BitCoin & The Next Generation of Cyber Crime...
If you haven’t gotten one of these threats, you probably will.
The advent of Crypto Currency has aided the emergence of a new variety of thief. Extortion is apparently the name of the game. I am just wondering why so many people put so much energy into extorting money instead of getting a job or using the same tools for some sort of legitimate business enterprise, but their existence is now a fact of life, along with SPAM.
There are emails claiming they hacked your computer and used your camera to video you enjoying some sort of forbidden site, phony messages about non-existent packages that you need to claim-using confidential personal information, and of course, the Bomb threat.
Apparently, the crooks weren’t concerned about being discovered, because those bomb threats constitute a felony. Since the bomb threats I received described a scenario that was incompatible with my situation I rapidly came to the conclusion that it was a bluff, and this was simply another Spam Scam, which I forwarded on to the FBI. I also googled it and found that this particular scam was pretty widespread.
I’m not saying to just ignore a bomb threat but do think twice before succumbing to any form of extortion.
The reason for not negotiating with terrorists is that it encourages them whenever they are successful.
By the way, if anyone reading this is in the extortion game, I don’t have the kind of money you are looking for. Just sayin’…