Bitcoin fixes the money supply

Bitcoin fixes the money supply

Emergencies do not change politicians, but they do accelerate their existing tendencies. We saw this with 9/11, the 2008 recession, and we're seeing it with COVID-19.

Both political parties are behind an unprecedented orgy of looting. Control of the monetary system allows them to spend money they did not collect. It amounts to a massive redistribution from the productive class to unproductive political cronies.

More than ever, it is clear that there is no political solution to this problem. There is no principled opposition to the spending and a huge incentive to spend the nation into bankruptcy.

This isn't merely a burden for our children and grandchildren. While the money is borrowed from the future, the misallocation of resources to politically favored causes is happening now. Contrary to President Biden's claims, this unsustainable spending is the main cause of infrastructure rot, not the solution. Huge amounts are being spent on consumption that is not backed by production. This is the real reason why our cities and social fabric are falling apart.

If politics cannot solve the problem, what can? Only taking the money supply out of the hands of politicians. Private money won't stop politicians from raising taxes, but it will force the looting to be explicit, rather than hidden behind a monetary veil.

#Bitcoin solves this problem. It is private money that cannot be spent by politicians without collecting it from taxpayers. All fiat monetary regimes fail, and they often take their empires down with them. However, whatever fraction of the economy adopts Bitcoin will be safe from the worst of the collapse. Adopting Bitcoin will safeguard your personal wealth, but it is also our best shot at preserving our way of life.


