Bitcoin ‘The Dirty Currency’

Bitcoin ‘The Dirty Currency’

Unregulated, used by criminals, hackers and with unacceptable energy use bitcoin is a dirty currency.

Bitcoin is a global unregulated ‘exchange’ which is frequented by criminal, hackers and unsavoury actors and lots of retail investors. The risks in this unregulated world are extreme with basic regulation and enforcement totally lacking – even global standards like AML and KYC are missing.

Many companies including: Paypal, Square, Tesla, Visa and many others have offered services to encourage crypto use – Coinbase was floated offering a app based service for investors – but what are your risks?

The ‘industry’ is dominated by nefarious players who seek legitimacy so they can exploit the lack of regulation and claims of transparency are just that claims – be very aware of what you’re getting into – the wild west of investing.

So how do criminals use bitcoin and other crypto currencies?

How is bitcoin unacceptable in its electricity use that is now out ranks many countries including Norway and Argentina – much of this from coal use?

Three pces that explore the questions of crytos place in the world, use by criminals and electricity use -

Cryptocurrency Has Yet to Make the World a Better Place

An innovation that has failed to catch on for legal transactions proves invaluable to ransomers

WSJ  Greg Ip May 20th

A truly consequential innovation is one that makes possible entirely new business models that touch the lives of millions. The car enabled motels and shopping malls, the internet enabled e-commerce, and smartphones and GPS enabled ride-sharing.

What business model that touches the lives of millions have cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin made possible? American motorists now know: ransomware. In such attacks, hackers encrypt and sometimes steal the victim’s data, demanding a ransom to decrypt and not release the data. Crypto is how Colonial Pipeline Ltd. paid hackers who earlier this month forced offline a conduit that supplies 45% of the East Coast’s fuel.

A few days after the Colonial attack, Tesla Inc. announced it would no longer accept bitcoin as payment for cars because of the carbon emissions generated by the computer processing necessary to mint new coins.

The two events underline how an innovation that was supposed to displace the dollar as a medium of exchange has proved largely useless for buying legal things yet frighteningly effective at facilitating extortion.

 We usually think of innovation as unambiguously good. Human welfare advances through the continuous recombination of materials and muscle in new and creative ways. Every innovation has its dark side, but even with car accidents and internet scams we’re clearly better off with cars and the internet.

There is, though, a small list of innovations whose net contribution to society is negative: asbestos, now widely banned. Cigarettes, still with us. Fentanyl: In legal usage, it’s a potent, easy-to-make synthetic opioid for severe pain, but those same qualities are how bootleg versions are wreaking untold destruction through overdoses, addiction and crime.

Will bitcoin join this list? True, legitimate business does get transacted with cryptocurrency. But not much; the vast majority of turnover in crypto is trading and speculation. Chainalysis, a crypto security company, estimates merchants received $2.8 billion in crypto payments last year, less than in 2017, though payments this year are ahead of the pace in 2017.

By contrast, it estimates illicit entities received 75% more: $4.9 billion last year, though that’s down substantially from 2019. The fastest-growing category is ransomware: Payments quadrupled to $348 million last year from 2019. That’s almost certainly an undercount since many ransoms aren’t reported. Actual costs are far greater once you include data recovery, disrupted operations and reputational damage when hackers publicly release stolen data. Countless Americans paid more and waited longer for fuel because of the Colonial attack.

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Unlike most computer crime, ransomware is largely a product of cryptocurrency. Coveware, a firm that assists ransomware victims, attributes the rise of the ransomware economy to a large pool of underemployed tech workers in the former Soviet Union; easy access to the necessary software tools, such as malware to break into computer systems; and crypto. “These three elements (labor, currency, and raw materials) form the fundamental ingredients that fuel the cyber extortion industry,” it wrote in a blog post last year. Coveware Chief Executive Bill Siegel said 100% of ransoms are demanded in crypto, and it’s usually the victim’s first crypto transaction.

Despite this, some analysts are still bullish on cryptocurrency’s potential, including Mr. Siegel: “Any project with the ambition and scale of replacing fiat currency is going to be challenged, and evolution is never without pain.”

While crypto hasn’t proved useful as a medium of exchange for the law-abiding, blockchain, the distributed ledger technology that underlies crypto, is more promising. For example, the current payment system is comparatively slow, costly and often controlled by big banks and credit and debit card processors. Access can be monitored or severed by governments pursuing criminals, terrorists or political opponents. Blockchain could be a faster and cheaper alternative, especially for those dealing with countries whose financial system is rickety, untrustworthy, racked by inflation or under U.S. sanctions. International payments are one of the big selling points for stablecoins, which are much less volatile than other cryptocurrencies because they are backed by hard assets such as Treasury bills.

Still, such applications are far from achieving a scale that matters to consumers. The most popular stablecoin, tether, is mostly used to trade other cryptocurrencies and its issuer this year settled New York state charges that a sister company raided its reserves. Facebook’s stablecoin project Diem (formerly Libra) has been slow to launch amid regulatory skepticism. Meanwhile, regular currency-based systems are addressing their flaws: China’s Alipay and WeChat Pay are fast and cheap because they bypass banks and card companies, and its central bank has just launched a digital version of the yuan.

Blockchain is slowly finding its way into other applications from land registries to the “nonfungible tokens” now flooding the collectibles market. Yet this simply shows that we can get the benefits of blockchain without crypto.

Defenders argue that even if crypto never succeeds as a medium of exchange, it has succeeded as a store of value, much like gold without the hassle of storing physical metal. Cryptocurrencies’ collective value topped $2 trillion earlier this month, more than all dollars in circulation. This might be a bubble, but aren’t bubbles the hallmark of every financial innovation?

But most financial innovations finance something. England achieved global economic dominance because London’s financiers would lend to ventures when no one else would. The dot-com bubble financed internet startups. Subprime mortgages financed houses. For the For the most part cryptocurrencies don’t finance tangible investments.

Cryptocurrencies are supposed to be a hedge against inflation because issuance is usually restricted. But that’s only true of an individual currency. As an asset class, cryptocurrency inflation is rampant: There are now more than 5,000 coins. Gold never faced competition from dozens of new precious metals hitting the market each month.

Gold became a store of value because through most of history it was also a medium of exchange: Coins were once minted from it, and paper money was long backed by it. If crypto never finds acceptance as a medium of exchange, its usefulness as a store of value is also in doubt.

Money Laundering in Cryptocurrency: How Criminals Moved Billions

Once a criminal has a pile of illicitly-gained cryptocurrency sitting in a wallet, the next question they have to answer is, “How am I going to turn this into cash without getting arrested?” The need to launder funds is the common thread among all the forms of crypto crime we analyze. 

So, how do criminals do it? Thanks to the inherent transparency of blockchains, we can look at cryptocurrency’s money laundering ecosystem from a high level, and draw insights that aren’t possible when studying money laundering in the traditional fiat currency world. Let’s start by examining the most common destinations to which criminals have sent Bitcoin over time.

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Please note: Risky services include P2P exchanges, mixing services, high risk exchanges, and gambling sites. Illicit services include ransomware addresses, sanctioned entities, darknet markets, and addresses associated with scams and stolen funds.

While exchanges have always been a popular off-ramp for illicit cryptocurrency, they’ve taken in a steadily growing share since the beginning of 2019. Over the course of the entire year, we traced $2.8 billion in Bitcoin that moved from criminal entities to exchanges. Just over 50% went to the top two: Binance and Huobi. 

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Binance and Huobi lead all exchanges in illicit Bitcoin received by a significant margin. That may come as a surprise given that Binance and Huobi are two of the largest exchanges operating, and are subject to KYC regulations. How can they be receiving so much Bitcoin from criminal sources? Let’s start by looking at the specific accounts receiving illicit funds at both exchanges. 

Overall, just over 300,000 individual accounts at Binance and Huobi received Bitcoin from criminal sources in 2019. Who’s behind those accounts? Are any of them significant traders? Below, we’ve broken those accounts down into buckets based on the total value of all Bitcoin they’ve received in 2019, with illicit Bitcoin called out (please note that due to the nature of how we connect illicit funds to specific addresses, this chart considers only $1.1 billion of the total $1.4 billion worth of illicit Bitcoin received by Binance and Huobi).

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How to read this graph:

  • The green bars represent the number of unique accounts in each bucket. Again, the buckets are based on the total amount of Bitcoin the accounts have received individually, from both criminal and non-criminal sources. All accounts shown have received at least some criminal funds. 
  • The yellow and red stacked bars show the total amount of cryptocurrency received collectively by all the accounts in each bucket. That means, for example, that the 31 accounts in the highest-earning bucket on the right-hand side have collectively received just over $8 billion worth of Bitcoin in 2019, and that each of those 31 accounts individually has received between $100 million and $1 billion worth. 
  • The red segment of the bars represents the amount of illicit Bitcoin received by all accounts in each bucket.
  • The yellow segment represents the non-criminal funds received by the accounts in each bucket. 

We can see from this graph that a small segment of these accounts is extremely active. The 2,196 accounts in the three highest-receiving buckets received a total of nearly $27.8 billion worth of Bitcoin in 2019. The graph also makes it clear that Bitcoin from criminal sources represents just a small fraction of the total amount received by Binance and Huobi. Nonetheless, the illicit funds shown above comprise a significant total value — the 31 accounts in the top-earning bucket alone received a total of over $163 million worth of Bitcoin from criminal sources in 2019.

Let’s look at another version of this chart where we only include funds that have come from accounts we know are connected to illicit activity (i.e. those represented in red above).

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A small segment of accounts took in most of the illicit Bitcoin sent to Binance and Huobi. The 810 accounts in the three highest-receiving buckets took in a total of over $819 million in Bitcoin from criminal sources, representing 75% of the total. Who are the whales driving this activity?

Our analysis suggests that many are OTC brokers.

OTC (Over The Counter) brokers facilitate trades between individual buyers and sellers who can’t or don’t want to transact on an open exchange. OTC brokers are typically associated with an exchange but operate independently. Traders often use OTC brokers if they want to liquidate a large amount of cryptocurrency for a set, negotiated price. OTC brokers are a crucial source of liquidity in the cryptocurrency market. While it’s impossible to know the exact size of the OTC market, we know that it’s huge. Cryptocurrency data provider Kaiko even estimates that OTCs could facilitate the majority of all cryptocurrency trade volume. 

The problem, however, is that while most OTC brokers run a legitimate business, some of them specialize in providing money laundering services to criminals. OTC brokers typically have much lower KYC requirements than the exchanges they operate on. Many of them take advantage of this laxity and help criminals launder and cash out funds, usually first by exchanging Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies into Tether as a stable intermediary currency before they presumably cash out into fiat. 

From our analysis of transactions by various criminal groups, we put together a list of 100 major OTC brokers we believe provide money laundering services, based on the fact that they’ve received large amounts of cryptocurrency from illicit sources. This is not an exhaustive list of corrupt OTC brokers; rather it is a sample we assembled based on our experience investigating money laundering over time. We’ll call them the “Rogue 100.” 

70 of the OTC brokers in the Rogue 100 are in the group of Huobi accounts receiving Bitcoin from illicit sources. 32 of them are in the group of 810 accounts receiving the most illicit Bitcoin, and 20 of them received $1 million or more worth of illicit Bitcoin in 2019. In total, these 70 OTC brokers received $194 million in Bitcoin from criminal entities over the course of 2019. Interestingly, none of those 70 Rogue 100 accounts operate on Binance, though it’s possible some of them also have accounts there or on other exchanges as well.  

Keep in mind, the Rogue 100 only represents OTC brokers we’ve manually identified as money launderers over the course of our investigations on behalf of Chainalysis clients. We think it’s extremely likely that some percentage of the other highly-active Binance and Huobi accounts taking in illicit funds also belong to corrupt OTC brokers we’ve yet to identify. 

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Currencies included: BTC

The Rogue 100 are extremely active traders and have a huge impact on the cryptocurrency ecosystem. They’ve received steadily increasing amounts of cryptocurrency each month since late 2017, but their activity skyrocketed this year. They received more than $3 billion worth of Bitcoin over the course of 2019, and many of them played a substantial role in the PlusToken scam we've discussed previouslyOverall, the funds the Rogue 100 receive can account for as much as 1% of all Bitcoin activity in a given month. 

By analyzing their transactions in Chainalysis Reactor, we can see how two corrupt OTC brokers take in funds from criminal sources.

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On the far left, we see funds start at a criminal entity, move through an intermediary wallet, and then move to two OTC brokers, both of whom are on our Rogue 100 list. The OTC brokers then move the funds to Huobi, most likely to be converted to cash.  

We can also see in Reactor that corrupt OTC brokers frequently transact with one another. Below is an example looking at three OTC brokers from the Rogue 100. 

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These may simply be transactions being executed on behalf of legitimate OTC clients. However, we know from our on-the-ground intelligence that money launderers and other criminals often execute large transactions with one another in attempts to “fool” blockchain analysis software like Chainalysis by artificially lowering their exposure to criminal wallets — this could be an example of that. 

While it’s difficult to estimate what percentage of all cryptocurrency is sent from criminal wallets to OTC brokers, our analysis shows that OTC brokers who carry out a significant percentage of all Bitcoin transactions are receiving illicit funds, and behaving in ways that suggest a desire to hide the nature of their transactions. 

What can the cryptocurrency industry do about OTC brokers and money laundering?

The money laundering infrastructure driven by OTC brokers enables nearly every other type of crime we cover in our Crypto Crime Report. After all, if there were no way for bad actors to cash out cryptocurrency they’ve received through illegal means, there’d be far less incentive for them to commit crimes in the first place. That would mean not only fewer victims affected by crimes, but would also help improve cryptocurrency’s reputation as the industry seeks to work with regulators and traditional financial institutions and drive increased adoption.

Luckily, there are steps that law enforcement agencies, regulators, and cryptocurrency businesses can take to start stamping out money laundering. It all starts with transparency. Money laundering, especially in the fiat world, is typically thought of as a black box one can only open and begin to understand by getting a search warrant and poring over a suspect’s bank records. But with blockchain analysis tools like Chainalysis, we can analyze transactions recorded on the blockchain and get insight into how criminals are laundering funds much faster, as we show above. Law enforcement agents and regulators need to become experts in this technology in order to start fighting money laundering in cryptocurrency. 

We also call on exchanges to carry out more extensive due diligence on OTC brokers and other nested services operating on their platform. Most large exchanges, including Huobi and Binance, are already collecting KYC information on customers, as they’re required to do by law in most jurisdictions. Our analysis shows that they need to extend that scrutiny to OTC desks consistently over time and ensure the OTC desks have effective KYC processes on their customers in order to do their part in the fight against money laundering.

This blog is an excerpt from the Chainalysis 2020 Crypto Crime Report. Click here to download the full document!

A note from Binance

We shared this analysis with Binance prior to publishing this blog. Their Chief Compliance Officer Samuel Lim responded with the note below in italics:

“Binance is committed to cleaning up financial crime in crypto and improving the health of our industry. We will continue to improve on our proprietary KYC and AML technology, as well as the third-party tools and partners we work with, to further strengthen our compliance standards.

One of our core values at Binance is to protect our users, whether it’s improving platform security or halting suspicious transactions. We recognize our ongoing responsibility to ensure the integrity of our platform and safeguard it from bad actors, including any traders or brokers providing money-laundering services. As global capital flows into crypto, we are aware of the growing trend and movements of illicit funds, and we are working with like-minded partners such as Chainalysis to improve on existing systems and address these concerns.

In every jurisdiction that we operate in, Binance is compliant and adheres to local regulations and KYC requirements. We have built trust among regulators, financial institutions and the public through our developments and values, and we will continue to raise the bar in addressing AML compliance to the highest standard and across the largest asset coverage.”

Bitcoin’s growing energy problem: ‘It’s a dirty currency’

Elon Musk has highlighted the cryptocurrency’s environmental impact and governments are starting to take notice

FINANCIAL TIMES Katie Martin in London and Billy Nauman in New York May 20th

On the shores of Seneca Lake in upstate New York, a private equity company has bought a decommissioned coal power plant and converted it to burn natural gas. It then switched it back on to become what it describes as a “power plant-cryptocurrency mining hybrid”.

Greenidge Generation Holdings, the company behind the plant, plans to go public later this year, saying it expects to become “the only US publicly listed bitcoin mining operation with its own power source”.

In a presentation to investors, it says its direct line in to the Empire Pipeline system for gas allows it to produce coins for just $3,000 a pop — a hefty margin considering that even after a heavy recent drop on a possible crackdown from Chinese regulators, they sell for about $40,000.

The company says it is proud of shifting away from coal. It is looking to buy more power plants and vastly scale up operations. Climate activists, however, are aghast that fossil fuels will be burnt to mine crypto, and are pushing regulators to clamp down on this and other similar projects to prevent a surge in greenhouse gas emissions. 

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But no activist has so far had such a profound impact on awareness of bitcoin’s carbon question as Elon Musk, the Tesla chief executive so fond of bitcoin that he loaded up his corporate coffers with $1.5bn of the cryptocurrency.

Musk said last week he had changed his mind, and reversed plans outlined in February to accept bitcoin for payments for his vehicles. “Cryptocurrency is a good idea on many levels and we believe it has a promising future, but this cannot come at great cost to the environment,” he said.

The statement generated a backlash from bitcoin believers, some of whom have made huge returns from early bets on the asset class and see it as the future of money. Crypto proponents have accused him of ignorance over mining methods or of seeking to protect the shadowy interests of big government. A new crypto coin named “FuckElon” has appeared.

To academics who for years have been measuring bitcoin’s energy intensity, however, Musk has simply pointed out an established truth, albeit in his eccentric manner. It is a question so far largely ignored by governments, by heavy-hitting environmental charities, and by the banks and exchanges that facilitate the vast cryptocurrency industry.

“Bitcoin alone consumes as much electricity as a medium-sized European country,” says Professor Brian Lucey at Trinity College Dublin. “This is a stunning amount of electricity. It’s a dirty business. It’s a dirty currency.”

Economic authorities are starting to take notice. The European Central Bank on Wednesday described cryptoassets’ “exorbitant carbon footprint” as “grounds for concern”. In a paper earlier this month, Italy’s central bank said the eurozone’s payments system, Tips, had a carbon footprint 40,000 times smaller than that of bitcoin in 2019.

Measuring precisely how dirty bitcoin is has become a cottage industry in itself. The latest calculation from Cambridge university’s Bitcoin Electricity Consumption index suggests that bitcoin mining consumes 133.68 terawatt hours a year of electricity — a best-guess tally that has risen consistently for the past five years. That places it just above Sweden, at 131.8TWh of electricity usage in 2020, and just below Malaysia, at 147.21TWh. 

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The true figure for bitcoin could in fact be much higher; Cambridge’s extreme worst-case scenario calculation, based on miners using the least energy-efficient computers on the market as long as the process is still profitable, has peeled away from its central estimate sharply since November last year as the price of bitcoin has rocketed. The rationale: a rising bitcoin price attracts new miners, and also means that mining with older, less efficient equipment, makes financial sense.

The higher price also means the machines producing bitcoin are forced to complete ever-tougher puzzles in search of their quarry. At the upper limit, bitcoin’s electricity consumption would be about 500TWh a year. The UK consumes 300TWh. About 65 per cent of the crypto mining comes from China, where coal makes up around 60 per cent of the energy mix.

Naturally, there is space for disagreement on these statistics, and all studies on the issue accept elements of uncertainty. “There’s a lot of shades of grey,” says Michel Rauchs, a research affiliate who works on the Cambridge index.

Rauchs points out that a slice of the mining in China comes from clean hydroelectric power, including with machines that are transported from the north to the south of the country on trucks each year in the wet season. That hydro power is not necessarily diverted from anywhere else; some of these power stations were founded for factories that no longer exist, Rauchs says. In those cases, “I don’t see that it’s necessarily a problem”, he adds. About 75 per cent of miners use some kind of renewable energy, Cambridge studies show, but renewables still account for less than 40 per cent of the total energy used. Some mining may also be conducted off-grid, making it harder to track.

All this nuance makes a difference. Still, the possibility of global official intervention to cut the industry’s energy consumption is an “existential threat”, says Rauchs. 

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Machines on overdrive

Energy consumption on some scale is a feature, not a bug, of bitcoin — a digital currency launched by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto 12 years ago. Its detachment from the global financial and governmental system — still the most alluring feature for users seeking anonymity or wishing to bypass central banks — means it needs a new way to establish trust and security.

It does this by awarding miners coins in return for intensive puzzle-solving on the blockchain, making it a so-called “proof of work” coin. The puzzles are sufficiently hard to prevent hackers and other nefarious actors from taking control of the network, and the faster that miners can submit random numbers into the bitcoin algorithm, the more likely they are to unlock the coins. This all demands powerful machines running at full tilt.

Luckily for bitcoin miners with access to cheap energy and efficient machines, it is usually worth it. The price of bitcoin has dropped by about $30,000 apiece since the peak last month, but it has climbed by more than 200 per cent since late 2020 and more than 1,000 per cent since 2019.

Bitcoin is not the only energy-intensive cryptocurrency, but it is by far the biggest. Others include litecoin, ether and the light-hearted but rapidly growing dogecoin — initially an internet joke based on a Shiba Inu dog.

A March 2020 study by energy research journal Joule said bitcoin accounted for about 80 per cent of the market capitalisation of “proof of work” coins, of which an estimated 500 exist, and about two-thirds of the energy. “Understudied currencies add nearly 50 per cent on top of bitcoin’s energy hunger, which already alone may cause considerable environmental damage,” the study claimed.

Some cryptocurrencies are seeking to shift to a less energy-intensive “proof of stake” model, where a system allocates coins to verifiers, akin to miners, who put up coins for collateral. In the event of fraud, verifiers stand to lose their stakes, establishing trust through this channel rather than through energy-intensive “work”. Ether, the cryptocurrency native to the ethereum blockchain network, has been working on a shift to this model for more than two years, but the project is dogged by technical difficulties. Musk has also dangled the possibility that he could back other coins with a lighter energy impact. 

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A greener version of bitcoin is, in theory, possible. Bitcoin’s code could switch to a less energy-intensive consensus mechanism, whereby a new section of the blockchain ledger underlying the cryptocurrency would follow different rules. However, every miner would need to switch for the new path to work. Industry insiders say it is hard to imagine the entire bitcoin community, which is peppered with disagreements, lending support to such a plan.

Other ideas, such as labelling individual bitcoins as clean or dirty depending on the energy used to mine them, would also be hard to verify, and create a two-tier bitcoin system that was likely to lack support. Recommended FT News Briefing podcast9 min listen Fears of regulation lead to cryptocurrency chaos

“Bitcoin could be the first inefficient version of a disruptive technology,” says Dr Larisa Yarovaya, a lecturer at Southampton university. “It should die for the common good of the planet and be replaced by a new model. It consumes more electricity than a country. All the rest is detail.”

Yarovaya, a former Russian Paralympic swimmer, frequently fields criticisms of her analysis and motivations from bitcoin proponents. She is undeterred, however. “It’s common sense,” she says. “[The energy consumption] is not justifiable by the high price of bitcoin. It is a speculative asset. It does not create a substantial amount of employment. It’s not widely used for transactions.”

Such concerns have not, however, sparked high-profile campaigning from environmental groups. Friends of the Earth, an advocacy group, says it is still getting to grips with the issue, as is Greenpeace, whose US arm started accepting bitcoin donations in 2014. After inquiries from the Financial Times, Greenpeace says it will now scrap the facility, which has not been heavily used. “As the amount of energy needed to run bitcoin became clearer, this policy became no longer tenable,” says Greenpeace.

Validation concerns

Environmental concerns have also not deterred a clutch of investment banks from entering the sector, despite their public commitments to sustainable development goals: Citigroup said recently it was exploring what role it could play in crypto services; Goldman Sachs has reopened bitcoin derivatives trading; and Morgan Stanley plans to offer clients access to bitcoin funds. None of these banks wished to comment on the issue of energy consumption.

Yarovaya says public companies dabbling in cryptocurrencies have served to “validate” the asset class, pumping up prices and in turn indirectly cranking up the energy usage. “They need to explain themselves,” she says, adding that cryptocurrency buyers should also take individual responsibility for their contribution.

Nigel Topping, who was appointed by the UK government to co-ordinate with businesses over climate goals ahead of the COP26 talks later this year, says bitcoin is not likely to be on the agenda for climate discussions among governments in Glasgow, but it is starting to become a real issue in broader policy discussions. “It’s becoming one of the climate baddies,” he says. “People who care about climate are in a bit of dismay. It’s just a silly idea. Proof of work is proof of burning [fossil fuels]. It’s working directly against what we’re trying to do.” 

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The UN is also looking at ways it can prevent the growth of cryptocurrencies from undermining its work on climate change, and is supporting the “Crypto Climate Accord” initiative, led by the Rocky Mountain Institute, says Topping. The group is not aiming to slow innovation in digital finance, but wants to ensure that future blockchain-based projects are designed to consume less energy.

Max Boonen, a former banker and founder of cryptocurrency trading platform B2C2, says “there’s a cost” to the environment from this industry, some of which is balanced out by the benefits of bitcoin’s “censorship resistance”.

Do crypto market participants worry about the energy usage? “Not in the slightest,” says Boonen. “Anyone in this market feels comfortable enough about the environmental costs. If you think it’s a problem, you don’t participate.” Nonetheless Boonen says he considers himself to be an environmentalist. He offsets some of the carbon involved in his work through “effective altruism”, such as donations to charities.

Bitcoin proponents remain convinced that the benefits outweigh the costs, arguing that cryptocurrencies provide the basis for the financial system of the future. Some, such as Jack Dorsey’s Square and Cathie Wood’s Ark Investment, argued in a white paper that the bitcoin network could in fact incentivise the more rapid development of renewable energy. “Increasing bitcoin mining capacity could allow the energy provider to ‘overbuild’ solar without wasting energy,” the paper said.

Banks and asset managers keen to meet client demand for crypto services are looking at carbon offsets. Much heavier reliance on renewable energy would soften the blow, but would still draw criticism by diverting clean power from other parts of society. After protests by residents and green NGOs, the Greenidge project in New York state announced plans to make its bitcoin generation carbon neutral by buying carbon credits. The company says it is “committed to exploring and investing in renewable energy initiatives across the country”.

Mandy DeRoche, an attorney at Earthjustice, which is campaigning against this and other resurrections of what she calls “zombie” fossil fuel-based power plants, says Greenidge buying credits is “irrelevant” considering the amount of greenhouse gases emitted, and the time has come for a more serious look at potential regulation.

“People can get distracted by, like, ‘what is bitcoin and what does it do?’ Honestly I don’t care what bitcoin does. I care that it is hugely energy-intensive, and that there are maybe better ways to go about bitcoin mining than this very inefficient, very energy-intensive process,” she says.

Ahmed Hamdhan

Former Microsoft Executive | Angel Investor - Private Equity | Technology Architect | Strategic IT Advisor | Fintech, HealthTech, Cybersecurity, Web 3.0, Blockchain AR/ VR

3 年

I respect your comments and would like to draw a parallel fiat currency too. While the energy factor will need to be addressed. It too is used by the underworld and for illegal and under the table transactions. Tracing and trailing is almost impossible where digital currency provides traceability and transparency. Around the world we are considering moving towards digital currency and should consider the impacts and study how we can manage the challenges. We cannot call use of one type of currency as good or bad. Every one has a choice on how to use a trading commodity. Some will use it for food and others for a variety of other purposes and we may like some and disagree with others ...

Patrício Correia

Advisor at Angola's Constitutional Court

3 年
Patrick McConnell

Author, Consultant, Dr. Business Administration

3 年

Grant Halverson It's 'End of Days' for cryptos. It's been a sham all along "While crypto hasn’t proved useful as a medium of exchange for the law-abiding, blockchain, the distributed ledger technology that underlies crypto, is more promising. For example, the current payment system is comparatively slow, costly and often controlled by big banks and credit and debit card processors." Lazy, lazy journalism - just echoing the clickbait without any independent analysis Mind you they have an good point with the USA and its antiquated payments systems, but the USA is NOT the world!


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