Blacks vs. Police
I will be the first to admit that I am not the most educated, nor the most intelligent member of society. However, the one thing that I have been unable to figure out from all these well-meaning pundits on the television, is what the cause of the problem is. That is a shame, because to anybody that has ever been involved in the criminal justice system, black, white or purple with pink polka dots, the cause is painfully obvious.
In order to reduce the chances of confronting a law enforcement officer in an potentially negative manner, OBEY THE LAW. It is that simple. For the most part, law enforcement officers are there to provide aid to those that require it, and to stop those persons that are in violation of the laws of that city, county, state and country. If you are obeying the law and require assistance, the encounter will usually be most pleasant for everybody involved. If you are not in compliance with the law, the meeting could end unpleasantly for you. That is the choice you made when you decided to violate the law.
In order to reduce the chances of being killed during a contact with law enforcement personnel, DO AS YOU ARE TOLD. Once again, it is very simple. If the officer tells you to not move, do not move. If they tell you to remove your hands from your pockets, do it. How hard is that to understand?
Law enforcement officers are NOT out to kill, or injure, or harass people. They become officers with the intent of helping others with problems that the citizens are unable to handle by themselves. It is just plain too much paper-work and too exhausting to set out to do anything else.
As for the highly publicized cases being shown on the television by the biased media, none of those officers has been proven to have been wrong in their actions. If and when they are, they will be tried by a jury of their peers, just like any other potential criminal is. At this point, they are completely innocent. In the one case, they were confronting a person that was a known criminal, and was armed. This violates the section on not breaking the law above. He also failed to follow directions, this violates the second section above. For that matter, it appears that the other deceased suspect did the same thing. These are not necessarily death sentences, but as we have seen, they can be. You won’t hear this on the liberal biased media, but it is the truth.
Dr. George F. Ripsom, DABFE
Business Owner
7 年You stated it so well..unfortunately we do not deal with a lot of rationally thinking people.