“I love black because it affirms, designs, and styles.” — Yves Saint Laurent.
The color black. Love it or hate it, it will always be a color that's here to stay. Often, I would choose to wear black. It's a color that's a classic, simple and timeless. As Yves Saint Laurent said before as well "Trends fade, style is forever" and that is what the color black is to me.
During my time when I was in working in Marketing for HTC, I realised that despite the plethora of colors for smartphones, the customer choice of color is black and that kept coming back nonetheless. Black phones always sold more. And when presented with that statistic, I reflected and admittedly, no matter what the color options are, my default favourite color for most things has got to be black. People just like options.
Despite how minimalists always present the things they own visually as mostly white and stark, I think in reality, black is the go-to color. White is probably easier to maintain. Having driven many cars that were black, the rain tends to leave white or light watermarks that are very obvious, so there is some truth to that and perhaps why minimalists generally choose white. But it's about having enough and what keeps you happy, so it isn't confined to white.
In this journey of minimalism, I chanced upon a couple yesterday at the Boutique Fairs Singapore 2019 VIP night, who were very interesting, obviously for minimalism, their extreme point of view made a fair bit of sense.
We only shop for black clothing. It has made our life so much easier. When I go shopping, I ignore all colors and zoom in for black. When I see a shop that has an absence of black clothing or accessories, I ignore it completely - I no longer waste time with endless browsing. It has helped me lead a more sustainable life as well. For laundry, I can mix my husband's clothes and mine, I never have to separate colors in fear of colors running in the wash. Black is beautiful.
This blew me away, because most of the colors I have that are not black were really seasonal or was nice at the time and I do end up getting the black color anyway. It is a nice lesson in minimalism while justifying staying true to black. In fact, as part of my learning journey, and as I was clearing out some of my stuff, I realised I had hidden away some of my clothes that included an assortment of colors and not used them perhaps for the last 2 years. I always find it hard to discard clothes that are in perfect condition that still fit, always thinking I will wear it again depending on the occasion. And perhaps going all black exclusively, might be a little extreme despite the minimalist benefits.
Something to ponder about as my choice of clothing for today is all blue, whilst the iPhone 11 Pro I bought was Midnight Green, covered by a black case.
What are your thoughts on minimalism in color?