Coming soon; "THE DEVIL'S STAGE", by Nigel Shindler
When a creator; a Caucasian; a man made in the image of God; helps a “consumer”; a member of the primate family originating in Africa; the “consumer” uses the same resource to harm the creator; this is the law of reciprocity turned on its head.
Date; December 21, 2017
For; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
To Whom It May Concern
I have just been informed of a "fee" I am required to pay in order remain in the U.K., (please view attachment); I, therefore, request, at your earliest convenience, a return flight to Canada. I will pay back the cost of the flight ticket once my taxes have been processed.
Thank you in anticipation of your response.
Nigel Edward Shindler
Date; December 21, 2017
Dear Mr Shindler,
Ref: 16-LDN-3986021
Thank you for your email which has been directed to the Consular Section of the High Commission of Canada.
As you will be aware from your previous contact with our office, the High Commission is able to assist you to contact friends and relatives to help you to cover the cost of your return to Canada. Have you tried contacting your sister Nicola who paid for your emergency return to Canada in May last year?
If you do want us to contact people on your behalf to request funding, please provide us with the names, relationship and contact telephone numbers of around four or five friends or relatives, together wIth an estimate of the funds required for your return.
Kind Regards,
Consular Section | Section consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | Maison du Canada
Trafalgar Square
London | Londres
Tel | Tél : +44 (0)207 004 6000
Fax | Fax : +44 (0)207 004 6053 | |
Date; December 25, 2017
Nicola Shindler: 905 885 5735 - please call on my behalf.
Date; December 27, 2017
Thank you for your email Mr Shindler.
Do you have a telephone number which we could ask Nicola to contact you on in order to discuss arrangements?
Have you looked at the cost of flights? It would be helpful if we could give Nicola some idea of the amount of financial assistance you require.
Kind Regards,
Consular Section | Section consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | Maison du Canada
Trafalgar Square
London | Londres
Tel | Tél : +44 (0)207 004 6000
Fax | Fax : +44 (0)207 004 6053 | |
Date; December 27, 2017
For; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
Mobile # is; 07947320411.
I'm not able to make collect calls to Canada on my phone; my "service provider" is unreliable, and I will also soon run out of credit on my mobile, as well.
You are quite welcome to inform Nicola of flights, and costs, to Toronto, in the near future.
Date; December 27, 2017
Thank you for your email.
We will ask Nicola to contact you.
As an example of current fares, Westjet is showing flight costs from Gatwick reducing to £379 on 01Jan and then rising again until 16Jan when they come down to £201.
You will also need to factor in the cost of travel to Gatwick from your current location. Perhaps your sister could transfer some funds by Western Union to cover local travel if you are unable to cover these costs yourself.
Kind Regards,
Consular Section | Section consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | Maison du Canada
Trafalgar Square
London | Londres
Tel | Tél : +44 (0)207 004 6000
Fax | Fax : +44 (0)207 004 6053 | |
Date; December 27, 2017
Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
Mobile # is; 07947320411.
I'm not able to make collect calls to Canada on my phone; my "service provider" is unreliable, and I will also soon run out of credit on my mobile, as well.
Date; December 28, 2017
Dear Mr Shindler,
Our headquarters has contacted Nicola, but unfortunately she is unable to provide any funds on this occasion. Nicola advised that your other sister and mother also have very little money and will be unable to assist. She asked that we do not contact them.
Is there anyone else that you would like us to contact for assistance?
Kind Regards,
Consular Section | Section consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | Maison du Canada
Trafalgar Square
London | Londres
Tel | Tél : +44 (0)207 004 6000
Fax | Fax : +44 (0)207 004 6053 | |
Date; December 28, 2017
For; Consular Section; Canada House,Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
I initially asked for a flight ticket; (not for others to pay for a ticket), and I would pay back the cost of the ticket once I'd done my taxes - this is called repatriation.
Date; December 28, 2017
Dear Mr Shindler,
Emergency financial assistance from the government is provided abroad very rarely, generally on a one off basis, and only as a last resort after extensive efforts have been made to obtain funding from other sources.
We should therefore be grateful if you could provide some alternative contacts who can be approached for assistance. Should you require assistance accessing funds from any accounts in Canada, then we may be able to help with this? Do you have any credit cards which might cover the cost of your return, or do you know someone with a credit card who might loan you these funds until you can repay them?
Flights in mid-January are currently showing at a very low fare, so it would be best to take advantage of this before they start to increase.
Please let us know if we can assist you to contact any other friends or relatives.
Kind Regards,
Consular Section | Section consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | Maison du Canada
Trafalgar Square
London | Londres
Tel | Tél : +44 (0)207 004 6000
Fax | Fax : +44 (0)207 004 6053 | |
Date; December 30, 2017
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
When can I expect a flight ticket back to Toronto, Canada?
Date; January 2, 2018
Dear Mr Shindler,
We are advised that you have not repaid the emergency loan for your repatriation from Athens in 2009, and that with the interest that has accumulated since then, the amount of the debt currently stands at CAD $3,020.18.
You will need to identify a private source of funds for your return to Canada, however we can continue to assist by making calls on your behalf if you wish us to do so and provide the necessary information.
The letter from the Department of Work and Pensions indicates that you would need to have Leave to Remain in the UK in order to qualify for Social Assistance. Are you entitled to be granted Leave to Remain in the UK? How much is the fee for this and what is the processing time? Would it be more cost effective to return to Canada and to obtain the required documentation before returning to the UK or to remain and apply for Leave to Remain?
Kind Regards,
Consular Section | Section consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | Maison du Canada
Trafalgar Square
London | Londres
Tel | Tél : +44 (0)207 004 6000
Fax | Fax : +44 (0)207 004 6053 | |
Date; January 2, 2018
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
I'm sure all concerned are well aware I obtained a copy of my file, in accordance with the Freedom of Information Act, with the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Affairs, and I was most shocked to discover how I, a Canadian Citizen, was targeted by members of the Canadian Consulate in Athens Greece, of all people, from the moment I was spotted, and considered a "vulnerable" person, within the airport. I label the words, and phrases, used within the file as, "The Language of Genocide"; I don't have a debt, as you well know.
Date; January 4, 2018
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
Norwegian Air has cheap flights now; have you checked their website?
Date; January 9, 2018
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
I attempted to send a text message last night, (not sure if you received it); I no longer have credit on my phone to make calls, nor do I have money to purchase additional credit.
I just wanted to remind you about Norwegian Air - I received an email about their cheap flights to the U.S. right now; you may want to check their website to see if they have cheap flights to locals in Canada, as well.
Date; January 9, 2018
Thank you for the information Mr Shindler.
If you were you able to think of any sources of funding we could assist you to contact, then please do let us know and provide their contact information.
Kind regards,
Consular Section | Section Consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | La Maison du Canada | Trafalgar Square, London | Londres SW1Y 5BJ
Tel | Tél: +44 (0)20 7004 6000 / 020 7004 6008
Are you a Canadian dual national who does not travel on a Canadian passport?
Please read about how Canada’s entry requirements affect you, so that you don’t experience delays in travel.
Date; January 9, 2018
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
You are welcome to contact Nicola again; otherwise, as I stated in a previous email; I do not have funds at this time, and I am not aware of someone willing, and able, to offer funds for a flight ticket.
As a suggestion; (we both have copies of my file with "The Department of Foreign Affairs" now); why don't you review the names, and numbers, used previously.
Date; January 9, 2018
Thank you for your email.
Apart from Simone and your mother, who we have been asked not to contact, the contact information we have on file is as follows:
BMO/MasterCard: Cas A - employee ref: Cand01 - 1 800 263-2263
BMO St Catherine's St, Montreal: 514 877-8010
Laurier St, Ottawa: 613 564-6424
Albert St, Ottawa: 613 564-6029
Sister, Nicola Shindler 905 885 5735
Aunt, Reva Shindler and cousin Gary Shindler who live in Vancouver - no further info available.
Please let us know if we can assist.
Kind regards,
Consular Section | Section Consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | La Maison du Canada | Trafalgar Square, London | Londres SW1Y 5BJ
Tel | Tél: +44 (0)20 7004 6000
Are you a Canadian dual national who does not travel on a Canadian passport?
Please read about how Canada’s entry requirements affect you, so that you don’t experience delays in travel.
Date; January 11, 2018
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
You could help people in the future by informed them of the "Leave to Remain" permit required in order to have the "Right to Abode", in the U.K.
Are you looking into purchasing a flight ticket for me to return to Canada?
Date; January 11, 2018
Thank you for your email Mr Shindler.
As indicated in our email to you dated 02 January, we are advised that you have an outstanding emergency loan of CAD $3,020.18 for your repatriation from Athens in 2009 and you will need to identify a private source of funds for your return to Canada.
We can however assist you to contact any friends, relatives, organisations or financial institutions with a view to providing emergency financial assistance. Please provide us with contact details of an individuals you would like to be put in touch with for assistance.
Could you please let us know where are you currently staying?
Kind regards,
Consular Section | Section Consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | La Maison du Canada | Trafalgar Square, London | Londres SW1Y 5BJ
Tel | Tél: +44 (0)20 7004 6000 (0207 004 6008 direct)
Are you a Canadian dual national who does not travel on a Canadian passport?
Please read about how Canada’s entry requirements affect you, so that you don’t experience delays in travel.
Date; January 11, 2018
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
You can tell yourselves a lie a thousand times; it doesn't alter the truth; I have a copy of the file; you have a copy of my file - a third party has not informed you about anything in this matter. You have exposed the fact that you do not offer assistance to Canadian citizens; you acquire information by deceit; this method of stealing is commonly called, "fraud".
You are welcome to contact Nicola, and inform her you've essentially driven the final nail into my coffin by not adhering to the rules, and regulations, stipulated in the Canadian Constitution, and the Canadian Charter of Human Rights and Liberties. The job of a real government is to protect its citizens; from one another, and outside threats; who do you work for?!
Date; January 12, 2018
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
If you should discover anything in my report that’s inaccurate, don’t hesitate to point it out; please refer to the file when doing so.
To all concerned, please note, the expression used in a previous email; “Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Affairs”, was not a typo; an oversight. Canada today, as is the case with all, so called, “First World Countries”, is a “consumer society”, and, as such, as any reasonable person would suppose, does not produce wealth. My file reveals how Canada obtains wealth it invests; trades for goods, and gives to “consumers”, as well as how the creator; the rightful owner of the wealth, is killed, and all records of his - “subject”; as I’m referred as in the file - existence is erased, so all who engage in this fiendish scheme can delude themselves into believing they have a right to the wealth they steal. Those who participate in this scheme defend themselves from acknowledging the truth, and hide their murderous ways from others, by, in a reflex manner, claiming all those who point an accusatory finger at them are sexist; racist; xenophobic, and/or Islamophobic, (one among the basket of “Deplorables”, as Hillary Clinton put it); meanwhile, as demographics prove, Canada, the same applies to all “First World Countries”, has experienced, percentage wise, an increase in all “social groups” excluding one; the one comprised of “subjects” such as me; home-grown Caucasians, who, over several decades, have steadily represented a smaller percentage of the overall population: Why?
I, speaking on behalf of all Caucasians who have a mind; can think for themselves, and have the capacity to enrich the lives of others, would not, under any circumstance, deprive someone of their life in order to sustain his own, and due to perceiving each life as precious - no life has greater worth than another – if all I had to eat in the world was a slice of bread, I would share it with someone I knew had nothing.
Despite statistics designating that the majority of people in “consumer countries” belong to a religion, the concept of “mercy” is foreign to practically all. Giving a donation to any charity should not be characterized as a charitable act; who bothers to check, after all, what charities do with their funds? A bit of research would expose the fact they exploit the people they’re supposed to help, due to expending practically all their revenue on hiring people who do nothing more than advertise their website, which is designed, (this is the true job of charities), to “raise awareness”, which is, supposedly, accomplished by concentrating information in one place; a website. Thank God “consumers” no longer have to devote their time, (they have so many more important things to do every day), to searching for information about causes they proclaim to care about. “Consumers”, despite listening to weekly sermons; going to prayer meetings, and attending bible study groups, and so on, and so forth, refuse to practise “mercy”. Loving thy neighbour as thyself, as all “holy scriptures” profess, is the only way a person can reach his full potential.
Had I not been stopped, and questioned, by Air Transat personnel prior to boarding a flight from Athens, Greece, to Toronto, Canada, rather than, as chance would have it, being allowed to proceed by an inattentive young man, who was, possibly, preoccupied by something far more important, such as, for example, the lyrics to one of Beyoncé's “women empowerment” songs, I would have found it difficult once charged, and standing in front of a judge in a court of law, to defend my claim that the “invalid” document I used to board a plane was given to me by the Canadian Consulate in Athens, Greece, because, according to my file; no travel document was issued.
Once incarcerated, it isn’t difficult to imagine how, for instance, an “unfortunate accident” would have resulted in my demise, hence eliminating the witness to the crime, who’s also the victim, and preventing the general public from discovering the truth about what you do; which elucidates that nowhere within my correspondence with Canada House is there evidence of the minutest concern about my wellbeing; has anyone queried; do you have shelter? Do you have sufficient clothing? Do you require food; toiletries, etc.? According to our records, when you previously contacted Canada House health issues necessitated a visit to an hospital emergency room; do you require prescribed medication?
Email correspondence between my father, and I, in which I express befuddlement regarding his confiscation of my poetry whilst I was abroad, now make sense; which begs the question; how are records of my, then, unpublished poetry, in my file pertinent to booking a flight, and ensuring a person’s basic necessities of life are met? Failing to inform my father where I stored my art portfolio while abroad, containing over 150 pieces of art, I’m sure had much to do with it later going “missing”. There’s no doubt those who possess resources to break into people’s homes; cover their tracks - avoid prosecution - were most likely the culprits; I’m referring to the police.
The police also on numerous occasions; always when I’d declared my intention to leave the country; fabricated criminal charges, (this was confirmed by the Federal R.C.M.P.), in order to confine me within Canada. The fact that U.S. Customs and Border Protection, (C.B.P.), did not report these offenses, and denied me access to the U.S., should make one question whether the U.S. is, or was at the time, the world’s superpower; if She wasn’t; who is, or was, running the world’s affairs?
The majority of the names in the file belong to women. What I found unnerving; stomach churning; is they enjoy what they do; women congratulated one another, for example, when they assumed I failed to board the plane to Canada, and would instead be safely in the hands of the authorities awaiting trial - my death was guaranteed.
The file reveals indirect aggression is used to dispatch people, (words such as, kill; murder; execute; slaughter, sound harsh in comparison; “the language of genocide”, on the other hand, makes savagery appear civilized); one should, therefore, not find it surprising that women, not men, have been found more capable of carrying out these dastardly deeds, (mass murder).
Direct aggression, the type of violence the police are so earnest in “clamping down”, is far more difficult to cover-up. The victim and victimizer are, typically, relatively speaking, within close proximity to one another, (a bullet is far more likely to hit its target when fired at close range), and the weapon, and how it’s used, is easier to detect.
Indirect aggression has the opposite traits. Women have a predilection to practice this form of violence because it safeguards their body - despite the media doing a fine job of convincing the masses we’re all the same, it doesn’t change the truth; the primary function of the female, in terms of survival of the species, is to procreate; a healthy body is far more likely to produce healthy off-spring.
Directing a person along a path known to contain a camouflaged hole, large enough to fall into and break one’s neck, can kill just as effectively as pushing a person off a cliff into a deep ravine. Failing to notify a British National of the permit required to reside in the U.K. is a form of indirect violence; would any reasonable person assume, after all, that a citizen would, under any circumstance, have to purchase a permit to live, (without a source of revenue; one cannot live), in the country he’s a member of? The question’s rhetorical. He’s only informed about the implausible “permit” when he requires the means to purchase it, which is no longer obtainable, because he does not have the “catch 22 permit”. No apology has been granted by Canada House due to “neglecting” to apprise me about this permit.
Social Housing is intended for people on a low income; typically, in the U.K., for people on Benefits. British Nationals require a permit in order to obtain a Right to Abode in Britain, and be eligible for Benefits; his ability to obtain the “Leave to Remain indefinitely” permit makes a British National ineligible for Social Housing, and Benefits, in the U.K. No wonder the police had such a difficult time constructing a death count after the Grenfell Tower inferno. The fire exposed that residents in the building were not registered in the U.K. The London Metropolitan Police asked them to declare themselves, and promised they wouldn’t be prosecuted, in order to determine how many people died. Social Housing in the U.K. is used primarily for the commission of crimes, and the stolen I.D. of British Nationals is used to hide the proceeds of these crimes.
I believe it is fair to say that most people, having the opportunity to survey the file, would be shocked, and dismayed, about how callous, and indifferent, women can be, but is this a new discovery? Books have been surfacing over recent years about the dastardly deeds carried out by women during the reign of the Nazi party.
The years in which the Nazi party existed was a pivotal era in the history of psychology in the sense that, never before on such a scale had it been possible to ascertain what happens when people, men and women of all ages, are allowed to do whatever they please; atrocities occurred not just on the battle fields; in the concentration camps, but all across Europe.
Records, that for decades were kept under wraps, (By whom? And for what reason?), disclose that women, when given the opportunity to decide if a person lives or dies, had a prevalent tendency to be far more sadistic, and arrogant, than men; whomever the victim was. The Nazis sought to eliminate not just Jews, but communists; Jehovah’s Witnesses - who called Hitler the Antichrist - homosexuals; the mentally disabled; mentally handicapped, as well as convicted criminals; Gypsies, and, so called, “down and outs”; these people, the Nazis decided, should be removed form society, (today such people are labelled “marginalized”, and/or “vulnerable”).
People all over Europe volunteered to execute the “types” of people listed above; (they were “Hitler’s willing executioners”); it had become possible to determine that certain human beings should be valued no more than a piece of refuse. U.K.’s genocide victims today are deposed in sewage pipes that lead to the North Sea.
Women used their expertise in various professions to kill “inferior beings”; “undesirables”; people the Nazi’s branded as no longer meriting a place in society. Female nurses administered lethal injections to patients; babies died from hypothermia when they were left outside in the cold; patients in mental institutions were starved to death while under the watchful eye of their caretakers. The Russian and Allie soldiers who liberated the concentration camps uncovered evidence designating that female guards had treated those interned far more cruelly than male guards, and, as a form of punishment, decided they, before the men, should remove, with their bare hands, corpses from mass graves so they may be given a proper burial.
Numerous remarks dispersed throughout the file are made in reference to my mental health; I am declared, “confused”; “disoriented”, as well as “mentally ill”. How these “observations” are associated with booking a flight, and/or taking care of my basic needs, isn’t clear? What is evident, however, is that I am so “undesirable”, according to the savages who resort to leeching off others to sustain themselves, that I don’t have the Right to life, liberty, or the Right to pursue happiness. Ridding the planet, thereby no longer wasting resources on “useless mouths” such as I, is viewed as not just proper, but just, even moral, by those who engage in these nefarious affairs, because no guilt, shame, or remorse, would appear to burden their psyche.
Nobody has had the courage to post their name on an email, and admit they work for Canada House, since I acquired a copy of the file; which doesn’t surprise me. If a person has evidence, as I do, regarding the violent nature of someone else, it would be prudent for such a person to hide his identity. Everyone’s instinct is to preserve his life; if someone knew how dangerous you, all concerned, are, he would have the Right to take whatever measures he deems necessary to protect himself from you.
Only savages engage in genocide, and savages, necessarily, have undeveloped brains; their lack of cognitive capacity explains why “consumers” are unable to create wealth, though, they have the capacity to delude themselves, with the help of people such as Beyoncé, who claims, and appears to believe herself, (a little bit of research proves the contrary), she can do so much more than what she actually does.
Legislation has made in possible in “consumer societies” for women to embody a larger, and larger, percentage of the “work force” since the conclusion of the Second World War, which doesn’t mean, as free thinking individuals have seen copious evidence of within the media, that the best qualified people are filling available positions; whether it be in politics; business, or, most apparently, in the entertainment industry.
The movie producer Harvey Weinstein, who’s been disgraced, according to the media, admits to having consensual sex with actresses, (starlets), and apparently, so frequently, he now believes he has a “sex addiction”, and requires therapy. The suspicion that names of those he was “intimate” with might become public was the catalyst that propelled a multitude of starlets to manufacture a cavalcade of accusations that they’d successfully, for the most part, warded off his sexual advances; they were claiming they’re victims of “sexual harassment”; which means, obtaining sexual gratification from someone without their consent. When women with undeveloped brains use indirect forms of aggression to kill genocide victims they experience sexual satisfaction, (the sex drive propels the aggressive drive), which they seek to replicate, and much the same as any other behavioural pattern that becomes an addiction, it is habituating; more has to be done, with greater intensity, to achieve the same affect.
Allowing women to sexually gratify themselves in public has fuelled the spread of genocide so it now exists globally. “Consumers” obtain wealth from the artistry of artisans, “subjects”, they slaughter, and delude themselves into believing they’re the rightful owner by silencing the person who created it - who’s no longer alive to contest their assertion.
Starlets in Hollywood prostitute themselves. They love attention focused on themselves so much they cater to the masses; take roles that appeal to the widest audience; films that contain gratuitous sex mixed with violence; blending these two ingredients damages the psyche.
None of the actresses who exploited Harvey Weinstein’s weakness - soft spot for hot chicks - can admit to themselves what they’ve done; prostitute themselves. The cost to the industry is that actresses who took the time, and made the effort, to hone their skills, were demoted to second rate roles in B movies, while the starlets strolled on red carpets wearing body revealing gowns before attending shows in which they’re given awards for roles in films that a civilized society would not have released in the first place.
If the masses weren’t brainwashed, they’d realize how petty the grievances of these starlets are, and that they do not admit to physical contact taking place between themselves, and the, supposedly, disgraced Hollywood producer. They claim things such as the following; he tried to grope me; he looked at me as if I’m a piece of meat; he opened the hotel door in his bathrobe; he asked me to give him a massage; I fended off his attempts to kiss me, and so on and so forth.
Does the topless woman posing on page 3 of Britain’s Sun newspaper know, or care if she did, how her exhibitionism adversely effects the psyche of the masses when, as is so often the case, its surrounded by words, and images, that graphically depict violent acts?
The file exposes the fact that nothing has changed since the conclusion of the Second World War. Jews, who weren’t put to death immediately in the concentration camps, were forced to labour; they worked till they died; the inscription over the entrance to Auschwitz is; “Work shall set you free”. Everything the Jews had was taken from them; their homes; shoes; clothing; furniture; jeweller; artwork; gold teeth; even hair wasn’t wasted; fat from their dead bodies was used to make soap. Savages did this; only a savage could.
The Final Solution brought an end to civilization on Earth. The Nazis, Germans in general, believed they were “superior being”. The truth, however, is that the white men responsible for the great accomplishments in history belonged to the same bloodline as the Jews they regarded as “inferior beings”. Darwin's theory of evolution, "survival of the fittest", had been turned on its head.
The bloodline of all the great men in history originates in the British Isles. The British are not superior to everyone else; they belong to an entirely different league from everyone else.
Information about what happened, and how, in the Nazi concentration camps, was used by those who controlled the greatest source of power following WWII, the United States, to form a new world order; one designed for their financial benefit alone. People around the globe were allowed to do as they please, and as a consequence, the architects of this new world order got what they wanted. This method of mass control is called “Inverted Totalitarianism”. “Consumers” live off the wealth of those they kill; greed leads to gluttony; they live beyond their means; fall into debt, and the interest they pay on loans used to cover their debts, falls into the pockets of the architects of the global economic system.
All the while, not a thought was given to preserving the planet, and what happens when all the people capable of creating wealth are gone? The truth is the masses, due to their narcissism, ceased to consider the effects of their actions. When a person continually focuses on pleasuring himself, he develops an “Instant Gratification Complex”. At this stage in a person’s devolution he does not have the capacity to foresee the repercussions of his actions, nor can he discern the evolution of events that fabricated the person he is now.
Who designed, and implemented, the scheme responsible for recklessly destroying the planet and “mankind”? The file reveals that those who protect America’s northern border bow to the dictates of the country above; Canada. Who’s running the show, the government, in Canada? It isn’t Justin Trudeau; Canada doesn’t have a government. Whomever decided Justin Trudeau should be their “front man”; salesman, is the power that determined events, not just in Canada, but around the world, prior to Donald Trump becoming President of the United States. Stephen Bronfman was the lead fundraiser for Justin Trudeau, and the Paradise Papers disclose that he, and his family, attempted to hide a portion of these funds in off-shore tax havens.
Who's the Bronfman family? They're the family that controlled all the other mafia families since prohibition. The tactic the mafia uses to control industries is monopolization; they make everyone conduct themselves in accordance with their terms and conditions. If a drowning man needs a lifesaver to save his life, a "Goodfella", a "Wiseguy", won't throw it till he gets what he wants in return.W5 Profile: Charles Bronfman
Date; January 16, 2018
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
If you are still not willing to purchase a flight ticket for me to return to Canada; please contact my sister, Nicola; inform her of my circumstance, and ask her, on my behalf, if she can contact other members of my family, so they can share the cost of a flight ticket to Toronto, Canada.
Thank you in anticipation of your response
Nigel Edward Shindler
Date; January 16, 2018
Thank you for your email Mr Shindler.
Our headquarters have attempted to contact Nicola again, but have received a message that the number cannot receive incoming calls. Would you have an alternative number to 905 885 5735?
If you would prefer to speak to us by phone to discuss your situation, please call Louise Parker on 0207 004 6008.
Kind regards,
Consular Section | Section Consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | La Maison du Canada | Trafalgar Square, London | Londres SW1Y 5BJ
Tel | Tél: +44 (0)20 7004 6000
Are you a Canadian dual national who does not travel on a Canadian passport?
Please read about how Canada’s entry requirements affect you, so that you don’t experience delays in travel.
Date; January 16, 2018
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
Who is declaring that a telephone doesn't take incoming calls?
Discuss, with Louise Parker, who works, according to my file, for the Consular Section of Canada House, what?
Date; January 17, 2018
Good morning Mr Shindler,
As I understand it, when our headquarters tried to call Nicola there was a recorded message on the phone line stating that the phone does not receive incoming calls. Are you able to provide any alternative telephone number for her?
Where are you currently staying? Please call if you wish on 0207 004 6008.
Kind regards,
Louise Parker
Consular Section | Section Consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | La Maison du Canada | Trafalgar Square, London | Londres SW1Y 5BJ
Tel | Tél: +44 (0)20 7004 6000 (020 7004 6008 direct)
Are you a Canadian dual national who does not travel on a Canadian passport?
Please read about how Canada’s entry requirements affect you, so that you don’t experience delays in travel.
Date; January 19, 2018
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
You have made efforts to secure funds from a "private" source without success; please inform me when I will have a return ticket to Toronto, Canada.
Date; January 23, 2018
Dear Mr Shindler,
As previously indicated, you have an outstanding loan from 2009 and you will need to secure funds from a private source for the cost of your return flight to Canada.
We will assist you to make contact with any identified individuals or organisations, however we are unable to contact Nicola on the telephone number on file. If you have an alternative number for her then please provide this. If you do not, then you will need to contact other possible sources of assistance. With your consent we can help you to do this if you provide us with contact names and current telephone numbers.
Are you able to provide some clarification as to where you are staying and how you are currently supporting yourself? Perhaps you could provide us with your contact telephone number so that we can discuss your situation and suggest other possible sources of funding such as banks, credit cards, extended family, friends, neighbours, employers, colleagues, insurances, etc. Alternatively please call on 0207 004 6008. I am not always at my desk, but if you leave a number I will call you back.
Kind regards,
Louise Parker
Consular Section | Section Consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | La Maison du Canada | Trafalgar Square, London | Londres SW1Y 5BJ
Tel | Tél: +44 (0)20 7004 6000 or (0207 004 6008 direct)
Are you a Canadian dual national who does not travel on a Canadian passport?
Please read about how Canada’s entry requirements affect you, so that you don’t experience delays in travel.
Date; January 23, 2018
For; Consular Section; Canada House, Trafalgar Square, London SW1Y 5BJ
The matter of the outstanding debt, as "once" claimed by the Canadian Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade; not, and never was, by Revenue Canada, was legally resolved by an Immigration lawyer working out of the Legal Aid Ontario office located at; 73 Albert St, Ottawa, On, K1P 1E3.
Date; January 24, 2018
Good afternoon Mr Shindler.
In light of the information received in your email below, I checked again with our headquarters and I am sorry to have to inform you that they have advised that the debt is in fact still outstanding and has not been resolved.
Kind regards,
Louise Parker
Consular Section | Section Consulaire
High Commission of Canada | Haut-commissariat du Canada
Canada House | La Maison du Canada | Trafalgar Square, London | Londres SW1Y 5BJ
Tel | Tél: +44 (0)20 7004 6008
Are you a Canadian dual national who does not travel on a Canadian passport?
Date; January 25, 2018
The Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Development (DFATD), has manufactured a lie; you know it's a lie. I have submitted a formal complaint to the Canadian Human Rights Commission. I guarantee it will be accepted, (unlike, all those concerned, I have evidence), and you will hear from them within thirty days. The reference number is; 100000995.
I was essentially a person “drowning on dry land” due to the actions of those who work for Canada's Department of Foreign Affairs, but the "Goodfemales", the "Wisegals", decided not to help me. The right to decide if a person lives or dies is the ultimate expression of power; for a person with an undeveloped brain, it's also the ultimate aphrodisiac!!
Volume I: "NAZI HOMELAND"; The Global Economy
Volume II: "THE EVIL WITHIN; The British Lottery Club"
Consumerism; Exploitation/Degradation