Black Gold = The Blasters Choice
Big holes drilled for expanding grout

Black Gold = The Blasters Choice

Expanding Grout.. We all know what expanding grout is, but do you know what Black Gold is? Black Gold by Rock Busters is a NEW brand of grout designed to go into large diameter holes. And I mean large, like in 3", 4.5", and even 5" diameter holes. What this does is it lets you space your holes a lot further apart. With a 3" hole you can do a 4' spacing. And with a 4.5 - 5" hole you can space them out 7-8' apart. Yes, 4' spacing with a 3" and 7'-8' with a 4.5" holes. This incredible pattern save you a ton of money in grout and far less drill which as we all know is what its all about. Now you can just have your driller come in and drill holes in a regular blasting pattern. This grout has staggering breaking power.

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Track drill drilling blast holes

Now you can drill a large diameter holes in a regular blast pattern and instead of loading them with explosives just pour them with grout. If you have a large rock excavation to do or miles of trench to put in in places that blasting with high explosives is prohibited Black Gold is the way to go. Using Black Gold will not only substantially reduce the amount of grout you use but also reduce the amount of drilling drastically too.

As used on the Trasnsmountain Pipeline Expansion Project Black Gold became a key to their success in certain areas where they could not blast due to being close to the Highway and it would be too dangerous to blast. Quite a number of jobs fall into the category where it's risky to blast and now a days we have options that easily allow us to mitigate those risks. The beauty of Black Gold being able to be used on a regular 3" x 3' x 3' pattern, or 4" x 6' x 6' pattern is the simplicity of the driller not having to re-tool the drill or even think about using a different drill pattern. He / She can just continue to drill what they are used to and pour the grout at the end of each shift.

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Untarping the grouted section in the morning
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Here you can see the wide hole spacing

Here you can see the 1 meter by 1 meter hole spacing used. See the incredible wide cracked caused by the grout overnight. This allowed them to make great progress through the trench section with using grout where it is typically a slow and more expensive process.

Black Gold is unlike any other expanding grout on the market today. The fact is it's results are ground breaking. In simple terms the cost of grout on Blk Gld projects is less than half of any of our competition. That alone combined with the drilling being less than half as well makes it a very easy choice. That's why they say, "Black Gold is The Blasters Choice".

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Everyone knows how regulated blasting is, and for good reason. We all want to work safe and go home to our families at the end of the day. We as well as do whats best for the environment and keep the public safe. For me its a simple choice. We have many experienced blasters out there and many professional companies providing top notch services. I don't think it's ever, or should it ever be a question of where do I do things cheaper when it comes to dealing with explosives. But having said that costs are always on customers minds as saving money on the projects. I think first of all we should always assess what is the best way. A lot of the time blasting is the best option. But then you get into jobs where it's not. Jobs that have risk associated with blasting such as vibrations or fly rock due to close proximity to something and then blasting is out of the picture and you are simply looking for the best alternitive. Other times you can blast but you find yourself encuorring additional costs for things such as security for the explosives, or transportation of the explosives to and from the magazine each day, and then the added cost of the pre-blast surveys. A lot of the time when you add everything up and figure out the cost comparison of blasting over grout it is very close either way.

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Chart to calculate boxes of grout required

If you have a job where you need to break rock and need some help give us a call. We call suggest the best drill pattern and help you figure out how many boxes you need. We can even set you up on site with your own SmartCan full of grout and keep it automatically restocked for you so you never run out. Our SmartCan Technology monitors you inventory and sends us alerts when you are low. We then send a truck out to your site and stock you up.

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GPS and inventory tracking technology available with auto restocking service.
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Grout delivery

With our auto restocking service you take the grout on consignment and only pay for what you use. You never have left over to dispose of or never run short and need to order more. We take care of it all for you.

With our many happy customers so far. Such as:

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Transmountain Pipeline

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Kan-Arm Contracting

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Michels Canada
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Chevron Refineries

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T & A Rock Works

Thank you

Dennis Wager



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