Black History Month in The UK
Jay Mullings
Founder J4JAYS?? | Product Strategy | ICP-ATF & ICP-ACC | Delivering High Quality Skincare for High Quality People
Let's start things off nice and easy! Hello, how are you? I'm Jay Mullings, multiple award winning Writer/Director and Founder of Written Mirror Ltd. My heritage is that of a London born, Jamaican bred (Windrush descendent) so let's just say I know a little bit about perception of Blackness and 'where you are seen to belong' from different viewpoints.
I wrote an article/blog post on my website which is (you should check it out!) about the state of BHM in 2018 and whether enough was being done to grow and improve upon its delivery. In 2020 I decided to take a comparative approach. Here are my findings...
No I will not be using the black lives matter movement as a central theme for my content.
Back to The Future | 2018 vs 2020 // Written Mirror
Then I thought to myself, why stop there? May as well explore the topic to its fullest right? In for a penny...
End Black History Month UK??? // Written Mirror
It also spanned thoughts on music and other areas of Black interest. Can one stay dedicated to BLACK issues and prosper? Or does some version of 'selling out' have to occur?
A Career in Black Music | What Sells? | For the Culture? | Beef is What We Need? // Written Mirror
Seeing as we are on the topic of MUSIC! Are there enough advocates in the industry for Black people? Or are we just the livestock of the music industry?
Black Advocates In Music | Are There Enough?
That lead me to the topic of BLACK outrage. Is it often a clear goal to target black people with offensive content in the hopes of gaining twice the exposure?
Back in Black | Outrage | Social Media | Shady Marketing // Written Mirror
Believe it or not, I did this as a way of sharing information, encouraging discussion and not to cause any offence. Yet if there is some to be had, I can't say I'm sorry either!
There is a belief that nothing short of being a humble little lamb will see you through the day. That and Black men don't know how to express themselves. So all we know is anger and destruction! LMAO!
The last few videos in the BHM series are due for release in November. Here is a taste of the kind of topics to expect.
Why is it expected that Black talent try their hand in America before they qualify for opportunities in the UK? How can a country like the UK afford to allow brain drain of this scale in a multi-billion pound industry?
If you'd like to keep up to date and get notified of their release please subscribe to my YouTube channel.
Thank you for reading my article. I am almost certain LinkedIn will not promote it or push it to my feed so to all who come into contact with it organically, I appreciate you! I'm out!!!
All sides need to openly engage in honest dialogue about the issues we all face. Screaming and shouting at each other will never solve anything. Let's look at positive contributions and stamp out the negative stuff.