Black Hat 2023: Cyberwar fire-and-forget-me-not
There are precious few weapons invented that weren’t reused later for the next horrible thing, even if we promise the current one is the “war to end all wars”. But they never are. With one notable exception – turning the global troposphere into a nuclear melty firecracker that cooks us all – there seems to be no end to the lengths to which we humans will go to destroy others, and sometimes ourselves.
Here at Black Hat, there is an undercurrent beneath the surface about the dual-purpose weapons being trotted out, being used for both good and evil, depending on perspective. One nation-state’s hero is another’s villain, after-all.
At ESET, we remain dedicated to protecting technology. More specifically, we believe our job is to protect technology and leave the determination of intent to governments. We’re technologists at heart, and here at Black Hat, there’s a lot of heart...
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