The Black Friday Avalanche
>> Amazing deal - but was something missing, I wondered...
The internet is a snake pit. Some cunning rogues actually?raise?their prices for Black Friday.
That's one reason I have never before made a Black Friday Offer.
I thought some deals were a bit dodgy - and I was right.
But this really is an excellent deal, and I'm glad to endorse it.
You get excellent coaching from 16 fine copywriters for the price of one - and save $8,326.
These people know a damn sight more than I did when I started - maybe know a damn sight more now.
That created quite a problem for me.
What else can I give you?
Frankly, I was scratching my head in dismay, wondering how the hell I could possibly help you beyond what these writers offer.
I almost gave up. But then I reflected on other things an old geezer like me reflects on.
Things most people have forgotten.
And what most people have forgotten - or maybe never knew - is the essence of good copywriting.
It was defined around 120 years ago by John E. Kennedy as?salesmanship in print.
If you could afford to send your most persuasive salesman to pitch your prospects, that would be a piece of cake, wouldn't it?
So, when I was racking my brains, I thought, who is the best salesman I've ever come across?
In my view, possibly the best in the world.
His name is Andy Bounds. Not long ago he and I spent a day with a rapt audience at Churchill's War Rooms in London revealing how to persuade people to do things you want in exchange for their money.
I think you'll learn a lot from it. So I'm offering you a video of the whole, as?part?but not all my Black Friday offering for Friday.
Not necessarily from me, but from him.
Here's what Andy's clients had to say about him
"Andy Bounds recently helped Barclays win a £2.6 billion deal, one of our largest ever"
- Barclays Bank
"A toolbox of powerful techniques that will help anyone communicate more powerfully, effectively and confidently than ever before."
- James Caan
"Andy Bounds changed the way we do everything! We now view the world entirely differently than we did. Every single conversation that we have uses his stuff and the change in our results has been dramatic.
His AFTERs-based approach to articulating value is quite simply the best thing out there. It's a better way to sell. It's an easier way to sell. And the strange thing is that, once you've heard it, it's totally obvious. But nobody does it!
He has caused a paradigm shift in the way we operate."
- Experian
"A genius, whose advice can't be ignored."
- Global Communication Director, AstraZeneca
You also get all 5 of my ebooks -
Here's what you get when you grab the copywriting mega bundle today
The Story Sales Machine - Usually $37
The Path To A Profitable Offer - Usually $497
What’s Working Now In Copywriting? - Usually $497
The Copywriter Club Conference Recordings - Usually $550
Become Ridiculously Good with Klaviyo in 5 Days - Usually $198
The Email Copywriting Compendium - Usually $101
Daily Email Income - Usually $500
Copywriting Book Bundle and Churchill War Rooms - Usually $399
8020 Email Copy Advanced - Usually $497
Longform & SEO Masterclass - Usually $97
Convert Like A Charm - Usually $1,409
Virtual LA Boot Camp Intensive - Usually $249
Guide to the Nuts and Bolts of Running a Successful Copywriting Business - Usually $697
New Email Masters - Usually $2,000
All 20 "Original Copy Legend" Ad Collections (ie. Swipe Files) - Usually $513
6 months of BTMS Insiders - Usually $582
If you bought that little bundle of magic separately, you'd pay a total of $8,823.
But please don't hang around. And don't expect a better deal - this insanely generous discount is only guaranteed until 11:59 PM on November 29.