Birthday Fitness Goals, Market Timing & Baby-Stepping into Fear

Birthday Fitness Goals, Market Timing & Baby-Stepping into Fear

Greetings my fellow Life Alchemists!?

This past week I got to release?a Podcast Interview w/ Peter Crone?who has had a huge impact on my life over the last year & a half. I joined his Mastermind at the beginning of 2022 as part of my commitment to myself to do something different so I wouldn't be in the same place a year from then. My participation in Peter's Mastermind led to me finally launching a Fitness & Money Coaching Program -- something that I had been dreaming about for many years. Peter's work is incredible. I highly recommend checking out the podcast to get a taste of some powerful transformation.

Without further ado, let's FML!?Your weekly dose of?actionable tips, tools & strategies to Alchemize your Fitness, Money & Life to the Next Level!

FITNESS:?Use your Birthday as a reason to get in Shape

Who doesn't want to look good in their Birthday Suit on their big day? This is something I've been doing every year for the last several years. 8-12 weeks prior to my birthday on April 30th I'll decide to get in the best shape of my life. I usually set a Body Fat Percentage goal and then I work at achieving it by my actual birthday. This is a very powerful motivator for me, especially the last few years now that I'm older. I've always wanted to be one of those people who is super fit in their 40s and this year I'll be turning 41. I enjoy showing people what's possible. From my experience, a lot of people maintain a limiting belief about their age and how fit they can be. I love helping people break limiting beliefs. Here's an Instagram Reel from my 40th birthday in Tulum last year showing off the?Fit at 40 Bod. So no matter your age for this coming birthday use it as a special date to get in the best shape of your life!

MONEY:?Time in the Market, not Timing the Market

A large part of my investment strategy is just getting as much money as possible into the market as quickly as possible via broad based Index Funds and leaving it there for decades. I have automatic weekly investments set up so I don't even think about it. I'm a big fan of the "set it & forget" strategy as well. That way it always happens no matter how busy I get. Very few people can reliably outperform the market over long time periods. That is why there are only a few well-known big time investors like Warren Buffet. If it was easy everyone would be millionaire investors. And even Warren Buffet is a long-term buy & hold investor. In regards to Day Trading, I've personally never met a successful Day Trader in real life that actually has a net worth of million or more. Sure, I've heard plenty of "stories" about these people but I've never met one in real life. I always ask my coaching clients the same thing about actually knowing any real life Millionaire Day Traders and it's the same with them. They've heard of them, but don't know anyone in real life doing this. However, I have a ton of in real life friends who are self-made millionaires and almost all of them are long-term buy & hold index investors.?

LIFE:?Baby step your way into doing the thing you Fear the most

When I first started out learning to write for my blog I used a simple strategy to get myself over the fear of writing & publishing. I would commit to doing at least 5-minutes of writing every morning first thing before pretty much everything else other than having some caffeine. Sometimes it would be just 5-minutes. Sometimes those 5-minutes turned into 20-minutes, 30-minutes or even a couple of hours. I didn't care. I just got in the habit of doing it every day. I would just keep working on the same blog article.?Eventually those writing sessions turned into full-blown blog articles that I published. I used this same 5-minute strategy to clean up my taxes after getting 6-years behind on them. It was scary as fuck to clean up my taxes after getting so far behind, but I knew I had to do it if I ever wanted to become financially free. So whatever the thing is that you know you really want to do (or should do) that you're afraid to do just commit to doing at least 5-minutes a day first thing for the next month. Within just a few days you'll witness your confidence growing & in a month you might actually be amazed at how far you've come. Pro-tip: just choose one thing, the most important thing right now, and commit to that. If you try to do too many 5-minute baby steps you'll just get overwhelmed and do none of them.

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Sending you all lots of Energy & plenty of Dragon Magic!

Justin "Dragon" Carl


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