BitTorrent Partners With Onehub for Enterprise File Sync
Raul Castanon
Industry analyst focused on understanding how technology is changing how we live and how we work.
BitTorrent is looking to make its secure file sync and transfer service a bit more attractive to enterprises. It announced it partnered with Onehub to integrate BitTorrent’s Sync service with Onehub’s enterprise-focused online file storage and sharing stack.
FierceContentManagement reports the integration, dubbed Onehub Sync, combines the persistent file availability of the cloud with the benefits of direct peer-to-peer syncing. Onehub Sync actually becomes more efficient as more devices are added to the network, and it is designed to offer fully encrypted fast file updates in near real time using the best route available. BitTorrent also released its RESTFul API, which lets developers access all of Onehub Sync’s features, enabling them to add file sync capabilities to existing apps.
The partnership with Onehub is an important milestone for BitTorrent. BitTorrent is an old friend of IT but until recently, it has been more of a 'rogue' ally. The partnership with Onehub validates the relevance of BitTorrent's technology and will give the company a boost as an enterprise vendor. This comes at a good moment because even though the file sync and share market is quickly commoditizing, companies are facing challenges due to the growing volume of content they must deal with. This is BitTorrent’s sweet spot; its peer-to-peer technology has proven to perform better than other cloud-based solutions in the market.
451 Research Senior Analyst Raúl Casta?ón