A Blade of Grass

A Blade of Grass

My how our temps have taken a plunge into what's feeling like late April again. I was shocked when hearing earlier today that we may have a frost overnight, but then later noticed it's only supposed to get down to around 36 degrees. I'll be hoping it's not going to drop any lower, as I now have my peppers and tomatoes planted, and will be heart-broken if they get frosted. Never in my life have I seen frost this late in May, so let's pray it won't be a record-breaker. This climate change looks to be affecting us in the most troubling of ways. Oh well, there's nothing any given one of us can do about it.

The bulk of my morning was spent setting up appointments on several of my listings, and with Memorial Day weekend coming up, I'll be looking for another one to be under contract. We've already had two showings on my new listing at 142 - 15th St. NW, and the only negative feed-back I've received, was its gravity furnace in the basement.

Since I'm fully familiar with those "octopus" furnaces, I wouldn't even bother replacing it until it goes out, as those simple contraptions seem to last forever, and the main reason they were replaced, was the fact you couldn't get central air hooked up to them. Since that home already has two window units that go with it, I'd be running them during our hottest of days, and call it good. Isn't it amazing how spoiled our society has become?

I had to present another offer on 404 S. 9th St. in Clear Lake this morning, and of course the seller rejected it due to the price and number of contingencies contained. Unfortunately the selling agent didn't like getting another rejection, but we Realtors must always remember that our duty is to work in the best interests of our sellers, and especially when there's no dual agency involved. Not to worry, as there'll be another buyer who'll come along without all those subject-to's attached. In this rapidly moving market, it would be a shame for a seller to accept an offer and have their home tied-up during the busiest time of our marketing season, as I remember well the number of times we'd go under contract with hard contingencies, and then weeks later, seeing them fall apart and my sellers left with many days of killed marketing time. Do remember, I'm having that home open this Saturday, so please tell friends and relatives.

After receiving a title package from an attorney this morning, I wasn't a bit happy when finding another "fly in the ointment" on it, so I called the involved parties, got the answers I needed, had documents corrected, and then sent out for signatures. What earlier felt like another long waiting period, it may in the end, be only a three or four day delay. I've learned in these long years, that it's always best to hold one's breath until those opinions of title arrive, and yes, I still hold my breath before opening those packages and reading those attorneys' title opinions. Such problems seem to almost always arrive whenever it has something to do with an already "problem child" file. You can be sure I'll be holding my breath on today's until it's been fully closed-out.

One of my old school mates stopped by this afternoon to drop off a document, and while there, we talked about how our market has been moving, along with there being a slim chance for finding any sort of a real bargain, unless there'd be a homeowner wanting a quick sale on a home in need of extensive cosmetic work. Before he left, I did assure him I'd keep a watchful eye out for something.

To my surprise, the spouse of one of my cousin's stopped by to visit about values, as well as doing some online investigations for her since she's not into online research of recent sale prices. It appears they're looking at selling their home to one of their sons, so she only needed a ball-park estimate, although I did mention, irregardless what it would bring on the open market, they'd have to decide how much of a discount they're comfortably give their son.

Before she left, we had a nice chat regarding the "old days" when we lived on the big farm, and grew a little teary-eyed after she mentioned how my cousin held my mother in the highest esteem by the way in which she managed to be so self-sufficient with her baking of breads, canning, sewing, along with everything else requiring her attention. What surprised me again, was finding yet another cousin having been so impressed my her skills. All I could say today was, "I never knew until many years later, how marveled her abilities were, to where they created all the many life-long memories for others." Yes, she was definitely a woman who'd never allow a blade of grass to grow underfoot.

I just happened to read a portion of an article today where the Chinese government is growing worried over the spiking prices in commodities which is cutting into their profits. It came as no surprise, as I've known for some time that their country doesn't have enough natural resources to keep their billions happily-fed, which is why they're getting their toe-holds established in African, Asia, and European countries. It wouldn't surprise me if Canada is purposely raising their commodity prices, just as a kick-back to the way in which the Chinese government has recently been treating them. Yes, Canada is rich in natural resources, but unfortunately, their spiking lumber prices are affecting our housing industry. Have you recently checked on the price of only one eight foot 2 x 4, and if you haven't, take a look, and then wait for your jaws to drop.

It sounds like tomorrow is going to be another cold one, so yours truly will be dressing all the warmer than I did today, as I was downright chilled nearly every hour of it. My wools will be back out in the morn, and hopefully for only one more bout of cold weather. Please send out some warming energy it won't freeze my peppers and tomatoes.

Tonight's One-liner is: Let us always be grateful to the people who make us happy, as they're the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.

original post ... https://niowarealty.net/life/2021/05/27/a-blade-of-grass/


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