The Blame Game: Who Wins?
Melany Berger
Blogger/Social Media Influencer. Shorty Awards Winner, Fohr Card Verified, Top Influencer PHX, UofA Advisory Board.
Last week, during my self-imposed quarantine, it became clear to me that I need to write about the pandemic we are facing in the world because it is unlike anything we have ever seen. Some people have decided to rewrite history to make themselves feel better by destroying bits and pieces of what actually happened in the past, but this is going to be an honest and true documentation of what is happening for me, if not for anyone else. We may not be proud of things that have happened in the past, but they happened, and we need to learn from them. No amount of destroying books, renaming historic landmarks and taking down statues will ever change that. The Coronavirus is here and how we decide to fight it will be our legacy. Welcome to our new normal. We are making history right now. This virus has forced us all to stop and take a good look at our lives and how much we take for granted. Some people more than others. It has highlighted the types of people we have become as members of the human race. Are you someone trying to make a difference or someone that wants to roll over and complain while blaming everyone else? The choice is yours. You want to be a team player? If not, get off my team!
Like it or not, we are all in this mess together so let’s all pull it together and do what we are told. Can you do something without being asked directly if it can save your life or your loved one’s lives? Are you going to wait for someone to tell you to come in from out of the rain or do you know how to do it yourself? We need documentation of the world we are living in. We need to document the assholes hoarding toilet paper and sanitation wipes. We need to highlight those people who fight for the last package of Kleenex and those people who push the elderly and less fortunate aside for their own gluttonous needs. We need to stop blaming everyone else and stand up and take our own personal responsibility right now! NOW. Not after your spring break. Not after your vacation cruising around the world expecting to be saved by the government while the rest of us are acting responsibly at home preventing the spread of this silent enemy. I do not put your life at risk, don’t put mine!
As an American speaking from what I am personally observing in my own country, I wrote a piece that resonated with a lot of people from all over the world. I am very proud of the people who actually read the blog and did not just comment after reading the title “Dear Spoiled Americans†because the moral of the post was, we need to have mental toughness and come together as one to get through this situation. It had nothing to do with politics. It had nothing to do with America other than the fact that is where I live and that is where my observations come from. It had nothing to do with your past but everything to do with my own being a grandchild and child of holocaust survivors who fought through the most horrendous conditions to survive and bring my family to the United States for a better life. I am proud to be an American. I am proud of my name but would be a lot prouder if we could all stop blaming A, B, and C because it is not doing us any good. Move on. Move forward. If not, you are just a waste of space and we need people who want to follow guidelines and take responsibility for themselves for the well-being of all!
We all have a story and no story is more important than the other. But, there are people out there that have it worse than you. There are people out there fighting for us every single day to get through this. The most important story right now is how are we going to get through this time. What are you going to do to be a responsible human that actually cares about others? Do you want to keep bringing up the past of things we can’t change or be proactive and get through this now as kind and decent human beings with regard for one another? We are all on the same team, like it or not. We are all human.
We are all scared and confused. If you aren’t, you are part of the problem and probably spreading this nasty virus to your friends and family. Wake up. We all need a release and if my blog or social media channels can provide an open forum to discuss how we move forward from this pandemic then I am contributing to the success of us beating this war. You can’t fix stupid and I am tired of trying so if you only get caught up on one or two words in the titles of my post then I can’t help you. Be proactive. Help your neighbors. Help small businesses in the community. Offer assistance without being asked. Be a good human. Is it that hard?
Thank the doctors, nurses, pharmacists, scientists, truckers, grocery store clerks, shelf stockers, servers, delivery drivers and all the other selfless individuals putting themselves out there on the front lines every single day. Thank their families too.
Or……are you going to continue playing the blame game in your PJ’s from your couch, with endless snacks, surrounded by a mound of toilet paper while there are people trying to fight stopping the spread of this virus? Or are you going to help? Are you going to add value during this time? Are you going to be proactive or roll over?
We are not asking for much. We are asking you to stay home, wash your hands, keep social distance now so we don’t live like this forever or not at all. The faster we all do our part the faster I can hug my parents again!!!! I miss them.
This is affecting each and every one of us around the world! It is. Like it or not.
What are you going to do?
Let’s be a part of history that we can be proud to share with our children and grandchildren of how we came together as one for mankind, fought and beat this virus coming out stronger on the other end.
Let’s not leave a legacy that asks what the hell were they doing with all that toilet paper?
Originally post on MelanysGuydlines
Media Talent Manager | Unlock Media Exposure
5 å¹´Amen!!! Well said my friend! Stay Safe!