#BlackLivesMatter + #GRStrong +#GRTogether = #HOPE + #CHANGE
It’s been nearly a week since rioting left downtown Grand Rapids in shambles. Downtown’s cityscape has been a surreal sight to see: Many businesses, including the one I work for situated across from GRPD, covered their windows and glass door fronts with plywood, bustling intersections blocked off to vehicle traffic, traces of shattered glass still linger in sidewalk cracks. Not to mention the increased presence of police, sheriff’s officers and the National Guard earlier in the week. Coupled with downtown’s streets being nearly empty due to #COVID19, it’s been an eerie and somber feeling. Despite the darkness in our world, humanity rose up to unite and begin healing the Grand Rapids community: Peaceful protests marched through and beyond the city streets, law enforcement officers knelt alongside protestors, real conversations took shape among city leaders and residents, inspiring change in the community, and powerful messages and uplifting artwork has popped up, decorating the plywood coverings and other areas throughout the city. Thank you the countless volunteers, artists, business owners and downtown workers. Thank you to Grand Rapids Police Department, The City of Grand Rapids, Mayor Rosalynn Bliss, Kent County Sheriff's Office, and Michigan State Police. #BlackLivesMatter #GRStrong #GRTogether #Hope #Change.