The Birth of Project Help Part III
After almost two years of doing the Project Help campaign for Catholic Charities, filling up all of their SOSvets closets with clothes and accessories like shoes and outerwear and donating to their Unmet Needs Fund, I realized that this was the work I had to do. It made my heart happy to know that I was directly helping our vets and their families...such a noble thing to do.
I did hit a wall at one point when I realized that the donations were not what they could have been...why? Because Project Help was not an was just a campaign. So, with encouragement from some and a lot of evaluating what needed to be done to make it happen, I filed the nonprofit incorporation papers and went for the 501c3 status. I was committed and Project Help, Inc., a 501c3 charity, was born.
Life has never been the same since the day. Once I filed the papers to become a nonprofit company. Project Help took off right away. All of the right people came together to get it off the ground and later, new people helped produce our first video for a gofundme campaign. I wrote the script, Kyle Mitchell directed, filmed and edited the footage. Have a look see:'s a little outdated as our mission is much larger now, but it's still relevant. The girls in the movie are Matina Ypsilantis and Lena li, both students at Mt. Olive High School, The male Marine is Jeremy Curcio and the female Marine is Casey Lyness. All of these kind folks gave their time and effort to make this film. It's only three minutes, so have a look.
Our initial mission was to support homeless vets and their families. Project Help has changed that to include all those who every wore the uniform our our country and now need help.
More about the changes and the ways we are helping and how we are funding our mission and what major projects are on the table and how you can help. Stay tuned for part IV tomorrow.