Black Fish in a Red Sea
a poem about somethin’ fishy in these here waters--
By a Writer for Warriors
Poets Prologue:? I am an Invisible Veteran. I like to write about the often invisible impact of military stuff on civilian stuff.? Like the GI Bill? ...Here’s the setup:
I had a pale civilian inlaw who bought a house for five thousand dollars. Lived happily ever after until you know what happened. Sold it for five MILLION dollars. My dusky? father was a Navy Veteran and bought a similar house for five thousand dollars. Same same, right ? Uh, couldn't sell it for what he paid for it.
In the words of philosopher Marvin Gaye, “what’s goin’ on?? Someone tell me what’s goin’ on?”?
Anyway, I recently? read an article about the discovery of a deep sea fish that was always there but was never seen before. Think of that?...something always there...but never seen.?Kinda like an Invisible veteran but different:
Anoplogaster !!!
Fish be floatin’, moatin’, downright slow boatin’. A phantom miles under deep
Dense immense darkness in a pitch black sea.
It is Something grazing swimmingly? ….in whatever water is.?
Gulping... sculpting... bubbles... with an undulating phrenic peep.
Fish ain’t hardly crazy about the pressure way Above. Not that it knows where-ever ...if ever ...of? anything called Above. Nor able to think of nuthin’ really. Not life, not liberty nor love.
Fish just be floatin’. bloatin’ . motor boatin’? and downright showboatin’.?
Darting past the deep sea tripod fish.? Ugling with the bony-eared assfish. Evading the larval lionfish.
Invisible Veteran: Holy mackerel, pretty damn Dark creature. An Ultra-Black blink of a fish in a bottomless Black sea. So invisible light soaks into its very scales. Why is a creature this creepy anyways, Sooo far under deep.
What's this setup all about !?! More metaphor to come.