Black Bluegrass by No Sweat, Kentucky’s unadulterated author hits another home run!
Black bluegrass by no sweat
to all ships at sea and brilliant minds hiding in peril!
black bluegrass by no sweat is now available for purchase on amazon and soon for sale via Barnes and noble and other outlets throughout the world.
black bluegrass is a collection of 12 short stories by Kentucky author, earl Lowell Robbie robbins, jr. Aka. No sweat. No sweat has been Robbie robbins pen name for over forty years. He was dubbed no sweat after killing an 869 pound tiger shark which kept invading the marina off singer island Florida where he was then working in the summers as a safety diver for a scuba diving operation. The name stuck and has been his pen name ever since.
Black bluegrass by no sweat is his fifth book to be published by three different publishing houses. These precious days was his first book published by old seventy creek press, rudy Thomas, editor. Then, nefarious was published by itoh press, carol itoh, editor. After these two novels came a sprawling three volumr 1500 page work entitled, singer island and Ernest Hemingway. This was followed by a book named, letters from a genius to an oaf, which was published by Monday creek press in Ohio, gina McKnight, editor. And now, black bluegrass by no sweat has emerged.
black bluegrass by no sweat is totally different than any other book contains Kentucky stories. These are kentucky stories of a nature which have never before been written and stand unique unto themselves. All of the stories are journalistic in nature and several rather adventuresome. No sweat has exposed a black side of Kentucky where the sun does not shine so bright. And he has been both sad and delightful in the process. His editor, rudy Thomas, which no sweat describes as a saint, states that every word in black bluegrass is unadulterated fiction and no sweat, smiling, concurs.
black bluegrass by no sweat is a book which echos no sweats strong literary voice. His voice owns a distinguishable clarity easily recognized above the hub bib of all Kentucky authors. Love him or hate him you know him in an instant.
Now that black bluegrass grass is reality, no sweat has numerous writing projects in front of him. He wants to work more on singer island and Ernest Hemingway. He wants to re work a new book devoted on Edward Hawkins, the first legally hanged man in Estella county. He is working on assembling a book which he is calling, my life with a homing pigeon. This 1,000 page work involves his 60 years of involvement with racing pigeons. No sweat is an international celebrity as such having won over 800 first places and in 2019 in South Africa will be racing his pigeons in the biggest pigeon race in the world, the two million dollar pigeon race in which he will test his birds against the best of the best in all the world. No sweat has started a new novel called, the boat that never was. This work is set entirely on the Gulf Stream. It is a work which no sweat feels will be quite special and possibly his best effort to date.
kentucky author, no sweat accredits his wife, chesteen robbins, for all his successes in life. The went together for seven years and now have been married going on 46 years. They have one daughter, Nancy, who is an English professor and teacher. She has two sons of which are very dear to no sweat, named, lance and Barrett. These five are a close family unit and enjoy traveling, especially scuba diving in the Gulf Stream all throughout the Caribbean.
black bluegrass by no sweat is entertaining. It is full of dark flavor. You will find it a small treasure you will never forget. If you enjoy unadulterated fiction, black bluegrass by no sweat is your must book.