Of Black Cats and U-turns
Ayesha Aziz
Group Manager Sustainability at Packages Limited | Climate Change | Energy Transition | ESG | Decarbonization | Water Stewardship | Gender and Climate | Quality Management | Responsible Supply Chain | Board Advisor
Although I have nothing against these balls of fur – I don't like them. Black, white, orange: it doesn't matter what colour of the species, I avoid them at all costs! To some of us though a black cat is a bad omen and the appearance of one on their way means they have to take another route to their destination!
Since I joined the workforce back with a bang (almost), I am surrounded by another species in the workplace - Generation Y or more popularly known as the Millennials. Although Millennial characteristics vary by region, depending on social and economic conditions, the generation is generally marked by an increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies. In most parts of the world, their upbringing was marked by an increase in a liberal approach to politics and economics; the effects of this environment are disputed. The Great Recession has had a major impact on this generation because it has caused historically high levels of unemployment among young people, and has led to speculation about possible long-term economic and social damage to this generation.
Although there are many debates amongst demographers regarding the traits of this generation, what is common between them is discontentment with where they are in life, and the tendency to leave jobs, relationships and places as soon as the slightest sign of disappointment crosses their path. Please don’t get me wrong, I adore my young friends and one valuable lesson I have learned from them is that although life might be a high speed race, it’s okay to not reach the finish line and it’s okay to change your path midway if you know where you’re heading is not meant for you.
Most of us are raised with unrealistically high moral standards of right and wrong, almost forgetting that we are human in the end. You are your longest commitment, and if you are not happy then something is wrong and something needs to change - if not the situation, then your attitude towards it! Life is not a grocery list, and it’s okay if you don't get everything. No matter how much we try, something is always left in the end, but the most important thing is to be happy and accepting of yourself first. After all you can't pour from an empty cup, can you?
By now you know this had nothing to do with the superstitions associated with black cats crossing your path, but about choosing your path, choosing to stay on your path or deciding to take a U-turn altogether. So black cat or not – you have the power to decide. Whether you should listen to your heart or mind, now that’s the difficult part!