Blacks In Slavery Sexually Abuse, Polar Opposite of The Chinese Eunuch:
The Slave Breeding Farms: Blacks Cruelly Forced into Promiscuity
?Former Slaves Spoke Out on Slave Breeding, 1938, Forced Sex:
These are real former slaves, recorded by the American government of Franklin Roosevelt in the Nineteen Thirties; they describe how strong black men were selected with no freedom to choose, to breed like farm animals, with strong young black women. The women could be as young as 12 or 13, not even women yet:
“During slavery, if one master had a big boy and another had a big girl, the masters made them live together. If the women did not have any children, she was put on the auction block, and sold and another woman was bought.? You see they raised the children to make money on, just like we raise pigs to sell.” SYLVIA WATKINS, former slave Tennessee, interview 1937, WPA Slave Narrative Project
“One time they sent me to the old man, Mack Williams farm here in Jasper County, Georgia. That man would kill you. If that little tree branch, on his plantation could talk it would tell many a tale about folks being knocked on the head. I saw Mack Williams kill folks, and I saw him having folks killed.
One day he told me that if my wife had been good looking, I would never sleep with her again, because he would kill me, and take her and raise children off her.? They used to take women away from their husbands, and put them with some other man, just like they would do with cattle. ?They always kept a man penned up, and they used him like a stud horse. WILLIAM WARD, former slave Georgia, interview 1937 WPA Slave Narrative Project.”
“If a slave was noted for raising up strong black sons…he would be sent out as a species of circuit-rider to other plantations, to plantations where was an over-supply of young black women slaves.? There he would be mated with the women, many times.? This was to save money, and to avoid any purchase of new slaves.” ?JOHN COLE, enslaved in Georgia, interview1937, paraphrased by interviewer WPA Slave Narrative Project
“Master Jim called me and Sam to see him, and ordered him to take off his shirt. And he said to me, Now, do you think you can stand this big nigger?? He had that bull whip flung over his shoulder, and Lord, that master could hit us so hard!
I just said, “Yes, sir, I guess so.” And I tried to hide my face, so I could not see that Sam had no clothes on, but the master made me look at him.? Well, he told us we must get busy, and have six in his presence, and we had to do it.? After that that we were considered man and wife.? Me and Sam were healthy, and had fine, big babies, so I had never had any more men forced on me.? Thank God.? Sam was kind to me, and I learned to love him.”? SAM & LOUISA EVERETT, former slaves Virginia, interview 1936 WPA Slave Narrative Project
“There is one thing that Master Hawkins did to me that I cannot shut from my mind. I know he did not do it to be mean, but I always hold it against him. What he did was to force me to live with that nigger, Rufus, against my wishes. After I had been at the place about a year, the master came to me, and said, “You are going to live with Rufus in that cabin over there.? Go fix it up, to live in.”? I was sixteen years old, and had not education, and I was just an ignorant child.? I thought he meant to mind the cabin for Rufus, and some other slaves. I went to the cabin, and cleaned it, and made supper.
No, I don’t like Rufus, because he is a bully. He is big, and he thinks everybody will do what he says. We all have supper…until I am ready for sleep, and then I get in the bed. After I am in, that nigger comes and crawls in the bed with me…I said, what are you doing, you foolish nigger!” He said for me to be quiet. “This is my bed too,” he said.? “You are touched in the head. Get out,” I told him, and put my feet against him and gave him a shove, and out he went, onto the floor.? That nigger umped up, and he was mad.
He looks like a wild boar. He starts for my bed, and I jump quick for the fire poker. It was three feet long, and when he attacks me, I left him have it over the head. Did that nigger stop his tracks! He looks at me for a minute, and you could tell he was thinking very hard…then he goes out and I bar the door.
The next day, I go to see the Mistress, and tell her what Rufus wants, and she says that is the wish of the Master. “You are the strong woman, and Rufus is the strong man. The master wants you young people to have strong children…I say to myself, I am not going to live with Rufus.? That night, when he comes to my cabin, I grab the fire poker, and sit on the bench, and say, “Go away, nigger, before I bust you brains out, and stomp on them.” He said nothing, and left.
The next day the master calls me, and tells me, “Woman, I pay big money for you, and I did that, because I want you to raise children for me, I put you to live with Rufus for that purpose. Now, if you don’t want whipping at the stake, you do what I want.”
I think about master buying me off the auction block, and saving me from being separated from my parents, and about being whipped at the stake…What am I to do? So, I decide to do as the master wishes, and so I yield.
I never married, because one experience was enough for this black woman. After what I did for the master, I never want anything to do with any man The Lord forgive this colored woman, but he will have excuse me, and look for some others to replenish the earth.” ROSE WILLIAMS, former slave Texas, interview 1937 WPA Slave Narrative Project
“He had so many slaves he did not know all their names. His fortune was his slaves. He did not sell slaves and he did not buy many, the last ten years preceding the war. He resorted to raising his own slaves. . . A slave girl was expected to have children as soon as she became a woman. Some of them had children at the age of twelve and thirteen years old. . . Mother said there were cases where these young girls loved someone else and would have to receive the attentions of men of the master’s choice. This was a general custom. . . The masters called themselves Christians, went to church worship regularly and yet allowed this condition to exist.” ?HILLIARD YELLERDAY, former slave North Carolina, interview1937 WPA Slave Narrative Project
“About sunrise we took up our march on the road to Columbia, as we were told. Hitherto our master had not offered to sell any of us, and had even refused to stop to talk to anyone on the subject of our sale, although he had several times been addressed on this point, before we reached Lancaster; but soon after we departed from this village, we were overtaken on the road by a man on horseback, who accosted our driver by asking him if his niggars were for sale.
The latter replied, that he believed he would not sell any yet, as he was on his way to Georgia, and cotton being now much in demand, he expected to obtain high prices for us from persons who were going to settle in the new purchase. He, however, contrary to his custom, ordered us to stop, and told the stranger he might look at us, and that he would find us as fine a lot of hands as were ever imported into the country - that we were all prime property, and he had no doubt would command his own prices in Georgia.
The stranger, who was a thin, weather-beaten, sunburned figure, then said, he wanted a couple of breeding wenches, and would give as much for them as they would bring in Georgia. He then walked along our line, as we stood chained together, and looked at the whole of us - then turning to the women; asked the prices of the two pregnant ones.
Our master replied, that these were two of the best breeding-wenches in all Maryland - that one was twenty-two, and the other only nineteen - that the first was already the mother of seven children, and the other of four - that he had himself seen the children at the time he bought their mothers - and that such wenches would be cheap at a thousand dollars each; but as they were not able to keep up with the gang, he would take twelve hundred dollars for the two.” CHARLES BALL, former slave, Maryland and South Carolina.”
The “Respectable” White Citizens Hid These Horrific Practices
l?? Several men might try to impregnate the woman the same day.
l?? Cash rewards to black men who could impregnate the most women
l?? The white owners even encouraged the black men to compete to see who could get the most women pregnant, monetary awards…
l?? Black men were allowed to travel around plantations as a full-time job, then cooped up in a room with a few women
l?? Sometimes the white men even watched the couples having sex
"I consider a woman who brings a child every two years as more profitable than the best man of the farm. What she produces is an addition to the capital, while his labors disappear in mere consumption." -Thomas Jefferson. ?President Jefferson was considered a hero of Liberty and Equality in two famous wars: The American Revolution against British tyranny of 1776, and The French Revolution to overthrow corruption of the French aristocracy.
Source: On Slaveholders’ Sexual Abuse of Slaves, National Humanities Center Resource Toolbox, The Making of African American Identity: Vol. I, 150