Black Friday? // 1 John 1:7

Black Friday? // 1 John 1:7

By Mark Jordan

Do you have any shopping plans for Black Friday? It isn’t a tradition our family ever embraced, and with the advent of online shopping, I doubt we ever will. As many are resting and digesting today, let’s not focus on the dark, but the light! Our verse for the day encourages us to walk in the light as the Lord is in the light. Jesus, in fact, referred to Himself as the light, and the light of the world (John 8:12). He shares His light with us and asks us to represent Him wherever we are and in all we say and do (Matthew 5:14-16). That way, regardless of the places we venture that are full of darkness, we can illuminate with love and glow with God’s eternal glory. Now, just as forever, the light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot understand how (John 1:1-5). So, let’s shine brightly by walking in the light this Black Friday and every day for that Friday? // 1 John 1:7



