Black seed oil is not a cure for everything.
Dear Humans
Over the years of my life on this planet, I have heard many statements that just don’t seem to match the medical evidence that I study. This statement of how black seed oil cures everything has to be one of the most exaggerated claims I hear from time to time. I have even heard this constantly from healthcare professionals I have worked with, the very people I gave out coumarins, steroids, cough suppressants and all sorts of medicines to deal with numerous conditions and various diseases with evidence-based research.
I even went to every extent to ask the very people who make this statement constantly at me like parrots when they last had consumed black seed oil and lo behold to my absolute astonishment very little , why the marketing if there is no substance.
So I have a proposition , let us get rid of healthcare professionals, doctors, research centres and other superfoods and inject ourselves with black seed oil every day since it cures everything then we can throw away cod liver oil, fruits, vegetables and vitamin supplements and the entire medicines compendium.
You have a headache, let’s have black seed oil, oh you are suffering from cancer, no problem let’s throw away anti-cancer drugs and inject you with black seed oil, oh I hear your mother has gingivitis, no problem I will give you black seed oil to drink, your cousins got AIDS, it’s a shame you should have had black seed oil …I am sure you get the picture by now. Black seed oil is not a cure for everything, black seed oil will not fix a broken arm, it will not reverse liver damage, heck it won’t even heal a cut on your finger. I repeat black seed oil is not a cure for everything — the word out of balance here is ‘’everything’’ the word everything destroys the entire capabilities of black seed oil. The generalisation of the statement destroys what black seed oil has to offer.
What is black seed oil exactly then ? , it comes from the seeds of the Nigella Sativa plant. The flowering plant contains black seeds which are crushed and the oil is extracted to form the precious liquid. It’s a herb with healing properties. A simple google serach would elaborate all the information needed for you to asses this your self.
I repeat once again it does not cure ‘’everything’’ brothers and sisters, however, let me rephrase it to the closest truth I can find. Black seed oil is a potent herb with promising pharmacological potential that should be included in a balanced diet along with walnuts, almonds, turmeric, dates, etc.
My research in black seed oil applications is still present and further research is still needed to reach a definite conclusion , however the research seems promising so far just not yet conclusive.
Personally drinking the oil is harsh on taste and if you have stomach problems then I would not suggest it — capsules, however, I have found are very easy to consume so it seems that could work. My personal experience is that I fall asleep faster and deeper when I am on the supplement for over two to three months.
I have seen the same exaggeration with honey on fixing all ailments, however, this is not true as honey is given to a diabetic patient would cause death, if you claim that there is healing then tell me specifically what kind of healing so I can question the validity of the claim.
The most outlandish claim is dates being able to cure poison but the question here would be which dates , how many dates and what kind of poison is in question? The statements are too broad to make it even make a substantial claim. I can without a doubt say that if you consume a few dates in the morning and later in the day overdose on paracetamol, you will not be protected by your dates ritual at all.
The information provided is too broad and needs further scrutiny to determine if it is true. However, dates do have anti-toxin activity and antibacterial activity but to claim to cure all poison is just ludacris and just straight up false.
Overall, there is no sole remedy for numerous diseases out there, but there are many remedies for many conditions. Nature is very diverse in its ways and we should take advantage of the various herbs and plants it has to offer rather than beating a drum on one product with no conclusive evidence yet fully present because that’s the only thing everyone seems to talk about and regurgitates over and over again like parrots on a looping system.
Please my brothers and sisters don’t forget about Honey. Tumeric, walnuts, almonds, blackberries, peppers, ashwandtaga, chawanprash, Spinach, broccoli, Chai seeds, Avocados, kombucha , mangos, and many other diverse foods nature has provided for us to consume and improve our gut microbiome.
Please for the love of the God Almighty stop beating a drum on a single product because that is what your religion has taught you and enjoy the entire diversity of nature around you.
If I’m not your brother In faith then at least im your brother in humanity.
Afzal: Servant of God Almighty: The Intelligent Creator.