Botswana Investment and Trade Centre
Driving Botswana's economic growth through investment promotion and attraction,export promotion & development.
As part of its robust investor aftercare programme, BITC through the Francistown Office and in collaboration with SPEDU, visited companies in Tuli Block. This is part of the planned visits to companies that are done with the aim to offer support to business and appreciate any issues that may be an impediment to doing Business in Botswana. Issues that are normally raised by clients during the aftercare visits form part of the advocacy agenda that BITC drives in an effort to lobby for policy change or changes in law.
The following are some of the companies that were visited; Lucerne Fields, JP Roos Farm, Seleka Farms, African Ranches 5, Vergi Block, Lotsane Safaris, Two Rivers, Mane Blocks, Limpopo Lipadi, Kwadiwa Ranch and Kwenantle Farms. These are all operational businesses ranging from game farming, horticulture and tourism facilities of hospitality.
Because of its nature as a freehold land, Tuli Block was for the longest time known only by a few. A lot of farms were not accessible as most often, one would be cautioned by big sign on the gate, “Private Property, No trespassing.” This changed in recent years when these farms became production land and most tourism facilities being open to the public. This saw Tuli Block becoming a region that most Batswana started taking note of, especially that it also offers the Big Five and it is much closer to most cities, towns and villages. Like the Ngami and Chobe regions, Tuli Block offers exquisite tourism experiences such boat cruises, game drives and cycle tours.
Over time, Tuli Block as positioned itself as the breadbasket of Botswana, especially when it comes to horticultural produce like potatoes, beetroot, onions, carrot, watermelons, tomatoes and all other vegetables that as common in supermarket shelves. In recent years, most farmers have expanded their productive land to a point where one farm like lucerne Fields, can supply the whole country with carrots and beetroots, while other farms such as Virgi Block can supply the whole country with potatoes during their season. This has placed Tuli Block among the top production areas in Botswana.?
Speaking about the visits, Mr Thanolo Lekoba, Manager – Business Services, North expressed his delight at the level of production taking place in Tuli. “I am very excited to have taken part in this initiative. This is more so because this was my first interaction with most of the farmers since coming to the north region office. We are committed to assisting farmers to overcome any operational challenges they have highlighted,” asserted Mr Lekoba. END