These birds could teach you a lesson!
Hugh Tafel
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Canmore AB?–?“You’ve got to be kidding me. They’re back doing it again?”
Last year, at about this time, my wife and I were enjoying a nice lunch on our deck, when a baby junco plopped out of a nest from one of our hanging plants, landing on a raised flower bed. The parent birds were chirping away like mad, encouraging the little fledgling to flap its wings and make its way to them, out onto our lawn below.
It’s not often one gets to?witness nature?firsthand like that.
At the end of last month, we finally moved back into our house, after renting it out for the winter. It was at this time, that we finally got some flowerpots hung, much later than usual.
In one of the hanging pots is nice strawberry plant, producing some?delicious fruit.
A week later, we were out on the deck and lo and behold, there was a male Junco flitting about, from the balcony to the eaves and back. Looked like it had something in its mouth.
My wife was concerned it was trying to build a nest in the eavestrough. I duly got out a ladder to check and confirmed, that no, the bird wasn’t that foolish.
Just a few days after this incident, my wife reached out to pluck a ripe berry, when a bird flew out of the plant. She shrieked. I ran to investigate.?What the hell?
I carefully lifted the pot down and peeked inside. There, nestled inside a small, deep nest, were?5 pale blue eggs!
In just 2 short weeks, the pair of juncos had come back, discovered a similar hanging pot in the same spot as the year before, built a nest and laid 5 eggs.
At first, I was thinking –?this is nuts!
But after some thought, I changed my mind.?If it ain’t broke – why fix it??If it worked out fine last year – why not do it this year? I mean, the local ospreys come back and nest atop the same pole near the river, year after year.
Too often, however, we humans do not follow this script.
One of the reasons clients come to see me is that their sales and profits have stalled or even dropped. During my audit of their business, I ask them,?what did they do in the beginning,?to generate leads, customers and new sales?
They’ll tell me a variety of things like networking, advertising, cold-calling, flyer drops etc.
Then I ask, are they still doing those activities.
Guess the percentage that says; “yes”?
That’s right –?less than 20%.
So, the next obvious question is,
Those are good questions for you too.?Even if you are doing well.
If you’d like to do better, are you doing what you did when you started and if not, why not; and how soon can you get started doing it again?
Until next week,
Stay healthy and focus on profit!
- Hugh
The “Profit Accelerator” Expert
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