The Black Box Thinking.
Operations Manager Tim Hortons MENA | ISO 22000:2018 FSMS LA | seeker of IKIGAI | practicing KAIZEN | READER | WRITER |Talks about personal finance. I create Leaders who create leaders.!
Imagine you hear about 9/11 kind of events on a daily basis, 2996 that's the number of official deaths published, how scary it would be. What thoughts would come to your mind? #BLACKBOXTHINKING book covers this, Matter of fact is 9/11 is happening every day, and yet no one is talking about this. But how and where? It is in the healthcare sector. The article covers the comparison between aviation and healthcare, whenever there is a mishap occurs in aviation each and every detail are registered and recorded for further analysis so we can eliminate such accidents, where as according to reports due to mistakes and ignorance in healthcare there are many of deaths as it is each day 2 Boeing are crashing, every other day 9/11 is happening and the data talks about the deaths what about patients goes trauma and physical and mental sickness due to ignorance, delays in decision making and lack of resources and at the end the doctors and administration is not responsible. The surprising fact is if any death occurs on the OT table there is no mechanism in place in hospitals to investigate the cause unless there is a legal case been put.
Doctors are not there to make mistakes but at the same time, they are coached and taught to hide mistakes and refrains to share complete details with the patient or with their families.
How this can be fixed:- I think the solution is to add a black box team in every industry, this could be formed with existing resources. The prime function is to have an unbiased penetration of all types of information of the system crossing departmental hierarchies and share the report in the public domain or at least to the stakeholders to ensure the previous mistakes can be corrected and not repeated. Matthew Syed Thanks for this insight.