Blame It on the Fitness Industry
Every so often, I find it beneficial to remind my readership that my background is in personal training, massage therapy and chain reaction biomechanics. People often hire me to help them lose weight and get out of pain but the conversations we have transcend the physical realm because while the body manifests with weight gain and pain patterns, the issues are typically found at a spiritual level.
I hope this context helps you appreciate where the personal training/fitness industry is going. Professionals in this space are far more than a vehicle to a good workout. And while that’s what we were taught to do, our clients are demanding and are in need of so much more. We’re learning how to work through the mind to uplift the spirit and transform the body…a truly inside out, enjoyable, rewarding and lasting approach.
Are we qualified to do this? I don’t know; what certification is required to treat the whole person? Do I need to become a physical therapist, psychologist and pastor to support the Body-Mind-Spirit connection? That’s ludicrous! Or can I just lead with my heart, meet people where they are at, support them the best way I know how and if things get a bit hairy, refer out?
The bottom line is this; most people will never enter the doors of a therapist or house of worship. And while they would likely benefit, I believe the fitness industry can be a bridge to get people where they “ought” to be. This is the revolution you will continue to see play out and emanate from personal trainers, group class instructors, yoga teachers and the like.
Watch this interview I performed with Pastor Tim Lucas from Liquid Church that discusses the spiritual aspects of health and fitness…you’ll appreciate it, even if you don’t go to church, as the message is bigger than “religion.”
“I alone cannot change the world but I can cast a stone across the water to create many ripples.” Mother Teresa