The Bizarre Vanishing Act of Common Sense in the Age of Illiberal Liberalism

The Bizarre Vanishing Act of Common Sense in the Age of Illiberal Liberalism

Once upon a time, in a land not so far away, common sense reigned supreme. People lived in harmony with this trusty ally, making decisions that were reasonable, rational, and responsible. But alas, as the age of the illiberal liberal dawned upon us, common sense met its untimely demise. This tale chronicles the absurdities we now accept as normal, in a world where common sense has become a scarce commodity.

The Death of Common Sense:

As our illiberal liberal society continues to evolve, we've witnessed the painful extinction of common sense. It's as if a contagious virus has spread across the land, infecting one person after another, rendering them incapable of using their brains in a sensible manner. The symptoms of this disease include an inability to differentiate between right and wrong, a loss of perspective, and a penchant for embracing the absurd. Here are some prime examples of this peculiar phenomenon.

The Parenting Paradox:

It's baffling how we've gone from a time when parents were the ultimate authority figures to a society where children are treated like royalty. It's now normal for parents to obsess over their children's every whim, catering to their every desire. Gone are the days when children were taught to respect their elders, to listen to their teachers, and to understand the value of hard work. Today, we're raising a generation of entitled little emperors who believe the world revolves around them. I feel as guilty as anyone!

The War on Words:

In the pursuit of political correctness, our illiberal liberal society has waged an all-out war on language. We now live in a world where using certain words or phrases can lead to accusations of bigotry, hate speech, or even the dreaded "cancellation." One must now tiptoe through a linguistic minefield, lest they inadvertently offend someone or, heaven forbid, hurt their feelings. The irony is that in the quest for inclusivity and tolerance, our society has become incredibly intolerant of dissenting opinions.

The Selfie Syndrome:

The rise of social media has given birth to the age of the selfie. It's hard to fathom why anyone would want to take hundreds of photos of themselves in various poses, but it's become the new normal. In the pursuit of likes, shares, and followers, many have developed an unhealthy obsession with their online personas, carefully curating an image that is far removed from reality. This self-centered behavior has led to a decline in empathy and an increase in narcissism, as people prioritize their digital lives over real human connections.

The Attack on Free Speech:

Common sense would dictate that the free exchange of ideas is essential to a healthy democracy. Yet in our illiberal liberal society, this fundamental right is under attack. Universities, once bastions of free thought and open debate, are now plagued by cancel culture and safe spaces. Speakers with controversial opinions are routinely disinvited or drowned out by protests, as the reigning orthodoxy seeks to silence dissent. In this Orwellian world, free speech has become a relic of a bygone era, replaced by the tyranny of the offended.

The Obsession with Victimhood:

In a curious twist of fate, our society has come to fetishize victimhood. Where once people strove for self-reliance and resilience, today many are eager to embrace a victim mentality. It's as if being oppressed or marginalized has become a badge of honor, bestowing upon the bearer a unique form of social currency. This perverse dynamic has led to a culture of perpetual grievance, where every perceived slight is magnified, and the lines between genuine hardship and self-inflicted suffering are blurred.

The Rise of Outrage Culture:

Outrage has become the default setting for our illiberal liberal society. It seems that every day, a new issue sparks a collective meltdown, as people rush to express their indignation on social media. This perpetual state of anger has led to a toxic environment where nuanced discussions are replaced by knee-jerk reactions, and the loudest, most extreme voices dominate the conversation. In this age of outrage, common sense has been drowned out by the cacophony of discontent.

The Misguided Pursuit of Equality:

Equality is a noble goal, but our society has taken it to absurd extremes. In the name of fairness, we now promote the idea that everyone is a winner and that all achievements are equal. This has led to the erosion of excellence, as true merit is disregarded in favour of promoting an artificial sense of equality. In a world where everyone gets a trophy just for showing up, it's no wonder that the value of hard work and dedication has become a foreign concept to many.

The Abdication of Personal Responsibility:

Gone are the days when individuals took responsibility for their actions and accepted the consequences of their choices. Today, we live in a world where people are quick to blame external factors for their shortcomings, be it their upbringing, society, or even genetics. This abdication of personal responsibility has created a culture of entitlement, where the notion of pulling oneself up by the bootstraps is scoffed at in favor of demanding handouts and special treatment.

The War on Humour:

In our illiberal liberal society, the ability to laugh at oneself and others has become a dying art. A harmless joke can now lead to accusations of insensitivity, or even be branded as hate speech. This hypersensitivity has robbed us of one of the most potent tools for coping with life's challenges - humour. In the process, we have become a society that takes itself far too seriously, unable to appreciate the absurdity of the human condition.

The Triumph of Feelings over Facts:

It's a sad state of affairs when feelings take precedence over facts in our increasingly illiberal liberal society. In the realm of public discourse, emotion has become the ultimate trump card, rendering objective truths impotent in the face of impassioned narratives. This triumph of feelings over facts has led to a world where personal anecdotes are held up as incontrovertible evidence, and the scientific method is dismissed as a relic of an unenlightened past.


As we reflect on the tragic demise of common sense in our illiberal liberal society, it's clear that we have strayed far from the path of reason and rationality. Our world has become a theatre of the absurd, where the most nonsensical ideas are embraced as gospel, and the once-revered virtues of personal responsibility, free speech, and meritocracy are under siege.

Perhaps it's time for us to take a step back, to revaluate our priorities, and to resurrect the lost art of common sense. For if we continue down this path, we risk becoming a society that is not only illiberal but also profoundly dysfunctional. The choice is ours, and the stakes have never been higher.

#DeathOfCommonSense #IlliberalLiberalSociety #WarOnWords #SelfieSyndrome #FreeSpeechUnderAttack #VictimhoodObsession #OutrageCulture #MisguidedEquality #PersonalResponsibility #WarOnHumor #FeelingsOverFacts

Matt Mason

Using data insights to drive business performance

1 年

Sounds like the basis for a manifesto here Paul Luen, when's the party launch date? Just need to tack on dealing with the something for nothing brigade attacking our work ethic whilst promoting consumerism, corrupt political system and AI's inevitable lead to the dumbing down of society and overtaking us a species, and you could be in no 10 next year! ??



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