Eugene Stovall
Co-Owner/Director of Multi-Cultural Books.com/ EugeneStovall.com divisions of Oakland Publishing Company LLC
After The Civil War, White Supremacy Created Jim Crow___ A White Man In Black Face___ Who Taught Negroes How To Become Happy-Go-Lucky Coons And Spy On Troublemakers. The Florida Law Passed Last Month Prohibiting Teaching Anything That Makes White People Feel “Uncomfortable” Reflects The Jim Crow Legacy
Eugene Stovall Oakland, California January, 2022
In 2020, Kanye West ran for president of the United States as an independent. The Daily Beast reported that West’s campaign was conducted the right-wing law firm, Holtzman Vogel, to help Trump. Though handling all West’s campaign activities, the right-wingers attempted to obscure their involvement by falsifying federal elections commission filings and lying about the source of West’s campaign funds. But they could not hide the fact that Kanye West was Donald Trump’s coon.
Herschel Walker, a former University of Georgia and NFL football player, is running for Georgia’s U.S. Senate seat though his legal residence is in Texas. Trump wants Walker to dilute the black vote and help a right-winger win the Georgia senate seat. But Herschel Walker is incredibly dumb. In one of his rare press statements, the ex-football player said that the late Congressman, John Lewis, would oppose enacting a voting rights law unaware that John Lewis marched for voting rights in 1965 and that the voting rights activist was never a US senator. In a press statement, Walker said: "You know what's sad about that — to use the name of a great man, to brand one of the greatest senators that's ever been for African Americans, that was absolutely incredible. To throw his name on a bill for voting rights I think is a shame.”
Politicians, Republicans and Democrats, need coons to support white supremacy. As Gunnar Myrdal concluded in American Dilemma: The Negro Problem In Modern Democracy, white people can benefit when Negroes to mislead black people.
Jim Crow Taught Blacks To Coon
After the civil war, Jim Crow, white men in black face, trained Negroes to believe their role was to serve white people, protect them from danger and make them feel comfortable. Though they passed blacks codes to force black people back into involuntary servitude, whites people needed Negroes to accept an inferior social status voluntarily. Even though they had suffered military defeat, the Masons, known as the Knights of the Golden Circle prior to the civil war and the Ku Klux Klan, afterwards, still sought any excuse to attack the black soldiers stationed throughout the South. In return for a promise not to initiate another war, white supremacy gave the Ku Klux Klan a free hand over the Negro population. But even though the Black codes gave whites legal dominance, they needed Negroes to voluntarily accept their cultural inferiority. So, whites used Jim Crow to train Negroes how to behave.
Jim is the symbol of the happy-go-lucky coon whose servile behavior and faithful mannerisms make him so endearing. White people willingly overlooked the coon’s laziness, thievery and tendency to exaggerate, just as long as he serves them and keeps them informed about the doings and thinking of the blacks who might become troublemakers. Whenever I would see Willie Brown, former Speaker of the Assembly and ex-Mayor of San Francisco, he would ask: Staying out of trouble?”
Whites need to control the black population. This was especially true after the civil war. So, like the cross was used to terrorize Europeans into submission during the Middle Ages, Jim Crow dominated America’s cultural landscape, Black-faced white people were everywhere. They performed in minstrel shows, musical revues and plays. Cartoons of Jim Crow were plastered all over newspapers, magazines and on billboards. Throughout the South, black-face white men formed special relationships with black preachers, creating a legacy that remains to this day. The entertainment industry became vital for the training of Negro coons. The most iconic black-faced white actors, Freeman Gosden and Charles Correll, developed the Negro coons Amos ‘N Andy, training Negro leaders how to think and speak while advancing masonry among Negroes. For three decades. Amos ‘N Andy became a mainstay of Negro entertainment. Jim Crow found the motion picture industry a major outlet for Jim Crow propaganda. When President Woodrow Wilson viewed the black faced whites depicting happy-go-lucky coons in D.G. Griffiths film, The Klansman, the former president of Princeton University cried out: “Change the title to Birth Of A Nation!”?Thus, the motion picture industry made celebrities of beloved servants, faithful maids and comic entertainers like Bill ‘Bojangles’ Robinson, Butterfly McQueen, Louise Beavers, Mantan Moreland and Eddie ‘Rochester’ Robinson. These Negro entertainers became cultural icons who enjoyed fame, wealth and prestige. The movies made every white middle class household want their own docile, ignorant, house servant whose only purpose in life was to make white people comfortable. Jim Crow taught Negro coons to segregate, marginalize and ostracize, dignified, intelligent black people. Jim Crow taught Negroes that advancement was achieved by serving white supremacy through the creation of the National Association For The Advancement Of Colored People [NAACP], founded by US Army Intelligence Officer, Joel Spingarn as demonstrated by the propagandist, W.E.B Dubois.
Today Negro coons, applaud outlawing critical race theory they can retain the celebrity in the black community that make them so valuable to white supremacy. Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice helped plan the 9-1-1 conspiracy that allowed the US to terrorize non-white countries around the world with impunity. Barak Obama, terrorized and murdered thousands in order to overthrew the governments of Tunisia, Libya and Ukraine and justify the final Vatican-inspired nuclear showdown with Russia. Coons, dominating the rap music industry, serving on corporate boards and occupying prestigious faculty positions, promote fascism and national socialism as hundreds of thousands of minorities suffer homelessness, hunger and deprivation. Coons holding important political positions at the local, state and federal levels are paraded on mainstream media to justify the US government’s operation of concentration camps, black ops sites and private government-financed prisons. The press asked Palestinian leader, Yasser Arafat, why not follow Martin Luther King’s \ non-violent example to achieve his goals. Arafat responded that Palestinians aspired to be more than white people’s cotton pickers.
With his right-wing wife, Ginny, leading him by the nose, Clarence Thomas has become king of the coons. However, Kareem Abdul Jabbar makes a strong bid for the title. In Jabbar’s recent article: “China's Influence in Sports, Entertainment, and Politics Is Subtle but Deadly” he says: “The Winter Olympics start next week in China and that’s not good for sports, the U.S., or democracy in general.” Playing a coon for the right wing’s campaign of China-bashing, Jabbar is silent on the way organized gambling has taken over professional sports forcing teams to purposely lose games and reap huge gambling profits. Jabbar does not comment on the lawsuit that Brian Flores, the black head coach fired by the Miami Dolphins, filed against multiple NFL teams. Flores claims that his refusal accept $100,000 for each game he lost by tampering with players caused the owner of the Miami Dolphins to fire him. But the corruption of professional sports is not limited to sports betting that bilks the public of billions.
The Oakland Athletics and the MLB have joined billionaire capitalists in the gigantic scheme orchestrated by political boss and former Democratic governor of California, to reap billions by buying public property that corrupt public officials are selling off at rock bottom prices. Under the leadership of Mayor Libby Schaaf, a Brown crony, the democratic party is using coons to sell off thousands of acres of public land and close a host of public schools. Associates of the late democratic party financier, Eli Broad, are reaping billions in real estate profits. Meanwhile thousands of Oakland residents are living on the streets and under freeways, having lost their jobs because of these criminals and homeless and hungry school children have nowhere to go. When Negro Congressman, Barbara Lee invited the daughter of arch-segregationist, George Wallace, to speak to an audience of a thousand cheering coons, the democratic party establishment realized no one would challenge their outrage. ?Oakland’s coons emboldened the Oakland Athletics to grab property from the Port of Oakland, which will have major impact of port operations and demand the tax payers give the baseball team $800M to build a new baseball stadium. The Oakland Athletics and others have thoroughly corrupted the democratic process in Oakland, yet Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who must avert his eyes from the 75,000 homeless that he must pass on his way to work in Los Angeles criticizes China for being undemocratic.
Judas And The Black Messiah
Judas and the Black Messiah, a 2021 film depicts the betrayal and assassination of Fred Hampton, chairman of the Chicago chapter of the Black Panther Party. In 1967, FBI agent, Roy Martin Mitchell recruited a Negro car thief, William O'Neal, to act as a FBI cointelpro operative and infiltrate the Black Panther Party. With FBI assistance, O’Neal penetrated the Black Panther’s inner circle to become the head of security in order to arrange Fred Hampton’s murder. On December 3, 1969, the FBI and Chicago police launched a raid on Hampton’s Monroe Street residence. Earlier in the evening, O'Neal laced Hampton’s food and drink with secobarbital to make certain Hampton would be unconscious during the raid. At 1:30 am, while lying in bed and talking to his mother on the telephone, the 21-year old Panther leader fell unconscious. At 4:00?a.m., a 14-man Chicago SWAT team stormed Hampton’s apartment, killing Mark Clark and wounding others in a hail of bullets. Ballistics found that the Chicago police fired 99 shots inside the one-bedroom apartment. The then cops entered Hampton's bedroom where he lay comatose from the secobarbital.?A SWAT team member calmly walked over to Hampton’s bed and shot the Panther leader twice in the face. Afterwards, O'Neal dropped out of sight. But in the early hours of January 15, 1990, Willie O’Neal ran from his apartment onto a thoroughfare and was killed by a car.
In 1972, Vincent Leaphart, a Korean war veteran, concerned with Philadelphia’s homeless situation, changed his name to John Africa and founded a community organization known as MOVE. Working with Donald Glassey, a social worker from the University of Pennsylvania, John Africa used a document entitled The Guidelines: A Christian Movement for Life, to alert people to the housing crises. When Africa relocated to a row house on Osage Avenue in Cobbs Creek, a predominately black Philadelphia neighborhood, in 1981, neighbors began to complain about trash around John Africa’s home and political announcements being broadcasted from a bullhorn. In 1985, Gregore Sambor, Philadelphia’s white police commissioner, informed Philadelphia’s Negro mayor, Wilson Goode, of the complaints and asked Goode to classify MOVE, as a terrorist organization giving Sambor the authority to arrest MOVE members on charges of terrorism. On Monday, May 13, 1985, Philadelphia’s Negro city manager, Leo Brooks, ordered the water and electricity to John Africa’s home shut off. Outside Police commissioner Sambor shouted into a bullhorn: "Attention MOVE: This is America. You have to abide by the laws of the United States."?When the seven adults and six children inside did not respond, City Manager Brooks ordered the police to attack with automatic weapons and tear gas canisters. From inside, MOVE members fought back engaging the police in a full-fledged fire fight. The police then unleashed a hailstorm of munitions using every weapon in their arsenal including military ordinance and concussion grenades. ?More than 10,000 bullets were fired into the home. With their hands raised in the air, seven children attempted to surrender through the front door. The Philadelphia police shot them down, killing all but one. Thirteen-year-old Birdie Africa suffered multiple gunshot wounds and serious tear gas burns, but survived. After the police killed the children, Sambor ordered Lt. Frank Powell, circling above in a Pennsylvania State Police helicopter, to drop two FBI-supplied TOVEX incendiary bombs. A fireball, erupting hundreds of feet into the air, killed everyone inside Africa’s residence. Though the bombs caused a blazing inferno that threatened the entire neighborhood, Sambor prevented the fire department from putting out the flames, ruthlessly allowing the fire to rage throughout the neighborhood, destroying the homes of 65 black residents.
Alberta Africa, John Africa’s widow, was not in the family home when her husband and children burned alive. Alberta immediately remarried John Gilbride, a US Airways supervisor, and moved to her new husband’s home in New Jersey. In 2002, a gunman fired six shots into Gilbride’s 1985 Ford, killing him, instantly. In a Facebook post, Mike Africa Jr accused Alberta Africa as well as Sue “Ria” Africa, whose son Tomaso was killed in the 1985 bombing, of “orchestrating harm, confusion and chaos for people inside and outside MOVE.”