#iamablackmanwalking Wayne D. Lewis, Sr.

The Tuskegee Study-It’s History!

The Covd-19 vaccine is here! Just in time for Christmas! That is great news! Unfortunately, for many Black Americans and minorities who have been the victims of racism in several contexts, there is apprehension as to whether this is THE vaccine that could negatively impact our communities. You know, the way Tuskegee sharecroppers were impacted in 1932.

For many, it’s time to let that go! That’s old news! To many, these are much different times. The government would never condone that type of activity, again. America is a much better country than those days, take the vaccine! So we can all heal as a country. Don’t forget to wear your mask! Social distance! And of course, wash those little hands.

Full disclosure: I am 65 years of age. God only knows what underlying conditions I have racked up!

Full disclosure: I have taken vaccines my whole life. Against the flu; against Tuberculosis; smallpox; diphtheria; chicken pox, and who knows what else! I have taken vaccines! Nothing new to me.

If you were to wonder why blacks are so apprehensive about vaccinations, you need only to put in your respective search engine the terms: “Blacks and vaccines”. There are several major news organizations that are carrying our perspective on why Blacks are apprehensive about taking vaccines.

For example: 

LA Times writes: “…only 32% of Blacks say that they would definitely, or probably might take the COVID-19 19 vaccine.” writes: “The Black community’s distrust of the vaccine and the nation’s medical establishment is rooted in a long record of mistreatment. The late 1900’s were defined by medical breakthroughs in the nation’s scientific community, but many of these experiments and discoveries were made at the “’the expense of Black people’s human dignity,’” said Dr Reed Tuckson, co-founder of the Black Coalition Against Covid-19. “’There is a history of insults that have occurred in health care for people of color.’”

MSNBC’s Joy Reid reports that “due to the history of scientific experiments involving African-Americans such as the Tuskegee Study and the use of the cells of Henrietta Lacks, the Black community may be afraid to take the COVID vaccine when it becomes available.”

There is always a reason to suggest that Blacks are overreacting. That in this time of American history, the year- 2020, that all that has ever occurred to Blacks in America are apart of the past. Yes, a suggestion can be made. But that suggestion maybe a matter of a generally dismissive perspective by anyone who feel less inclined to believe that the plight of Black America is the fault of Black America. 

It seems to make very little sense to those whose history of receiving vaccines without being exploited, that Blacks should be so apprehensive. After all, what kind of role would government take, that would be so widespread as to literally wipe out an entire race of people?

It would appear to be inconceivable that the government would take such steps as to target Black Americans in the form of a vaccine, but our apprehension is based in history, not in fantasy;

It would appear to be inconceivable that police officers would shoot unarmed Black men and women, in the back; in their homes; with their hands up, with the go-to defense that they “feared for their safety”, but history proves that a lot of police officers are either extremely afraid of (unarmed) black people, are fulfilling an agenda, to eliminate Black people;

It was once inconceivable that Black people would be incarcerated at a greater rate than our White counter-parts for many of the same crimes, that neither were any less guilty of committing;

It was once inconceivable that our little Black boys and Black girls would be suspended, and/or expelled at a greater rate than their White Boys and White Girls for infractions that once required detention; timeout; or standing against the wall, but it is a reality that will not see an end, even as we wait out this Pandemic;

It was once inconceivable that a Resource Officer (law enforcement officer) would be the school disciplinarian, rather than the Principal; the PE Coach, or a school counselor, a parent, or a medical professional, but it is a standard operating procedure too often, in too many schools, resulting in elementary and middle high school students getting a criminal record before they graduate high school, most often, Black students;

It is inconceivable that Black citizens’ homes would be devalued in an appraisal after Hurricane Katrina, but it is historically factual.

It would appear to be inconceivable that Black citizens would have their voting rights denied; suppressed, or repealed but it is historical and factual, not a mere understanding;

In the midst of this pandemic, there is a need for minorities to ask, “Why now, the concern for our welfare?”

In the midst of this beyond Biblical plaque, shouldn’t People of Color weigh their options against a vaccine that was rushed to manufacturing; rushed to distribution, and now, being marketed for immediate consumption, or vaccination?

I have been called a conspiracy theorist all my life. It is probably why people look at me funny. But sooner or later, I have to hit on the right question for the average person to think about. Today that question is: why the rush? 

Another question: why does anyone care if we live or die if we have been historically lynched; killed by police officers who fear for their safety; excessively imprisoned; and strategically denied civil rights through “Jim Crow” laws? Why do we, as Black people, matter to the White masses whether we get a disease that has already killed over 320,000 people? 

According to the news, unless it is fake, we are being impacted by a disproportionate amount of 40% by COVID-19. That sounds like a winning thing for those who work so diligently to eliminate us; to deny us; to disenfranchise us. 

It would seem like all America has to do is let this disease do its dirty deed. Just stand back, and stand by, if that what America has been trying to do for nearly 400 years. Our destiny, a People of Color is in America’s hands, now more than ever. Seemingly, all we have to do, is take this vaccine, and all that we have endured, would be over. The apprehension is real. 

Our apprehension of the COVID-19 vaccine as a people, is as real as a bus load of the Freedom Riders (made up of Black and White college students in 1961) whose bus was set a fire in Alabama because they wanted to see equal justice in transportation for all riders, regardless of race, creed or color! 

Our apprehension is as real as a Birmingham Church in 1963, also bombed in Alabama with 4 little innocent Black girls going to Sunday School. We have more to be apprehensive about a vaccine, because America is destined to make Black citizens as much of an enemy of America as is Russia, China and North Korea. Countries who do not distinguish the color of our skin, nor the loss of our blood any more than any other American. Yet, we are the enemies within America.

Despite our apprehension of the COVID-19 Vaccine, we refuse to be America’s enemy, even as we kill one another in Black-on-Black crimes more quickly with our own self-hatred that just can’t be compared, or justified morally. 

As Black Americans, we refuse to be America’s enemy, even as she continues to turn off police body-cams and commit criminal acts against us, under the color of law.

As Black Americans, we refuse to be America’s declared enemy as she breaks into our homes with no-knock warrants;

As Black Americans, we refuse to be America’s most wanted race as she targets our young Black men in hopes of making them into criminals for a criminal justice system that operates for profit. 

We refuse to be a compliant enemy as we weigh the idea of taking a vaccine that promises to be a cure to a pandemic that is no respecter of skin color; sex; creed; color; gender; age; finance; class, or religion yet, we are disproportionately represented. 

We can’t be an enemy of the state, because for once, America, along with the whole world has an enemy that has her in its sights, and there isn’t a man-made weapon available that will guarantee life, liberty or justice, because we are all equal in a most unlikely way. We are all susceptible to a virus that does not discriminate, even as Blacks and other minorities are disproportionately represented in being victims of this Biblical anomaly.

Conspiratorly (not a word) speaking, as People of Color, our apprehension of this vaccine is all but justified. Well, my apprehension anyway. It’s in the vaccine! Every form of police brutality; excessive force; expulsion from schools; denial of medical treatment; excessive diagnosis of our sons and daughters ADHD; denial of suitable employment; under employment; excessive prison terms; hiding of evidence; covering up of misconduct; being charged with crimes we did not commit; denial of our civil rights; voter suppression; housing discrimination; diminishing the value of our homes because of the color of our skin, and a whole bunch of discriminatory acts that never seem to end, even in 2020. 

This is the vaccine that is marketed to cure Covid-19 on one hand, while being the composite of every form of racism that America could never justifiable apply in other setting. Correct me, if I am wrong.

It is inconceivable that a vaccine that is designed to save lives has to be advertised that it is just as good for Black people who can be stopped, shot, and prosecuted on the streets of America, just for walking down the street with a can of soda and a honey bun, as it is for a White citizen who can walk past the police with an assault rife and not be stopped at all. It is inconceivable, but historical, right here in America. 

It is inconceivable, that a lone Black man can take a knee against Police Brutality, and lose his career for standing up against injustice. But it is an American reality; What was he accused of: dishonoring our troops and disrespecting our Police Officers. 

On a seemingly unrelated topic, there are thousands of families who are getting ready to be put out on the streets across America, because of this pandemic; There are thousands who are lining up everyday for food; businesses are closing because of this pandemic. We are losing many of the most beautiful family members and co-workers we could have ever asked for because of Covid-19. 

Nurses and doctors, may God bless this all, are sacrificing more of themselves than they ever thought they would. They are the angels that our Bibles have often talked about. They are real! They are putting all their skills, talents and abilities and then some on the line, risking their health as well as their families’ health to save our family members! All of this, more than a year ago, was inconceivable! But it has become a reality that we won’t soon forget!

To prevent further harm, we have all been asked to make sacrifices. In addition, we have been asked to do 3 things to help stem this pandemic, because these three things, when carefully and practically carried out, reportedly can reduce or eliminate its impact on all of our communities. But one thing that we haven’t been asked to do and that is: pray.

It is inconceivable, that in a country that places “In God We Trust” on all our currency and coins, we have yet to be asked, or directed, to pray. I am going to go out on a limb, and ask that we pray, in addition to all the other reasonable preventive steps that we have been encouraged to follow.

Where is our prayer, as indicated in Matthew 21:22: “If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer”?

Where is our prayer, as indicated in James 5:15: “And the prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick”?

Where is our prayer, as indicated in Daniel 9:13: “Just as it is written in the Law of Moses, all this disaster has come on us, yet we have not sought the favor of the LORD our God by turning from our sins and giving attention to your truth”?

We have not received instructions to pray as a nation because it must be inconceivable that prayer, even in the midst of my menial conspiracy theories, can’t possibly be perceived as effective against this pandemic. Haven’t we heard? That the prayers of a faithful people who come together in the name of God works, providing of course, we all have faith. 

Maybe our leaders don’t want to call on us to pray because the vaccine is tainted. And if it is tainted, they maybe afraid that the power of our prayers will nullify its intended affect. Therefore, no prayers will be permitted, nor encouraged.

Because if there was nothing wrong with the vaccine, during nothing short of, if not more than, a Biblical event, why wouldn’t ‘t we pray as “one nation, under God”? Why wouldn’t we be lead in prayer the same way Moses lead the children of Isreal? Why we be lead in prayer, the same way we are lead in the pledge of allegiance?

We should consider saying a prayer at this time, no different than when we sit down to eat our food. Don’t we say grace? 

Despite all of that which is inconceivable, why wouldn’t it be conceivable that we would not be lead to pray, as in Matthew 6:9-13 (kjv): “Our Father, which art in Heaven”?

Why wouldn’t we be lead in prayer to say: “Hallowed be Thy name”?

How hard is it to say: “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done”?

Who among us, as leaders are unwilling to stand before God and man and say: “On earth, as it is in heaven”?

Can we, as Americans, ask that one leader come forth on @Facebook; @twitter; @CNN; @FOXNews, @youtube, or @LinkedIn and say: “Give us this day, our daily bread”?

Who is so afraid of the effectiveness of prayer, that we dare not say: “And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors”?

We are in the middle of a pandemic, the likes of which we have not seen in many of our lives, will someone please lead us, as a nation and say: “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil, for thine is the kingdom, the power and the glory. Forever and ever. Amen”? Please, someone?

If you can’t lead us in prayer, as a leader, then I will continue my conspiracy theory by contending that a select amount of the vaccines that were rushed to manufacture, have been targeted for the least among us including but not limited to: the homeless; Blacks; Hispanics; poor whites; special needs patients; those who are mentally ill; the unemployable, and whomever else may be deemed to be less than American. 

It is inconceivable that this could happen in the world, let alone in America! But remember, on September 10, 2001, it was inconceivable that 3000 people would be killed by 4 commercial airliners to the Twin Towers, the Pentagon, and in an open field in Pennsylvania on 9/11, on America’s soil. That was in inconceivable! But history proves that it was factual. Proof that America’s enemies are not within her borders, nor are they the sons and daughters of America’s slaves.

In closing, I ask that the vaccine that was produced by @Pfizer and @Maderna, and/or other pharmaceutical manufacturers be offered up in prayer before being further administered to one more American. I ask that it be offered up in prayer before another first responder has it administered. If it isn’t tainted; if there isn’t a special batch specially marked for us as Black people, please offer up every shipment; every storage facility; every production, up in prayer. 

Ask God to bless those who manufactured it; those who are shipping it; Ask God to bless those who receive it. Leave no stone unturned for the blessing of this vaccine from raw material to the time it is injected into the muscle of its patient.

Ask God to bless and anoint this vaccine, so that regardless of who receives it, regardless of race, creed, or color, nationality, sex or gender; this vaccine receives the undeniable, unquestionable anointing of Almighty God. If you want to address the apprehension of the Black community, a national day of prayer before another administration of the COVID-19 vaccine, would be in order. Don’t let prayer be inconceivable, let it be a reality, for all of us. May God bless our 1st Responders! May God bless America!

#condemnmeatwill  #iamablackmanwalking


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