been mistakenly blamed for past government policies and behaviours of their ancestors on Aboriginal peoples.
Over the years I’ve found that when the focus has been on the truth rather than guilt, people are far more empathic and can personally relate to what happened in the past.
Over the last 40 or so years, I have been working in the Aboriginal sector at community and government levels. It never ceases to amaze me the number of “misses” that have continued over the years.
The “misses” I am referring to are the misunderstandings, the misperceptions and misinterpretations that often go unchallenged, unexplored and unexplained.
My commitment is to open the space and strengthen relationships, respect and rapport between First Nation peoples and other Aussies.
Only when we know the truth we can show more of our emotional intelligence, we can acknowledge the past, the present and the future as something that we can all passionately connect with and belong to.
With this year's NAIDOC them "always was and always will be", more than ever we need to hear the voices of First Nation families: hear their truths through their stories, so we can make and share new stories for and with each other over the next two or three generations.
Inquire about our training and learn the truth about what happened to our First Nation families in a guilt-free, shame-free and emotionally safe environment. Email me at [email protected] or phone me for a yarn on 0418 512 586
Freelance performer, educator and writer on Wangal country. #forloveofgaia #ulurustatementfromtheheart #alwayswasalwayswillbe #YES23
5 年important project