The Blackbird Riddle: Shows thought process and how you think

The Blackbird Riddle: Shows thought process and how you think

Did you know that how you think and problem solve is heavily influenced by the hemisphere where you grew up? Here is example of the difference between how the Eastern and Western worlds think. 

There are 20 blackbirds sitting in a tree. 
You shoot one with a slingshot. 
How many are left?

A typical “Western World”—almost reflexive—response will be “19, of course.” 

But ask a traditional African tribesman the same question and his response—likely to be equally reflexive—would more probably be “None.”

In this situation, but not always, the Eastern thinking tribesman would likely be correct. Although only one had left the wire by virtue of being shot, the remaining 19 would probably have flown off immediately seeing their flock member suddenly fall. To this traditional African, the need for interaction and the instant communication of danger among the birds would be obvious.

Much of what we term the “Western World” applies a kind of knee-jerk rationalist perspective to all problems—even those which would be better addressed by a more intuitive or interpersonal approach. 

The “truth” about any situation may be more complex and have more components than our own sometimes narrow cultural reflexes would suggest.

This is an excerpt from “Earthly Time Management”. It investigates time management from the invention of time through 6 Unique Techniques to more effectively use the time God has given you. The book is available at Amazon.

About the author:

Rick Weaver has half a century’s experience in leadership development in retailing. He founded Max Impact Corporation, a leadership and business development consultancy company in 2002. His major accomplishments include working himself from stock clerk to director at a Fortune 50 retail chain and building a $40MM+ construction company in under 5 years. Today Max Impact offers staffing services as a franchisee of Patrice & Associates providing Executive Search, Management Recruiting, and Contract Staffing services.


