BITCH #Busy in The Control Hub
What is a bitch? The word BITCH can be assigned many definitions and defined in numerous ways.
One characterization of a bitch is mean woman. Another definition is a female dog.
But what really is a BITCH? My means: 'Busy in the Control Hub'.
A controlling and domineering person can be a BITCH according to my new definition. This definition can apply to men and women and to whatever pronoun people can imagine.
A has one main area of focus, which is over-managing other people. Some women would actually find this supervisory stature to be a source of great pride and as a demonstration of accomplishment = Busy In The Control Hub.
I have attended a lot of events over the past few years; probably, at least two thousand or more events; ranging from business networking events, presentation events to conferences and trade shows. While at these events I met many people, male and female, some people who even though they were not actually on staff at the event venue decided to tell people 'what was what' and 'who was who'. These (Busy in the Control Hub) people believed, mistakenly though, but nevertheless firmly perceived that they were in control of the event and had the right to manage the event and even went so far as to tell other event attendees where to stand and what to say. To this style of unsolicited behavior, I say: .
To seem nice and agreeable many people, in society and even at events, in a professional setting, will 'just take it'. They will accept the 'showcase of crazy let loose' personified in a person that is . This humility and humbleness is counterproductive, because it allows this personality to grow with each interaction.
I also attended clubs in Toronto and have encountered hashtag#BITCH personality types there, in some cases men who were in attendance acted as though they were hashtag#BITCH. 'These frauds' who decided to tell people where to stand and who could approach the VIP sections, even though they were not on the security or management staff. It seemed to me to as though they were trying to represent as the hashtag#MFWIC (Mother F’r What's in Charge ) or boss: of the space.
I don't know why some people, those who act can't just let other people live. 'Just live'. Don't worry where other people are standing, don't worry about what other people are saying: 'just live and let others live freely'. You don't have to be . Especially, at the club or in a party setting, know person, other than the host or someone designated by the host of the event, has any right to demean or control the words or behavior of others. These personalities will stop at nothing to control others, saying: 'This space is for VIP's', even though the VIP sectioned off area is distant from where the person being bothered by the referee is standing.
But even where there is no VIP section, actors will take every opportunity to tell people what to say, what not to say, how to dress, how to eat food and even how to use the washroom. What the heck? Is this area of space not beyond supervision and management? Not to a self-appointed manager of all spaces and venues. It is the mindset of a boss that they are the 'world police' of all words and behavior, even though they are self-appointed. 'Insane in the brain' mindset.
My advice to you is, if you encounter a boss, is to run the other way or walk away or remove yourself from any interaction from the boss. Any engagement with the boss will only result in conflict and escalation of the volatile situation. Just 'ditch the ' and move onto other discussions or activities. Don't let a boss bring you down.