The B.I.R.D. for conscious leadership
Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

The B.I.R.D. for conscious leadership

What is happening? You ask. How can you even think of moving forward when the last two years have just been about surviving, change was forced onto us extreme and reactively?

The change that is happening in our world can be painful and scary, but it's also an opportunity to grow, a gateway to potential humanity. We've been forced into ways of thinking about work differently than before - many of us are using more creativity while acting more consciously. The new skillset necessary for this type or situation has given us all kinds: individuals who want something different from their career path; organisations looking at how they might better serve customers, using less resources in circular ways; communities coming together around issues common across many neighbourhoods; millions uniting for peace and life...change means different things each time around. We can not act solo, nor in silos anymore. We know way too much to go back to sleep, and we have so little time to waste any more of our potential. Power lies in our ability to learn and change together. We can succeed together as one team - no matter what situation arises!

You're (or you want to be) a leader who leads from the heart, helping others find their own voices and live lives that make them happy. You need courage to face today's challenges head-on, despite the fear with no hesitation!?We all do—it’s what makes us human! In order for organisations (whether we like it or not) there needs be an element of risk taking because innovation for life comes only when someone takes chances on new ideas.

Leadership is about more than just knowing what to do, it's also a question of how we go into the world and bring our "life affirming" values with us. Now is not the time to shrinking yourself. The world needs leaders who are unapologetically themselves, and activists for peace & life! You can be one of them!

In these uncertain times it's important that we stay true our essence, with a north star or couple of stars; there're four of them that I call “B.I.R.D.”. These four stars shall be your compass for conscious leadership and organisational transformation journeys:

1-BE LOYAL TO YOUR COMMUNITIES: Loyalty to the values of your community is key. What are these core values and how can you create meaningful value? Obsess about this! It's important to think about the lives that?are affected by what we do. Our communities extend beyond just our employees and clients, but also include children of this earth as well mother nature herself! It is not only the right thing to do and it will make you more valuable as a brand and as a company, as well as it will energise you, and make you resilient only to serve to what matters most in life!?

2-INNOVATE YOUR CULTURE: Do you want peace in the world? Start with your own organisation and leave behind the controlling patriarchal ego structures. Expect and lead a shift towards fluid, non-hierarchical structures and more project based working. The members (not human resources) work together towards their collective goals with energy that cannot be matched by any other kind or style in existence today! To be a member of this type of organisation is to feel in-powered, supported and inspired. This is the only way forward to attract and collaborate with the best talents, and partners within and beyond your ecosystems.

3-R.I.P. BUSINESS PLANS: What do you when the world is not planned out, numbers and business plans are useless? In a time where everything is changing so fast it feels impossible to keep up with what's happening around us - how can we possibly make decisions that will make sense today, and last long enough so that we might have a better chance to live more than a decade in Earth? You can't keep doing things the same way when everything including your business is going through major changes. Your revenue models, supply chains and channels are different now, and will be different in 202∞ so you have to let go of everything else that's not working for this new environment while also focusing on what does move forward - which means flexing some design muscles and changing our thoughts too! Imagine what a world that values both your well-being and the business's profits would be like. How can money exist for the wellbeing of all- without harming people, planet or compromising needs?

4-DO YOU: You are the seed of your business, you can grow a forest! To be successful in this time where organisations are being reinvented while individuals must lead new lives as well. It's time to work on yourself first. Get in tune with what makes YOU happy and healthy so that we have enough energy for our loved ones as well- this includes taking care both physically but also mentally/emotionally before worrying about other people who may not be feeling 100%. We all have the power to create peace in our lives. It starts with how you think, talk and act every day- that's leadership at its best!

These times of uncertainty and speed call for innovative leaders who are not afraid to step out in new ways. These four aspects should serve as the backbone of your leadership, and we have an invitation for you: The Heroines.

We are The Heroines.?

We believe that humanity deserves better than what's been imposed on it so far, with each new year comes an opportunity for change - and now is ours! Now more than ever we must unite all people into one human family; regenerators not only of our circumstances but also for living in harmony instead against one another…?

We have been re-inventing organisations from within ourselves - taking on new shapes & forms while still holding onto our essential selves--all qualities needed leadership in this time where everything seems possible again…

The Heroine's Journey will be "out of your comfort zone" and “rewarding" when you see how quickly these ideas can come alive through business design, cultural innovation, most importantly self awareness and wellbeing. And while wellbeing may seem trivial next to some global issues, we are the environment that needs an immediate attention and regeneration, with holistic knowledge of how everything affects one another interdependently.

We are The Heroines.?

We have been exploring new paths, discovering our true potential and reimagining what it means to lead integrating feminine energy in our masculine reflexes of doing business. Now you can join us on this journey as we make waves with conscious business design; create cultural innovation that breaks barriers between cultures (and wows everyone); heal through holistic wellbeing like breath work & 5D values or try non-cruelty products once-and never look back--into beauty products made from plants only :)

In 2022 let's meet in the online journey (next lab is starting on August 29th) or in Heart Masters Ibiza (17-21st of September)---in action!!

With love, joy & courage,


Let's Meet / Website / Linkedin / Instagram


