The Black Swan that disrupts your market next year is the arrival of this predictable reality.

The Black Swan that disrupts your market next year is the arrival of this predictable reality.

We've been in the age of technology, finance, and marketing.

It's not new but its not old either.

What if what's coming next to your corner of the world is not more of the same?

Get ready to enjoy the next wave of massive entrepreneur victories, opportunities to engage, and creation of a business that gives you purpose and meaning.

My writing is for people willing to slow down and think rather than pump up the volume to attract many easily distracted and easier to convert people.

The know, like, and trust game is to help you to get to know, like, and trust yourself and over a long enough period of time our cash registers ring together.

That's my business.

This content supports my success as well as those who enter into my world.

It's creation to support economic elevation for the entire group.

Happy Holidays!

Here's what's going on from what I've observed.

You may be different. ??

Perhaps my hard work proves useful to avoid you having to buy a high-powered telescope for your laboratory.

Notice / Adjust / Calibrate: Method in Action


Think about the past hundred years more or less in the modern economy.

If you want to make it easy picture the early days of Google, Amazon, and Sears.

Then the beginnings of what led to Chase, BlackRock, and Kleiner Perkins.

Imagine a few characters like Tony the Tiger, Kim Kardashian, and Beyond Burger.

Consider These Assumptions:

Market celebrities and those trying to become the next one within the current structure as it exists follow very predictable patterns throughout the seasons of human history.

Most of the market follows as the mind gets wasted due to the craving to become an insider, know what to do, make money, need to belong, fear of death, or being different.

The winner can be evil tyrants, a new religion, or minted wealth but will regardless be followed by the masses embraced as a new exciting era in the early, middle, and late days.

The next wave of pioneers and later early adopters out in the wilderness struggles until the tyranny of the current popular structure in their market forces a split to avoid compromise.

This rarely gets noticed but arrives as a Black Swan obvious to those with freed minds, not trapped in the bubble, or blinded by the echo chamber either as beneficiary or victim.

We've never had a greater split and in such a short period of time than in this modern globally connected and socially free at least online creator economy open to everybody.

Where does that leave the current ruling class celebrating their accomplishments?

Many want in on what's coming next into the world and don't want to defend their own power, wealth, and status. They are part of the new wave in more cases today than not.

Ray Dalio owns the largest hedge fund in the world which he no longer runs. He meditates, says stuff like this, and wrote an incredible book which I fully absorbed called Principles.


Well. It did. Think the Medici Family.


Yep. They know. What about the Vedic Period.


It's not. That's always the case.

Check your assumptions at the door or risk getting left behind as this chasm gets crossed.

They make an ass out of you and me when not examined carefully.

?? Technology - Innovation continues to come from the technology industry.

?? Finance - People with money will continue to back the next round of winners.

?? Marketing - The best marketed product wins as a matter of noblesse oblige.

These truths were real throughout my lifetime.

Because it's part of the woodwork it's hard for people to see but as I've spent a lifetime staring into the wood unlike most it's more than a bit clear what's happening.

This is what I was taught, thought myself, and felt obvious until it didn't.

?? Technologists are entrepreneurs by definition.

?? Investors decide who wins as they control the money.

?? Marketers cut through clutter using mind persuasion that always works.

The reason that this is no longer true is that technology went corporate, investors chase returns, and people see through marketing.


The mass of humanity follows the next wave. They still represent the mass market. It's the early majority waiting to see which way the wind blows that is now up for grabs.

People like Ray Dalio, Warren Buffett, and Jeff Hoffman who have big money get this picture. Social experts like Gary V. know how it works. Richard Rudd created a playbook.

The names of tomorrow won't surprise me but they will the mainstream not paying attention, the current celebrities looking inside their own moats, and for sure the social climbers.

When I realized this was ending my aim was to ride the next wave. Timing is unclear but cycles that used to take decades now compress into shorter and shorter time frames.

Whatever works is copied instantly globally, fully embraced by both innovators and marketers, leading to exhaustion and almost instant collapse of the cycle.

The biggest Black Swan is the end of the entire adoption curve cycle as more and more people realize it's not possible to find success, happiness, and satisfaction outside.

I'd been on board for years, did well enough, and didn't have to collect a paycheck. Having said that I got confused as I couldn't figure out how to stabilize my own income.

My issue was that the technology was getting too complex for me to gain advantage, bootstrapping more and more difficult, and the marketing got significantly harder.

People like me came together all over the world during the pandemic. We never returned to The Game but rather stayed in our caves of creation often struggling but no longer alone.

After a few years of experiments it became obvious that I was moving deck chairs around on the Titanic rather than charting my own course to adventure.

That led to the desire to create a new platform for those of us who already decided to opt-out of the traditional ways of thinking about technology, finance, and marketing.

I've always loved getting into what's next as it feels easy, fun, and a joy personally.

What I don't like is struggling, forcing results, and compromising on anything.

That's why it's critical for me to get this right, make the necessary adjustments, and go fast in the right direction without friction, waste, or frustration.

The amazing part is that every time I look up I meet another pioneer or innovator who is not only done after years of honing their creation in the fire of the market but ready to move fast.

What I see is a society of technologists, finance and business people, and a legion of marketers staring at big data sets reading the tea leaves that describe an empty cup.

Those of us who went inside, struggled with our own lives, and almost or did lose everything over the past decade in some cases not only survived but figured out something new.


That something new has a theme. It's a unique original creation that brings together sometimes a lifetime of unique experience in a very individualized knowing of reality.

My expertise is in self-organized and bootstrapped entrepreneur ventures, business development and lead generation, inner-development, market trends, and community.

This is what I notice coming into the future economy:

? Democratization of the word genius as it gets redefined back to its original meaning as arising from innate ability present from birth which exists in all human beings.

late Middle English: from Latin, ‘attendant spirit present from one's birth, innate ability or inclination’, from the root of gignere ‘beget’. The original sense ‘spirit attendant on a person’ gave rise to a sense ‘a person's characteristic disposition’ (late 16th century), which led to a sense ‘a person's natural ability’, and finally ‘exceptional natural ability’ (mid 17th century).

? Exceptional natural ability no longer narrowly confined to analytical skills, superior students, or elite institutions as today's secret weapon is courage and invincibility.

The word natural can mean having an ability or characteristic that a person or animal was born with. Synonyms of talent, which means a special ability for doing something, include aptitude, bent, faculty, genius, gift, and knack.

? Elimination of most traditional career paths or the redefining of them. This provides an enormous labor and talent pool for those expert in experiences, who care, and love change.

changed; changing

1a to make different in some particular : alter

never bothered to change the will

b to make radically different : transform

can't change human nature

c to give a different position, course, or direction to

changed his residence from Ohio to California

2a to replace with another

let's change the subject

b to make a shift from one to another : switch

always changes sides in an argument

c to exchange for an equivalent sum of money (as in smaller denominations or in a foreign currency)

change a 20-dollar bill

d to undergo a modification of

foliage changing color

e to put fresh clothes or covering on

change a bed

intransitive verb

1: to become different

some things never change

2: to undergo transformation, transition, or substitution

winter changed to spring

? Elevation of companies that pull together narrow bands or disciples open to platform system that are extensible, scalable, and well structured financial partnerships.




1) the action of working with someone to produce or create something.

"he wrote on art and architecture in collaboration with John Betjeman"

2) traitorous cooperation with an enemy.

"he faces charges of collaboration"

? Lowering of status, prestige, and sacred cash cow status of wealth extraction systems that found ways to lock in customers through ease of ordering, laziness, or status quo.

Forever is a long time.

Nobody except this guy including the crew on Yellowstone care enough about cows to hang out with them regardless of how lovable and perhaps dog like they may be as pets.

It's a matter of a Beyond Burger showing up to go Beyond Amazon, Beyond Apple, Beyond Goldman, Beyond McKinsey, Beyond, Beyond Facebook, or Beyond Google.

You want 30% of my revenue or profit?

You want me to build MY COMPANY on your platform?

You want people on my account who don't know crap?

You want 40% of my book profits?

You want me to outsource my customer experience to you?

I'd switch if I had a better alternative despite your desire to use my money to build a spaceship or better AI chip in pursuit of our shared desire to elevate humanity.

Unless I buy due to politics.

If that's the case you are not reading this article.

Have you seen a better business opportunity?

What never changes is change.

What feels new is the speed of its acceleration.

Escape from the matrix will be the only path forward.

I've got no interest in ending up trapped inside a tin of spam.

Red Pill Pathway offers anybody who wants to become or is a successful entrepreneur, coach, or service provider space inside the campus as an equal member with benefits.

The first step is to claim your guest pass. Then hang out with us at no cost for five days if you like the experience. For those too busy, not ready, or unclear check out our content.

If you want to know what I'm selling the programs page provides details. For those with big ideas, problems to solve, or fellow travellers meet in my office on campus.

If you are great at what you do one of our 12 founding members will consider a partnership. We created the platform. Your role is to be great at what you do. The profits get split.

Rather than extract wealth we built upward together. You've got to be great. This is not a giant hairball of yarn expanding as fast as possible to please investors.

If you want details feel free to pick a partner you like, claim a free 7-day guest pass, and attend one of their weekly sessions. Then reach out to them to propose your idea.

Sabrina Victoria

Unite women in business. Empower success through sales mastery, networking and confidence building. Let's Chat, DM me to set up a call.

2 个月

It's such a powerful way to reflect and inspire others. I’d love to hear your list truths have a way of resonating differently with everyone depending on where they are in their journey.?


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