Black Friday Edition - Taking action on the crisis in professionalism
Who wants to be average? Even normal? For too many people, this means lacking professionalism in the workplace. Why are employers suffering such a rash of poor performance in behavior? In short, most of these people simply don’t know any different. There has been major gaps in guidance, training, and role models.
Seeing people struggle on how to behave as business people. Teams that flounder. And leaders who grow more frustrated by this crisis in professionalism. It doesn’t need to be this way.
Perhaps these circumstances describes you. Or someone you know and want to succeed.
As a coach, I can only work with so many people. And not everyone has the option and circumstances to work 1-1 with someone like me. Now this material is available in an online course. I created the online course “Practical Professionalism Primer”. Nine online video sessions cover the fundamentals of performance and behavior in the workplace.
These gaps can be bridged through understanding these different areas, expectations, and boundaries. During the Black Friday weekend this course is available for only $74.99 (it’s usually $199.99.). The course releases on January 2 with a module the first and third week of each month.
To do this work with a coach easily runs into the thousands (yes, it does kinda hurt to put this course out, but getting this information out is critical for our economy and society to perform at its maximum potential).
This course can be a great gift for someone in your life that’s just graduated, looking to gain an edge at work, or a veteran going into the civilian workplace - amongst others.
Strengthen reputations. Pursue prosperity. Invest in others (and yourself) with the “Practical Professionalism Primer” course. It can be purchase as a digital gift with email delivery.