Black Friday - 2020 Edition
Retailers: Make the most of Black Friday 2020 with my top eCommerce tips
It has been a turbulent year for retail, with no clear sign of normality on the horizon. With the biggest shopping event of the year just weeks away, November 27th to be exact, this year’s discount retail extravaganza is set to be the busiest on record. Covid-19 restrictions will force many to buy online on Black Friday (and Cyber Monday just 3 days later), and with the additional threat of high street Christmas shopping restrictions, it’s reported that many of us are already buying gifts in the event of a festive lockdown.
So, what does this mean for your business? At Cloud Commerce Group, we know a thing or two about eCommerce, so we’ve pulled together our top tips to help you make the most of Black Friday this year.
Be Visible
Whether you are an experienced eCommerce player, or you’re new to the online marketplace, if your customers can’t find your products easily, you run the risk of losing out to your competitors. Making sure you are advertising in the right place, and at the right time, is key.
The days are numbered for the single-marketplace retailer. If you’re an eBay maestro, but haven’t tried Amazon yet, or you’re an Etsy overlord who hasn’t mastered Shopify, you may want to consider venturing into the deep unknown. Widening your net makes sense if you want to grow your business - multi-channel eCommerce is where it’s at.
Be Clever
Listing your product is an obvious step towards eCommerce glory, but content is king. Think about what sets your product apart from that of your competitors and make it clear by listing the product’s attributes, features and benefits. Or, if you are selling a common product, make yours stand out with a compelling call to action, or CTA as we like to call it. You can even tinker with your visible stock availability to create a sense of urgency!
Be Prepared
It might be a few weeks away, but shoppers are already gearing up for grabbing those deals, you only have to look at Twitter to see how many people are tweeting about it. Now is the time to prepare your listings, automate as many processes as possible, and start some teaser campaigns to get that Black Friday ball rolling. Remember, proper planning and preparation prevents poor performance!
Stock Up
You can’t sell what you don’t have - unless you’re a drop-shipper of course! Make sure your stock levels are primed and ready for the increased demand. If you’re a multi-channel retailer who manages your accounts manually, this of course means deciding how many units to list on each marketplace so that you don’t oversell. And, almost as importantly, make sure you have sufficient stock of labels and packaging because you can’t deliver what you can’t ship!
What next?
These tips just scratch the surface, there is so much more that goes into running a successful eCommerce business and making the most of large-scale events like Black Friday. For example, listing and relisting onto multiple platforms and how to manage your stock when it could sell on any marketplace, at any time. And what about managing customer messaging from different marketplaces? That’s a whole other headache without the right tools.
Let’s just say your listings are on point, your shelves are full of stock, and you sell out over the Black Friday and Cyber Monday period. That’s great, at least until you realise you have to pick, pack and ship these orders immediately in order to keep this abundance of customers happy. Then what? This could be the point when it all goes a bit sideways.
That’s where we come in! Cloud Commerce Group’s suite of eCommerce solutions resolve all of these issues, and then some. What’s more, we’re also specialists in Google and Amazon advertising so once your listings are in tip top condition, your stock is managed, your shipping is just a click away and your messaging is on point, we’ll help you find customers and drive them to your listings.
To find out more, select the option which most represents your situation:
Option 1: I want to sell on Amazon and Google Shopping but need some help.
Option 2: I need software to help me manage my multi-channel eCommerce business.
Option 3: I need a fully managed multi-channel eCommerce system with warehouse management and reporting.
Not sure which option to choose? Call 01524 230 251 to speak to a member of our team.