A bit of resilience for Digital Transformation
Do you think that financial markets are under crisis nowadays?
Corporations facing tough times?
Economic growth under pressure?
Well,… Not at all actually,…
Despite the alarm bells and sensation seeking analysis of some economists and experts we are in the peak of economic growth and well-being after 2008 crisis.
You need proof? Look at the evolution of the markets, the Dow Jones for example:
Source: https://www.macrotrends.net/1358/dow-jones-industrial-average-last-10-years
Pretty obvious, right?
So why is all this whining and “we are facing tough times” drama?
Well, current economic cycle differs from previous ones by one major trend: the tremendous technological evolution.
Current Tech. and Digital evolution disrupts the relationship between customer and companies completely.
Everybody is trying to provide a smooth, simple and fun communication channels to their customers.
Adopting new tech. and software to enhance their operational margin, manage their operations and face the 24/7 connection needs with their clients.
But the incentive is not that tough for the moment.
OK there is a competition to Transform the business model to face the challenges of the new Tech World,…
But you still have your clients, revenues and profits if you are a bit behind,…
Companies who are a bit behind on Digital or Operational Transformation still have their revenues and client base.
But I believe we are approaching the peak of the economical cycle,…
And it is a good thing,…
It is during challenging and difficult times that major innovation take place.
This is where major xTech evolution will take place,…
Exciting times ahead,…