Bitcoin (BTC): Shaping Global Base Money and Freedom of Speech
Bitcoin (BTC) currently stands on the list of the world's base currencies alongside Gold, Silver, and major global Fiat currencies. A monetary base forms from how much of the currency circulates in the balance sheets of central bank reserves, which makes BTC's presence on this list remarkable.
Existing for only around 15 years now, it's remarkable that Bitcoin now competes with monetary bases established over the past couple of centuries and millennia. Considering this trajectory, it follows that Bitcoin would only be a few quantum leaps away from establishing itself as the world's dominant base money.
This is not too far-fetched, considering Bitcoin has maintained, for a decade and a half, its security and stability, remaining flexible and unhacked throughout the evolving landscape of its nearly two-decade-long existence.
Bitcoin Is The Finest Expression of Freedom of Speech
"Bitcoin is code. Code is speech, and speech is protected under the US Constitution's First Amendment Law."
Not only does Bitcoin, serve as an open-source financial system, it also acts as a communicative and associative utility network, safeguarded by the Freedom of Expression and Freedom of Association clauses in the American Constitution.
A non-financial message from Satoshi Nakamoto inscribed on the first BTC block continues to emphasize the network's use as a medium of communication.
When individuals choose to participate in the crypto world of Bitcoin, they are opting into an alternative 24/7 global monetary movement where transactions are immune to censorship and freezing by central intermediary authorities.
Bitcoin not only functions as a remarkable monetary base but also offers a superior, more efficient, and seizure-resistant currency.
Bridging Technology and Currency
Bitcoin's self-custody properties, together with its open-source DNA and fixed supply cap of 21 Million coins ensure that it develops into a unique asset class secured by its distributed network of individual computer nodes each of which audits and verifies the Bitcoin blockchain.
Having a fixed, predictable supply makes BTC better money, with a superior monetary policy to the existing fiat standard where central banks can print money at will, gradually inflating away the value of whatever fiat currently circulates in the central bank and government-backed reserves.
Bitcoin is to Money what E=MC2 is to Physics - a pure constant that forms the foundation from which other laws and standards can launch. Software engineers and writers for instance can code monetary and economic solutions much more swiftly than it takes the traditional banking system to address emerging problems.
The more the incumbent regime seeks to firm its regulatory grip around the global monetary, energy, and food systems, the higher the demand for BTC and similar alternative technologies rises. Bitcoin's institutional and retail adoption curve will stabilize its price volatility, making it an even more compelling option to go into.
1 年That is a very outrageous opening sentence. Very outrageous!