A Birthday

A Birthday

A cake with candles generally aglow,

Confetti falling like new snow,

Inflatables drifting in the air,

A day to show the amount we give it a second thought!

A toast to you, a unique day,

With inflatables, gifts, and treats to show,

Grins and giggling swirl all around,

A day to treasure, quite intriguing!

A birthday wish, only for you,

A day of shocks, pristine,

With presents enveloped by strips brilliant,

A day that makes you inexpressibly pleased with light!

A year has passed, one more started,

A birthday loaded up with heaps of tomfoolery,

With an excursion ahead, brimming with charm,

May this year be a focusing light!

A day to celebrate and sparkle,

Like a star that is really heavenly,

With loved ones assembled close,

A day to hold close and hold dear!


