Black Friday, Cyber Monday, GIVING TUESDAY - December 1, 2015
Giving Tuesday is a global day dedicated to giving back...a day when making a charitable gift will make a real difference.
By making your year-end donation to The Center for Ethics in Financial Education, you will be supporting our mission to teach the importance of ethics in finance and prudent personal asset management in the nation's colleges and universities.
Through personal financial management workshops and development of ethical finance curriculum, the Center helps students develop a personal and professional financial management philosophy to guide their thinking and their actions.
Help celebrate Giving Tuesday. Go to our website, and make a donation to support the Center's mission.
Gifts can also be sent to our office at:
1567 Kew Road, Cleveland Heights, OH 44118
And, if your company has a matching gift program, we would appreciate that as well.
To learn more about the Center, please visit our website.
To learn more about what Giving Tuesday means, visit
We thank you very much!