Black Friday Cyber Monday Check List
As a retailer, you pretty sure know how Black Friday and Cyber Monday are both important chances for you to boost your sales before the year ends. And these days are also the times when you have to make sure that you’re on top of the competition. With the technology that we have today, competition for eCommerce retailers is being more and more aggressive to become on top. You’d see the aggressiveness more on sites that don’t have brick and mortar shops to help them let passersby know about their products. But at the same time, nowadays, more and more people prefer hunting the best deals from the safety of their homes than braving the crowd. So what should you make sure you have covered before Black Friday and Cyber Monday arrive?
Where do you start?
Plan them early
When it comes to these type of events, it’s not just you who’s excited. Your customers and future customers could possibly be more excited than you, the least you know they’ve been hunting deals even before you start planning. But have you done anything to make sure they find you? Have you even started planning already? All of these things you have to prepare for before Black Friday and Cyber Monday could be overwhelming, but if you start planning ahead of time, you could take tiny steps in making things work perfectly for you. You can start by deciding which products should be cleared out, the events you’ll be hosting, and definitely the gimmicks you’ll be doing to promote your brand on a busy Black Friday and Cyber Monday.
Organizing your sales should also be part of your planning. It’s important to know exactly how much you have in your store all the time. You can use a spreadsheet format to make sure you get to identify the products you want to put on a sale, and how much discount you could give. You can click here to know how to manage inventory in excel. When you get to organize your sales, you benefit from avoiding wrong prices, and it helps you keep order especially on a very busy day. And on these days, the last thing you’d want to do is make your customer disappointed because you sold out of her orders and telling her last minute.
Backup plans
Whether it’s your first time preparing for Black Friday and Cyber Monday or not, you want to make sure you’re ready even if problems arise. You can start by making sure your website is ready for heavy traffic, the least you’d want is your site down on this special time to get those sales, aside from that imagine how frustrated your customers would be? This might cause a decrease in conversion and affect you long term so you have to make sure your site can handle the surge in traffic. And when you get unlucky and your site goes down, do you know what to do? Do you have proper backups ready? Now, how about shipping problems? It’s not just you who's going to get busy, they sure will too, so do you have plan B ready? Starting to worry? Don’t, because these are not to give your fears but to let you know what you should have planned out ahead of time, and what you should consider having ready in case things don't go your way.
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