Black Rope | Mooring News
Black Rope
?????????? ???????? is a major provider of a full range of mooring products consisting of mooring ropes and wires.
The Importance of Visual Inspection
All types of wear and damage on your mooring lines should be identified by well-trained crew members or a qualified person. The appointed individual(s) should walk the entire length of the rope and document its overall condition. Special attention is to be paid to contact points on deck, mainly where fairleads are located, as well as to the cross point of split drums.
Most Common Damage Types Identified During Visual Inspection
Inspections Following Special Incidents
Should one of the below instances occur, the mooring line must be immediately inspected by a qualified person.
Safe Mooring Training
Learning is the cornerstone of success. Ensure Safe Mooring Operations & Visual Inspections. Stay up-to-date with the latest Mooring Regulations. Black Rope designs tailor-made Mooring Training Courses, adjusted to your specifications & requirements.?We provide:
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??+30 2102241089
?? +30 6952290682-4
Black Rope | Everything for your Mooring