bIzZaRe Restaurant, crazy roolz
??Paul Mort??
2X UK Mastercoach of the Year, Best Selling Published Author with Harper Collins and Keynote Speaker. I work with people who want to get their sh1t together and upgrade their lives. No Fluff, No BS, no happy-clappy.
Those Japanese dudes do some crazy shit…
If you’ve ever seen any of their TV shows, you’ll know exactly what I mean
so when I saw this bit of news I had to tell you ’bout it
The countries first NAKED restaurant is set to open July 29th
(funnily enough, the night of my first boxing fight)
I know right?
eating with the view of fun bags and snot rockets–> YACK-A-ROO
certainly puts a new spin on ‘chewing the fat’
the bit that caught my eye about the news though was the fact that people deemed overweight are BANNED
as are people with tattoos.. guess that means I ain’t got NO CHANCE of eating there, even if I wanted to
Now before the mush cookies start banging on about ‘fat shaming’ and all that other BS
(I’ll give you my view on that crap tomorrow)
it’s THEIR restaurant, so they can do whatever they want..
you know what else is NUTS?–> pardon the pun
It’s $750 per ticket, per person and has to be paid in advance
Now…. I may, or may not agree with their policies
but the idea of EXLUSIVITY is one used the world over in some of the biggest and most profitable
In my programs?
well, while I don’t give a shit about tattoos or bodyshapes
I don’t have no time for whiners, moaners, or cheapskates
Because I’m in the RESULTS game
so if you find yourself in the catergory of whiner, moaner or cheapskate
Then you’d be a TERRBILE fit of MMIC
If that’s NOT you
GO here:
Paul ‘low fat’ Mort
PS- Here’s a link to the article