Birchstone Brief for the week ended 19 May 2023
ATO Updates
Class rulings issued
The ATO has issued:
TR 2005/5 updated regarding Australia’s taxing rights over Australian interest income derived by foreign resident financial institutions
TR 2005/5A2 finalises TR 2005/5DC2 (covered in the Birchstone Brief for the week ended 23 September 2022) and amends TR 2005/5 to clarify the Commissioner’s view regarding when Australia has the right to tax US and UK resident financial institutions in respect of Australian sourced interest income under Australia’s DTAs with those countries. The updated ruling will also apply to financial institutions from other countries whose DTAs with Australia include a financial institution interest withholding tax rates exemption or reduction on identical terms to the US and UK agreements.
Draft PCG regarding intangibles arrangements updated
PCG 2023/D2 revises and replaces PCG 2021/D4 (covered in the Birchstone Brief for the week ended 21 May 2021) and sets out the ATO’s proposed compliance approach to intangibles arrangements involving international related parties. It contains:
The draft guideline is proposed to apply both before and after its date of issue when finalised.
Amnesty program for small business lodgments to commence
Following its announcement in the 2023-24 Federal Budget (covered in the Birchstone Brief for the week ended 12 May 2023), the ATO has published website guidance on the small business lodgment penalty amnesty.
Decision Impact Statement – Buddhist Society case
The ATO has released a Decision Impact Statement (DIS) on the Federal Court’s decision in The Buddhist Society of Western Australia Inc v Commissioner of Taxation (No 2) [2021] FCA 1363.
In the DIS, the ATO accepts the Court’s decision that the Commissioner misunderstood the ordinary meaning of the word ‘school’ in making its decision to revoke the taxpayer’s DGR endorsement. Consistently with that decision, the Commissioner:
The ATO will:
Tschierschky v FCT [2023] AATA 1201 – AAT upholds administrative penalties for recklesness
The AAT has:
Land Tax Assessment Amendment (Build-to-Rent) Bill 2023 (WA) introduced
A Bill has been introduced into the WA Legislative Assembly which will, if enacted into law, amend the Land Tax Assessment Act 2002 (WA) to provide a 50% exemption from WA land tax for 20 consecutive assessment years for eligible build-to-rent developments.
To qualify for the exemption, a development must meet the following requirements:
A proportional exemption will be available where parts of a development are used for non-qualifying purposes. The exemption will also be retrospectively removed if a development ceases to qualify for the exemption within the first 15 years – with the effect that the owner(s) will be required to repay any previously exempt land tax.
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