BitMart Weekly Report [11/22/2021 - 11/28/2021]
BitMart | 7 YEARS S7RONG
BitMart is a premier professional digital asset exchange platform, designed for both individuals and institutions.
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Listed Radio Caca (RACA), Shar Pei (SHARPEI), i Money Crypto (IMC), ButterCup (BUCU), Hoff Coin (HOFF), Ardana (DANA),Agricultural Unions (ACU), Aurora (AURORA), Skey Network (SKEY), bloXmove (BLXM), BigDog (BDOG), Boba Network (BOBA), PokerMania Token (POKERMANIA), RichQUACK (QUACK), Shiryo-Inu (SHIRYOINU), Bithashex (BHAX), SIMP Token (SIMP), Baby Lovely Inu (BLOVELY), Chain (CHN), AVNRich (AVN), DeVolution (DEVO), Monsters Clan (MONS), BabyMoonFloki (BMFLOKI) with trading pairs added:
Held Trade with the New API to Share 100,000 BMX promotions.
Announced multiple promotions for new listing projects:
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